SELF Workout in the Park

By , May 16, 2009 5:49 pm

Guess who got their full dose of Vitamin D today?

image:Kim's awesome-o sunburn

I did! And Diane probably did too, since we were together all day. I can’t believe I got so red. I usually slather myself in sunscreen. And I even had it in my car today, but was having so much fun, I didn’t put it on. And… that’s how you get skin cancer! I won’t let this happen again. Anyway…

Diane and I went to Grant Park for SELF’s Workout in the Park. It’s a huge workout – they have a main stage set up and everyone follows the workouts. They also had a “quiet zone” (which was right next to the loud speakers for the main stage) to do yoga and pilates, as well as various vendors there.

image:Main Stage workout

The main stage

The weather was absolutely perfect – sunny and blue skies! But the ground was absolutely saturated with water. I wonder if they had two shoe vendors there because they knew buying new shoes was sure to be on everyone’s mind at the end of the day?

image:Muddy Shoes

Our very muddy shoes… and the very muddy ground.

Diane and I tried a few of the main classes (Cardio Tai Box, Movieography, and Million Dollar Knockout) and one “Quiet Zone class – Hippie Yoga. (Jeez, is that all we did? Why do I feel so tired?). I was worried about the yoga, because I’ve only taken ONE yoga class and I got really sick and dizzy at it. This “Hippie” yoga focused on your hips and upper legs, so we didn’t have to do any of that crazy upside down stuff and I REALLY LIKED IT! Maybe I will start doing yoga now? Steven did the P90X yoga for the first time this week and really liked it. He thinks I should try it (but admits he has his doubts about me calming down enough to do it).

image:Diane and Kim

Looking good after working out all day… right? RIGHT?!?!

We kept commenting on how there was such a variety of people there! Different ages, different races, different SIZES – it wasn’t what you would expect to see at a workout. It was empowering to see such a variety of people out there, working on being healthier, together. It encouraged what I already believed – you can get healthy at any size!

Jillian Michaels is a contributing editor (or something?) for SELF now, so she was there. She gave a very short introduction, then signed books for 50 people who had lined up at 5:00 (!!!) in the morning to receive a special ticket to get to meet her. I saw the line of girls there to talk to her, and some looked really emotional. One girl was even crying, as she talked to Jillian. I wonder what it is like to have that much influence on someone… to be that inspirational, I mean.

image:Jillian Michaels

Jillian talking…

image:Jillian and Kim

Me and Jillian. See, I got my picture taken with her! Ha ha ha.

Overall, this was a really fun event. It really got me pumped up, and made me wish I could take a fun class at a gym… with Diane!

22 Responses to “SELF Workout in the Park”

  1. Amy says:

    How cool! That sounds like a really neat outdoor event. Was this a one-time thing?

    You should definitely do yoga again! It’s a workout, let me tell ya.

  2. kilax says:

    Amy – I guess this is the 16th year they’ve been doing it! How cool is that?! Diane and I already want to do it again next year πŸ˜‰ Yoga definitely is a workout! I hope I can find a way to fit it into my schedule πŸ™‚

  3. sizzle says:

    I love yoga! I’m glad you are thinking of trying it again. It actually sounds like a super fun day. I’m glad you two could enjoy it together

  4. That looks like such a completely awesome way to spend a gorgeous Saturday! I wish there was one of those down here. That burn looks ouchy, hope you have some good aloe, or Noxema would work in a pinch.

  5. Mica says:

    Wow, that’s a pretty sweet event!

    Also…I had no idea that you were that close to Chicago. (Apparently I’m oblivious.) I’m 2 hours south. Meet up!

  6. bobbi says:

    Totally off subject here… but you look SO good Kim… SO SO SO good!

    Miss you! πŸ™‚

  7. Kyra says:

    Wow, I had no idea they did that!

  8. Bethany says:

    Wow, sounds like a cool day! I so would not survive…lol. Good for you- and maybe the sunburn will turn into a nice tan..?

  9. kilax says:

    sizzle – I am happy that we took that class and I got interested in it again, because even though I have been reading about how awesome it is, I was still afraid to try it.

    Hotch Potchery – Maybe your area has a similar event? I was telling Diane that there are workouts in the park (hosted by organizations in the city) quite a few times during the summer! What a fun way to workout. I put some aloe on the burn today. It definitely soothed it! I also wore a hat and long sleeves. Hee hee.

    Mica – I live about 50 miles away, but work there, and sometimes go down on the weekends. We SHOULD meet! I have been dying to run along Lake Michigan. Are you game? (Unfortunately, all of my weekends this summer are booked but two, but uh, maybe we can work something out! I WOULD LOVE IT!)

    bobbi – Thanks πŸ™‚ You know I am thinking the same about you – that YOU look good AND that I miss you!

    Kyra – Pretty cool, huh? They did it New York and California this year too.

    Bethany – We definitely took a few breaks to drink water and food! And I even paused during the workouts a bit! ha ha. I am hoping for a tan. Hoping…

  10. diane says:

    I had so much fun!!! Today E. and I went to Old Orchard and I bought two cardio DVD’s at Barnes and Noble–one cardio kickboxing and one martial arts/yoga blend. I am pumped to try both of them! I don’t know why it never occurred to me that I could probably find an aerobic workout video that I actually *like*. Duh.
    I bought some aloe today too. *ouch*

  11. Shaina says:

    This is so awesome! I have always seen stuff about the Self workouts in the park…but sadly have never lived anywhere they have had them. Boo! It seriously looks like so much fun.

    So sorry about the sunburn though…I got one yesterday during our 5 mile hike. Boo!

  12. tori says:

    That looks like such a fun day! I really wish I had been able to go with you guys!

    That thing about people lining up so early to meet Jillian is crazy. I love her a bunch but that is sort of insane!

  13. 1-WOW What an amazing way to spend a gorgeous Saturday! I’m an SPF’er too, love the spray sun tan lotion. I would have turned bright red. Jillian Michaels is an inspiration to me. I listen to her podcasts every week, and it is amazing how real she is on them. You dont hear angry trainer, just real advice.

    2-Lady you look AMAZING!!!! Youve done such hard work, and you are having amazing results!!!

  14. 1-WOW What an amazing way to spend a gorgeous Saturday! I’m an SPF’er too, love the spray sun tan lotion. I would have turned bright red. Jillian Michaels is an inspiration to me. I listen to her podcasts every week, and it is amazing how real she is on them. You dont hear angry trainer, just real advice.
    2-Lady you look AMAZING!!!! Youve done such hard work, and you are having amazing results!!!

  15. Christina says:

    Yoga is an acquired taste but I really miss doing it sometimes. I incorporate it in my work outs but I miss the quiet time.

    I am glad that the event was fun. I forgot it was this weekend. I will have to check it out next year!

  16. javaqueen says:

    Can I please have some of your energy. Could you spare just a bit? OMG, you are so cute! Hope your burn heals fast! Looks like you always have so much fun – this new lifestyle is agreeing with you- you look so happy and healthy, I’m really happy for you!

  17. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    Oh! Now that sounds like a lot of fun. Minus the wet shoes part. Next time, count me in??? !!! =)

  18. kilax says:

    diane – I hope the DVDs are fun! I can’t wait to hear about them! The yoga/martial arts mix sounds interesting!

    Shaina – It’s like we forgot what the sun does to us because we haven’t seen it in so long! I hope yours didn’t make you as sick as mine did today. Ugh. πŸ™

    tori – Maybe next year you won’t be sick and you’ll be free! πŸ™‚ I was not surprised to hear people lined up that early, but the more I think about it, the more I think it must be so overwhelming to have that many people reaching out to you, crying to you, asking for help. I cannot handle one other person’s stress, I wonder how she can handle so many people’s.

    Scale Warfare – I need to try that spray πŸ˜‰ I think her podcasts are so real too. I find something to relate to in them EVERY week. How does she do that. And THANK YOU! πŸ˜€

    Christina – I like how you called it an acquired taste. I bet it is something that will take me awhile to like, then I’ll be hooked πŸ˜‰

    javaqueen – Thank you so much. You are such a sweetie to me πŸ™‚ Come out next year and I will rub some of that energy off! Hee hee.

    SoMi’s Nilsa – We will! If it isn’t muddy! Ha. I still haven’t cleaned my shoes. Meh.

  19. martymankins says:

    Is that the BIggest Lose Jillian? How cool you got to have your picture taken with her… πŸ˜‰

  20. kilax says:

    martymankins – That’s her! Hee hee. Can you tell she wanted to be my bff from the picture? Just kidding! πŸ˜›

  21. Tamara says:

    Thanks for coming out and posting positive comments on this years event. I taught the Million Dollar Knockout demo class this year and last. I know this year had its challenges because it was so much larger than previous years, but some of the peoples comments on other online posts have been not too positive about the lines, give-a-ways, weather, etc.

    I have taught at Self in ’01, ’02, ’04-’09 and I love it! I admit, this year wasn’t as great as the others in lincoln Park, but it was still fun. I can speak for all of the Crunch Instructors when I say, “we all enjoy the enthusiasm and love we get from the participants every year!!”

    …oh, and the sun snuck up on me as well. My shoulders were actually a little red…and I’m black (lol).

  22. kilax says:

    Tamara – Thanks for saying hi! My friend and I LOVED your workout and your upbeat energy! My mom is already saying she wants to come next year and bring all of her coworkers. I am surprised people were complaining! Jeez. I guess some people ALWAYS find something to complain about. LOL. You got red too? Now I feel better.

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