The truth about spending long weekends with your family

By , May 27, 2009 12:21 pm

I had such a crappy, “not what I expected” Memorial Day weekend that it’s left me in a fog this week. It’s causing this huge funk that feels like it’s taking forever to shake off.

It’s also reiterated that nothing is ever going to turn out how I expect it. I can’t control people. I can’t stop them from being judgmental and irrational and pushy and ridiculous (the list could go on). ALL I CAN CONTROL IS MYSELF.

I just hate that I turn into a bitch (and more) when someone pisses me off. So I’ll work on that. And I’ll work on avoiding the people that make me feel this way.

This is why we don’t care that we live so far away from our families. Because most of them MAKE US CRAZY after long periods of time.* There, I said it.

*A long period of time being more than a day.

16 Responses to “The truth about spending long weekends with your family”

  1. Steven says:

    Ha ha. Do you feel better now that you’ve said it?

  2. tori says:

    My parents live in New York and my brother lives in Ohio. Everyone always asks if I miss them. The answer is yes until I am with them more than one day and then no, I do not miss them at all. Family is great in short doses. Sorry your weekend wasn’t great!

  3. kilax says:

    Steven – I do, actually. And now that I have talked to my mom about it, I feel better as well.

    tori – Short doses! Exactly! Once we had a trip to Iowa that was only one day long and it was perrrfect! πŸ˜‰

  4. Robin says:

    I hear you! One of my friend’s family has adopted me. Actually both her family and her husband’s family. I get invited to all of their family events. I much prefer their company to my own family. My family drives me NUTS!

  5. kilax says:

    Robin – Steven has a lot of friend’s with really cool families like that! We love spending time with them! I wonder if they feel like their families drive them nuts though. It doesn’t seem like it!

  6. Mica says:

    Sorry about the family-related funk. Rest assured that you’re certainly not alone in feeling this way!

  7. Kyra says:

    OK…. dying of curiosity about what happened… πŸ˜‰

    Family is crazy, I think by definition. I’m going to work really, really hard to not make my kids feel that way, though. It’s one of my fears that they’ll be happy to live across the country from me. πŸ™ (We’re in VT, and my family is in AZ and his family is in CO.)

    ** my inlaws arrive at 5PM tonight, a day early. So, funny you should post this. πŸ˜‰

  8. Jo says:

    I wish I would have been that wise at 24. I’m 43 and just figuring out to control myself and avoid crazies.

    It’s good to be home, isn’t it? Home sweet home!

  9. I am just the opposite…I am SO damn glad everyone is gone I am feeling spectacular. I don’t miss them at all (except my sister and her family, I miss them).

  10. sizzle says:

    I am like that with a great many people, not just family. My issues with control really act up when I am forced to interact with people repeatedly and on-going. I worry this makes me some sort of freak! Hence, therapy. I love my family but I take them in small doses. That way, we all live. πŸ™‚

  11. Etta says:

    We feel the same about our families. I’m actually quite fine with the fact that we live in central Illinois and our families are near KC. We went home last Friday with plans to stay until Monday. We pulled into our driveway on Sunday evening.

    I’m used to my crazy family, but my husband’s family is on another level entirely. I always ask if we can get really drunk before we visit them.

  12. Cheryl says:

    You know what doesn’t help lift a fog? This weather! I hope you’re feeling better. Here’s to this coming weekend.

  13. JavaQueen says:

    Ya know what makes me mad? It takes a long time to learn that you cannot control others… it’s one of those hard, reoccurring life-lessons. I think I might have actually gotten it down finally but I remember so many disappointments due to assuming people would treat me as nice as I treated them, or be as caring as I am. Yeah, that never happens. Now, I just assume people- even FAMILY suck and when someone is nice or kind- it’s just a bonus. I know that sounds bad but I had set myself up for too much disappointment. Now, it’s finally hit home that I can only count on my hubs and my kids…. Man, that sounded really negative and depressing and I don’t mean to be that way… but this is how I managed that problem and it works for me. I’m happy with my huz and kids because they are always there for me and that’s all I really need.

  14. kilax says:

    Mica – Thanks! And I don’t feel like this ALL the time. Just, uh, most of the time? πŸ˜‰

    Kyra – I hope your weekend doesn’t make you want to run screaming like mine did! And it’s not my mother that makes me crazy (OR, was making me crazy this time). It was extended family πŸ˜‰

    Jo – Oh gosh, you cannot BELIEVE how happy I was to be home and sleep in my own bed! I instantly felt a little bit better!

    Hotch Potchery – So maybe I need to do a little switcheroo (have you seen the “Mother Lover” video?!) and just be happy when it is back to peace and quiet?

    sizzle – I am thinking more and more that therapy is going to be necessary for me too. I am just so anxious lately. I am actually planning on calling my insurance people today to ask them about it!

    Etta – Ha! That is too funny you say that! My sister brought a friend this weekend, and my mom said to him, “Are you old enough to drink? You may need to to put up with these people!” We have cut trips short before too. It’s the worst when you are stuck there because of a flight though! Boo!

    Cheryl – At least it is kind of sunny this morning! Maybe it will be during lunch too! πŸ˜‰

    JavaQueen – I actually know EXACTLY what you mean. I have been trying to set up low expectations for people, so I am not shocked by how they act. I don’t feel like this is negative… just realistic πŸ˜‰

  15. christina says:


  16. kilax says:

    christina – You aren’t surprised, are you? πŸ˜‰

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