No primping or preparing / Why I love Jillian Michaels

By , April 28, 2009 6:53 am

I’ve been tagged by Mrs. Smith. Here are the rules:

1. Take a pic of yourself right now.
2. No primping or preparing.
3. Just snap a picture.
4. Load the picture onto your blog.
5. Tag some people to play along. I don’t tag, but participate if you want!

This is me, when I woke up at 5:00 am, sans makeup! (See how wavy my hair is, Denise?!)

image: Random Pic of Kim

Of course, Data saw that I was snapping pics with my phone and wanted to get in on the action. I think he cheated though – he was definitely licking himself before he jumped into the photo!

image: Random Pic of Kim and Data

See how tired I look? I look this tired ALL DAY LONG. Even though I put on makeup, try to get enough sleep and drink lots of water… I always look tired. Even when I don’t feel tired.

And… more blabbing – I love Jillian Michaels’s* podcasts. I often feel like she is speaking directly to me, about something I am personally struggling with. Already, I have been able to apply something I listened to last night to a situation this morning. More below…

Last night, after my “I hate who I am becoming” post, I listened to her 3/22 podcast, in which she talked about control (in relation to staying healthy in this economy):

When you’re feeling out of control, the one thing that you CAN control is your body. You can control what you eat, and how you take care of yourself, how much sleep you get, how much relaxation you allow, whether you do your deep breathing/meditation/yoga… this is something that you CAN control when you’re feeling out of control. That is so important – to feel like something is in your realm of control.You can control how you react to a less than great situation.

There are a few things I want to say about this.

First, WOW. That is REALLY what I needed to hear after how I was feeling yesterday.

Secondly, I have a reoccurring meeting every Tuesday at 8:00, so I have to be to my office by 7:30. When I got on the train this morning, they announced that my train was only going two stops (out of 16!), then we would have to get out and walk (in the rain) to transfer to another train line. Apparently, a semi crashed on the highway and caused big pieces of cement to fall onto the train tracks for the train I take, so they were closing it down for awhile.

I started to feel stressed and a bit pissed off, because I wouldn’t get to work on time, and I had to walk in the rain (again). But… it was something that was out of my control! So I just focused on making the best of the situation. Right now, I am sitting on that other train, traveling into the city… it’s really no big deal. Why do I usually let things like that get to me so much?

And the third thing I wanted to say: quite a few months ago (in a 10/28/08 draft that I never posted!), I made the realization of how important being in control is to me. I figured out that I overeat so much when I visit home because things are out of my control – namely my schedule. I am someone who likes to follow a schedule and avoid the unknown (food-wise). When you are with a lot of people, it is extremely difficult to organize a meal (or even an activity). I end up getting frustrated, and just say “forget it.” I just throw in the towel, and give up.

I think I do that in non-food situations too. Not all the time, but sometimes, when I feel like things are out of my control, I just get frustrated with it, and let my wild emotions roll out. Instead of reacting calmly, I let my emotions get the best of me. I totally wear my heart on my sleeve. And something else I have noticed lately is that I let other people’s personal drama (emotions) affect mine, which makes it even worse. When someone approaches me, all panicked and freaked out about something, I start to internalize a bit of that and it turns into stress.

So… I am going to focus on what I can control. My eating, my emotions, my reactions… I am going to focus on thinking about how to react to things, rather than just rushing through things.

*Is this how you use an apostrophe when a last name ends in an “s”?

23 Responses to “No primping or preparing / Why I love Jillian Michaels”

  1. Odie says:

    In answer to your question, it should be “Jillian Michaels’ podcasts”. No need for the extra “s”.

  2. tori says:

    I like to be in control of things too. I am the opposite with food things though, when I feel out of control or stressed, I don’t eat as much as I should. That is why I lost a ton of weight when I found out I had cancer. I can always tell how stressed out I am by how much I weigh.

    I haven’t listened to Jillian Michaels’ podcasts but I love her so much that I should. Especially since you are saying they are good!

  3. kilax says:

    Odie – Thanks! That is what I thought it was, but I found conflicting advice online! Stupid yahoo answers!

    tori – So we are very much the same, just opposite reactions. That is another thing she was takling about from Sunday’s podcast – how anorexic people and people with overeating problems are dealing with the same issues. (Usually). Listen to them if you have time! You can download the mp3s all the way back to December! Here is the link to where you download them – on the “sunday” list –

  4. diane says:

    I love your wavy morning hair, Kim! πŸ™‚
    And the control thing…totally had that conversation with a trainer we both know very early on… πŸ˜‰ But it’s true. When everything is feeling out of control, we can find peace in our little structured routines.
    By the way, I nearly lost it this morning on the train. It was so overcrowded and my train was late and I couldn’t call anybody at work to tell them because we were underground where there’s no reception. Argh. I had to do a lot of self talk to calm down but frankly, it is VERY hard to be a relaxed, Zen person in a city like Chicago!

  5. sizzle says:

    I struggle with issues of control (as so many of my blog posts discuss, like yesterday’s) so I can relate to your feelings. I’m glad you found something that spoke to you. You’re on the right path!

  6. Ashley says:

    When you want to show ownership with a word that ends in “s,” it depends on if that thing is singular or plurar. If it is plural, like you are talking about a jump rope that belongs to a group of girls, it would be the girls’ jump rope. But if a word ends in “s” and is singular, like Jillain Michaels, it would be Jillian Michaels’s podcast. I know, it looks like bad grammar….but my last name ends in “s,” so I did some research and even contacted an English professor for the 411. So, singular = s’s and plurarl = s’.

    Anyway, I really liked reading this post. It is all SO TRUE. I am the same way with control and I have the worst anxiety about things that are out of my control. I need to just realize that there are things out there that I have no control over and instead of stressing about it, I need to focus on how to appropriately deal with it to make the most of things. Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Alice says:

    i didn’t even know jillian michaels did podcasts. she rocks in so many ways.

    i’m too lazy to have control issues, i think… it’s too much trouble for me to care enough if things are going wrong ;-P well, unless i’m late and there’s traffic. THEN i care A LOT and get VERY MOUTHY.

  8. diane says:

    Oh yeah, and as an English nerd, Ashley is completely right.

  9. Christina says:

    That is a great plan there are certain things you can control but there are other things you can work. good luck!

  10. Jo says:

    We are a lot alike.

  11. Jen says:

    I honestly never stopped to think about control in the way that Jillian put it. I’ll try my best to remember this next time I’m stressing in the midst of events I can’t control–at least I can control my eating and my relaxation, so I have a hold on SOMETHING. Maybe I’ll start giving Jillian’s podcasts a listen. They sound enlightening. πŸ™‚

  12. We have the same hair I think. : ) So, I just wanted to let you know that while I don’t have any good advice on how to handle some of your issues, I do find some of your struggles to be somewhat similar to mine. Reading about your issues allows me to reflect on my own issues and look for answers. And just knowing some of your thoughts makes me feel more human. Thanks for putting yourself out there!

    Thank you to Ashley for her really clear puncutation comment. When I watch the news I see “Chris’s weather” and I always thought it should be Chris’ weather. Now I know!

  13. Susan says:

    I really like this post. So it’s easy to get caught up in things that we can’t control, but we really need to focus on what we can control and make the best of whatever else happens. Easier said than done, of course!

  14. Sue says:

    Just put one apostrophe and no extra ‘s’ (ex. Michaels’). I love Jillian! I’m using her 30 Day Shred DVD right now, and although the first day was too much I am doing good here at day three.

    I tend to pick up on other people’s attitudes myself. It’s good when they are calm, but not so good when they are hyped up for some reason. hehe. Just stay aware of this tendency and after a while you’ll be able to stop it before it happens.

    I hardly ever do my makeup, and I sell Mary Kay. I do put on my MK face if I go someplace other than work (I’m a cleaner, third shift, no need for it there!), but otherwise I am comfy being au natural.

  15. kapgar says:

    The “s” thing really depends on if you’re using MLA, APA, or AP style guides. I get conflicting crap all the time. Basically you just have to pick one and stick to it.

    That picture looks great, BTW. Totally put together. Smooth. Suave. All that jazz… good Data. πŸ˜‰

  16. Denise says:

    You have no idea how BEAUTIFUL you are, do you? Even Data thinks so, because cats,as we both know, wouldn’t deem you worthy of a pic with them if you weren’t. πŸ˜€

    I just emailed you about deep breathing and yoga. Great minds think alike!!

  17. Mica says:

    That’s a great philosophy! I hope it helps you with your funk.

  18. LiLu says:

    Awww, KITTEH! And I love your hair all wavy like that πŸ˜‰

  19. marissa says:

    you are sooo naturally beautiful!

  20. awww!!!! you and Data!!!!! too cute!!!
    i was reading your blog and was like, damn!!! how do you keep stealing my thoughts and thinking the same thing as me!!! i think i have to be in control of everything too!! and i get pissed when i can’t be!!! i’m in the middle of a book, happy for no reason, and i’m trying to learn what that the only thing you can control is your reaction to the situation… and your reaction to the situation will determine your mood/how you think/feel about the situation… whether it’s “good” or “bad”… ugh!!! i give you major props though!!! working on it is the only way it’s going to get better!!!

  21. kilax says:

    diane – Thanks πŸ™‚ It only looks somewhat … cute (?) because I am using that product you recommended to me. I do think it is harder in Chicago! I REALLY DO! Just walking to work can be enough to piss me off. Besides people being inconsiderate, there are just inconveniences that are more likely to occur when so many people are around each other! I would have been frustrated about not getting reception too.

    sizzle – I do feel a little better since I read that! And actually, since I read your post and realized I am NOT THE ONLY ONE struggling. Sometimes it just feels better to know that your “issues” are something other people struggle with as well.

    Ashley – I am super confused about the grammar thing now since I am getting conflicting responses! But your explanation makes sense to me! Control must be something that A LOT of people deal with! Maybe they just don’t realize that’s what it is that they are dealing with though. It took me a long time to figure it out! I hope that Jillian’s advice helps you!

    Alice – I think I want to be more like you. More laid back. Who doesn’t get bothered by traffic though?! Pod people?!

    diane – I thought you would know πŸ˜‰

    Christina – Thanks. I hope I can FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY make some progress with this!

    Jo – We are! I am finding I have a lot in common with many bloggers!

    Jen – Try them out! I had never thought about control that way before either, but once I heard it, it was like this light bulb went off in my head!

    Gina (Mannyed) – I am happy that my out of control posts help you reflect somewhat. It makes me feel better knowing I am not the only one. Actually, with the comments I am reading so far, it seems like this is an issue for many people! So, you have crazy wavy frizzy thick hair too? πŸ˜›

    Susan – Thank you πŸ™‚ That is exactly what I’ve felt like lately – too caught up in things. It is SO easier said than done! I hope if I keep working on it I will eventually get better.

    Sue – The first day was super intense for me too! I had to lay down for a bit because my legs were so shaky! I have tried a few MK products. πŸ™‚ I like the Satin Hands stuff. I think I still have some. I am too lazy to use it!

    kapgar – I think I trained on MLA. I still have the books at home. I’ll have to look. LOL. Very funny, Kevin πŸ˜‰

    Denise – Thank you Denise. You’re such a sweetie πŸ™‚

    Mica – I hope so too. I hope it’s just a funk too! HA HA!!!

    LiLu – Thanks! I wish I could control it a bit so I could wear it down and wavy.

    marissa – Thank you so much. You made my day πŸ™‚

    CourtneyInControl – Ha ha! I live in your brain! Muah ha ha! That sounds like a book I should read. I think if I work on my reactions to things, I will be so much better. But even yesterday I found I was quick to react and be pissed off at someone. It is going to be a struggle.

  22. teeni says:

    I think you look adorable! And may I add that you also look thinner! I have not listened to any of Jillian’s podcasts but maybe sometime when I have a bit more time I will since you give them such a good review here. πŸ™‚ Control issues and learning to let go have always been a problem in my family. I hope to continue to get better about these things.

  23. kilax says:

    teeni – Aww, thanks πŸ™‚ The podcasts I mentioned may be of interest to you if that is something you have issues with! Of course, I wish it could be an instant fix. I wish habits (mine) didn’t take so long to break!

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