I don’t know where I am, but at least I know how far I’ve gone

By , May 17, 2009 5:12 pm

Apparently, besides worrying about bugs flying down my bra and biting me (yes, that happened today), water from my hydration belt spilling all over my legs (felt kind of good), having to poo (always a concern), and a killer sunburn (totally my fault), I also need to worry about GETTING LOST while I am running.

Today I decided to do an 8-miler close to home, but I chose to explore the neighborhood north of ours (thought that would be FUN). Without looking at a map (first mistake!) I figured it was small and only had two entrances, like ours.

Uh, no.

About 5 miles into the run, I realized I could see a major street that I shoudn’t be able to see. And wasn’t planning on seeing during this run. I knew where I was, but only by the major street – and there was no way I would run on it because of the high speed limit. So I kept heading east then south then east then south (with one long accidental north) until I finally got back to an area I had run by earlier. I was kind of freaking out a little bit, because I was running low on water, but I felt reassured knowing I had my phone and could call Steven for directions. Ha!

Has this happened to any of you?

It was pretty funny when I got home and uploaded the map of my run – I had accidentally run into another neighborhood that I didn’t know was connected to the one north of our house.

If I am wearing a Garmin Forerunner 405, shouldn’t it tell me how to get back home? I mean, it IS a Garmin! It has GPS! Who knows. Maybe it can. I think the new model should have an actual map with directions as well as a thermostat. Just because that would be cool.

And you know what else IS cool? I figured out how to set up the 1-mile lap button on Jack so I can share my splits. Because they are oh so awesome. Not. I tried really hard to start out slow, but I still started out too fast and ended slower than I wanted. I need to work on that. Along with not getting lost.

Distance: 8.01 miles | Time: 1:14:05 | 1: 9:19 | 2: 9:24 | 3: 9:09 | 4: 8:58 | 5: 9:14 | 6: 9:12 | 7: 9:18 | 8: 9:20 | 9: 0:06

18 Responses to “I don’t know where I am, but at least I know how far I’ve gone”

  1. diane says:

    Ha–I did that at my parents’ house once. I ran into a new section of the neighborhood I grew up in, and managed to get all turned around and lost! It took me awhile to figure out how to walk home. Now when I go visit I stick to the old section I know much better!

  2. Bethany says:

    That’s funny and scary at the same time! When I was a nanny way back when, the family had a GPS system. I’d hook it up when the baby didn’t want to nap and just explore, the GPS set on their home location in case I got “lost”. It was REALLY fun. I’ve considered buying a GPS just for that reason– I’m a geek! 😉

  3. Beth says:

    Getting lost is the worst. If you figure out how to map your route with your 405 let me know.

  4. You are a rock star with those splits. I did a “long’ run today, 6 KM!!!

  5. Mica says:

    Oh man, you are not alone! I get lost and then freak out…except I’m usually only one or two miles from home.

    Isn’t the autolap function awesome?

  6. Tony says:

    Glad that you found you way back ok. I am a wimp when it comes to venturing outside of areas I know. I try to scope things out with Google Earth first.

  7. Christina says:

    Wow your time is looking really good!

  8. Amy says:

    Oh my, I get lost all the time, especially in neighborhoods!! They are be so confusing, so you’re not alone on that one! I never look at a map beforehand (bad habit), either.

    BUT at least you had a good run!!! 🙂

  9. Ren says:

    I have done that, but I’ve never ended up running too much extra because of it.

    That is one thing I’m missing on my 405 when compared to my old 201. The 201 had a map view showing where you had gone so far. No streets or anything, but you could see where you started and head there.

    What the 405 *does* have is a “Go back to start” mode (accessible from the GPS section). This pulls up a compass view that points you back the way you came. I was disappointed to find that it just let you backtrack rather than pointing you directly towards your starting point. I wish it had both functions.

    If you know in advance that you’re going to want this function, you can store the starting point as a location (also in the GPS section) and then later choose it as a destination. I haven’t tried that yet, but I am confident that it will be a direct compass heading.

    Even so, the map view on the 201 was much easier to use for this type of thing.

  10. Kim says:

    Glad you found your way home!
    You’re Garmin should show you the way you came so you can track back…if you know how to find it on the little booger.

  11. tori says:

    I haven’t done that while running because I rarely get to run outside but I did get lost on my bike. In our neighborhood! Seriously, I was so embarrassed because when we first moved in I totally got lost in my own neighborhood. I mean no one knew (except now that I am telling everyone) and I found my way to a place I knew where I was but for a second I felt a bit of panic. I don’t even think I had my cell phone with me that time but you can bet I never left without it again!

  12. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    We might have to rethink this whole running together thing. Because in all honesty, you’d likely kick my ass. No, seriously. I think I’m averaging maybe a 10-minute mile. And that’s assuming I can put 3 miles in a row together, let alone 8! Thank goodness I have until mid-June to get into proper running form. =)

  13. Nat says:

    Ren stole my comment.
    I did get lost on my bike in my parents’ neighbourhood. Embarassing because I grew up there.

    Still sounds like a good run.

  14. martymankins says:

    I know I’ve gone down roads and byways and gotten turned around, not knowing how to get back to my destination. It’s an odd feeling. But nice to know you have a phone and GPS available.

  15. Jamie says:

    Nice splits despite getting lost. I have done that many times when traveling!

  16. Erin says:

    A few of the first times I ran after I moved to our current area I got lost. The first time it happened I freaked out, stopped running, and just walked until I figured out where I was. I didn’t have my iPhone or a GPS device so I was really getting worried. Another time I got turned around and thought I was in a different place than I was, but I figured that one out much quicker.

    Also, I’m totally jealous of your splits. I haven’t had a good run like that in a long time. I hope I kick some serious butt on Thursday evening! Are you still running the Corporate Challenge?

  17. Jeri says:

    Hey thanks for the comment on my blog! I’ll have to follow along to see how your training goes. What marathon are you doing? When it’s all said and done, you could critique your schedule and give me some pointers….I’ve been looking at some other training plans, but the Higdon Intermediate 1 seems to fit the bill. We’ll see though.

    Good job on the 8 miler, and congrats for not still wandering around looking for your way home. And I think there is a way for the Garmin to lead you back…I know I stumbled on to it on accident, who knows if I could ever get back there if I needed it. 🙂

  18. kilax says:

    A long time ago, Steven mentioned the “back to start” mode on the Garmin. You can set a point (as Ren said) and it will lead you back to it. There is a tutorial on the Garmin website if you are interested!

    diane – That’s the thing with this neighborhoods! Some are just a big linked network and if you aren’t familiar, everthing starts to look the same (especially out in the Chicagoland suburbia) and you get turned around!

    Bethany – That is fun 🙂 It’s fun to use GPS, because you start to notice things around you that you didn’t know where there before!

    Beth – Like Ren said, you can use the “back to start” mode. They even have a tutorial for it on the Garmin website!

    Hotch Potchery – Thanks 😉 6KM is a good long run! Woo hoo!

    Mica – That is what was funny – I was so close to home, but still kind of freaking out. I think it is only because I saw the road I knew and figured out I was so far from home! The lap function is awesome! Especially since you can set it to whatever you want.

    Tony – I think I am going to start doing that too!

    Christina – Thanks 😉

    Amy – They are confusing – all of those cul-de-sacs, and courts and blah blah blah. It’s like some parent gave their kid a pen and just let them drawl swirals! I guess it looks pretty from Bird’s Eye View.

    Ren – That map view sounds nice! I wonder why they took that off the 405? Maybe because it is smaller? Thanks for reminding me about the “go back to start”! I may have to use that the next time I decide to explore. Or just bring a compass. On Sunday, I kept looking to see where the sun was so I was sure I was headed south.

    Kim – LOL. Aren’t the garmins funny? I had a hard enough time setting up the 1-mile splits! They are not very intuitive!

    tori – That must have been scary! And you can get A LOT more lost on a bike because you cover more ground at a faster pace! Do you feel more comfortable in your neighborhood now?

    SoMi’s Nilsa – Don’t worry! I trained all winter at the 10-min mile pace on the treadmill. I try to keep it closer to that from time to time, so I don’t wear my body out!

    Nat – Oh no! Did you have to call someone to help you get home?

    martymankins – It was odd, because I almost always know where I am! Thank heavens for cell phones 😉

    Jamie – Thanks! I am going to keep this in mind when I do need to run when traveling – look at a frickin’ map! 😉

    Erin – I know I would have been much more worried if I didn’t have my phone. I actually brought it with me in case I passed out, not if I got lost, but oh well! I am running the Corp. Challenge! I am super excited 🙂 Why haven’t you had a good run in awhile? Are you in a funk? YOU WILL KICK BUTT ON THURS!!!

    Jeri – I am running the Kansas City Marathon on 10/17. I will let you know what I think of the training plan! Just looking at it, I think it is the perfect fit for me! And thanks 🙂 Ha ha, I like how you say you “stumbled.” These Garmins are a bit tricky!

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