Crazy 8’s Meme

By , April 29, 2009 6:43 am

Look! Another meme! I’ve seen this one going around the internet A LOT lately, and I finally got tagged for it… by Bethany!

I have to be honest. I usually skim memes. Or just mark them as read. So if you do the same for me, I understand.

Although, this one was interesting to fill out, because I really had to think hard about what to put on these lists! And I am sure as the day goes on, I will think of even more things to add.

8 Things I am looking forward to:

  1. The Kenosha Half Marathon this Saturday!
  2. Seeing my parents this weekend.
  3. Going to SELF’s Workout in the Park with Diane on 5/16.
  4. Spending time on the Mississippi River this summer.
  5. Going to Disney World in January.
  6. Doing the 30 Day Shred for 30 consecutive days (starting 5/1) and getting shredded!
  7. Trying a vegan diet.
  8. Seeing X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Star Trek, Angels & Demons, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Terminator Salvation this summer.

8 Things I did yesterday:

  1. Got caught up at work!!!
  2. Blogged. Read blogs. Added new blogs to my reader. Felt guilty for being addicted to blogging.
  3. Talked to my coworker about doing a sprint triathlon.
  4. Listened to Jillian Michaels’s podcast.
  5. Ran 4 miles with Steven.
  6. Ate homemade Mexican Food for dinner.
  7. Got sick and spent a lot of time on the toilet.
  8. Started watching Lady in the Water and wondered, “Is this lame movie going anywhere?!?!”

8 Things I wish I could will do*:

  1. Run a marathon in 2009.
  2. Finish logging in my IDP** credits.
  3. Learn how to style my hair.
  4. Work harder at communication with Steven.
  5. Experiment more in the kitchen.
  6. Try yoga. Try slowing down.
  7. Maintain my weight loss.
  8. Get more sleep!

8 Shows I watch:

  1. I don’t watch television, but I do own all 6 seasons of Sex and the City.

Play along if you want!

*Modified that one a bit!
**It’s an architecture thing.

15 Responses to “Crazy 8’s Meme”

  1. Bethany says:

    Funn!! (well except for question 2.7, that’s not ever fun) Glad you participated!

    I thought it was an interesting meme to do as well– why was it so hard to come up with 8 things for each category!?

  2. Bethany says:

    Oh, and sorry that I hadn’t come to tag you yet… I was coming over here to tell you you’d been tagged, and you already had your post up. You’re fast!!!

  3. Beth says:

    I’m telling you, that picture of me would be scary. But I guess that’s the point. Especially because I have this huge ass zit on my nose. I am 42 and have a zit. Nice.

  4. Jess says:

    Wow, you have so much to look forward to! That is awesome.

  5. I knew exactly what IDP was, since Mr. P is an architect (intern)…he has all his IDP credits, but is delaying the exam. He got promoted to project manager at his firm, and he isn’t sure he wants to go back to the design side, he LOVES being on-site.

  6. diane says:

    Ugh, I got sick to my stomach last night too! And we ate at Chili’s! (I had soup though, and I was feeling lousy beforehand…)
    This totally got me thinking about what I want to accomplish beginning May 1st–at least fitness wise! Also..E and I were thinking about going up to Kenosha Friday night and cheering you on in the morning. I need to check the train schedule…hopefully that wouldn’t be weird!

  7. Jo says:

    I love Sex and the City. I never heard of a Manolo Blahnik before that show, or half the designers, and will never dress like that–but I just really loved the show. lol

  8. diane says:

    Oh, and we can totally do Yoga at the Self Workout in the Park! Yeah!!!

  9. Alice says:

    looking forward to: being able to master some of the skills i’ve been learning @ my pole dancing class, so as to look intriguing and sexy and not ungainly and hilarious

    did yesterday: looked ungainly and hilarious in class

  10. Jen says:

    I only started watching Sex and the City recently, and I really like it! I might go buy the first season on DVD just so I can actually understand how the series started. 😛

    Great meme answers!

  11. Susan says:

    Excited for Saturday!! So far, so good!

  12. sizzle says:

    I like how you shared that you spent time on the toilet. Ha!

  13. kilax says:

    Bethany – I was surprised how hard it was to come up with things for each category. I really like the first one though – it is good to take time and remember what you have to look forward to!

    Jess – I think so too! I hope the list grows! I bet you would have an equally long list!

    Hotch Potchery – It is interesting that once you have had some experience your opinion on becoming licensed may change. It is the major goal for some people, but it is not required for everyone. I don’t need it where I am, but I will probably go for it, eventually, just to have it.

    diane – We had some phantom sickness! Did you feel better yesterday? I was still a bit “meh.” You should make a May list too! I am so happy a new month starts tomorrow. And it would not be weird at all – it would be AWESOME-O!!!

    Jo – I hadn’t either! I could never dress crazy like Carrie, but it’s such a fun show!

    diane – I just noticed my work gym had fliers for WIP and I was checking out the yoga schedule. I think the first class is called “Virgin Yoga” or something! 😛

    Alice – LOL! I need to work on those specific skills too 😉

    Jen – Be forewarned – the first two seasons are pretty lame – especially the first one! But still fun to watch 😉

    Susan – And today it changed to 0% chance of rain. When I told my husband that, he said – “Well, now we know it will rain for sure.” 😉

    sizzle – Hee hee. Thanks for appreciating my sick humor!

  14. Nat says:

    Good for you for doing the half marathon! I hope to do one myself someday.

    Have fun at the SELF thing in the park! I wish that they would bring it to Oregon.

    You sound like you are a very determined and outgoing person. Good for you for having so many goals!

  15. kilax says:

    Nat – Hi! Thanks for visiting! I try to be determined. Sometimes being tired gets the best of me though! I feel lucky that there are so many events going on in Chicago and that we live nearby.

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