No volleyball for awhile

By , July 6, 2009 3:43 pm

I didn’t ask the doctor, but I am pretty sure I shouldn’t play any sand volleyball for awhile.

I had x-rays done of my wrist and forearm – no fracture! The doctor wants me to immobilize it (keep it in the splint) and ice it for 30 minutes each day. He was concerned by the amount of swelling and the fact that I cannot twist my arm without pain, so he wants me to make an appointment with an orthopedic specialist this week. He thinks the specialist may want to do an MRI and see if my tendons (or whatever they are called) are messed up. He thinks physical therapy may be in store for me, but I am a bit “yeah right.”

I am gaining more mobility each day, so I am excited. I can use my right hand fingers today! I am going to see how it feels tomorrow before I call the specialist.

Thank you for all of your well wishes! I will keep you updated.

And as you can probably guess, it will take me a bit longer to get to your blogs, but I will, eventually!

21 Responses to “No volleyball for awhile”

  1. Jess says:

    “Immobilized in a splint” and “iced” aren’t really conducive to beach volleyball, I’d say. So I think you’re right about that one!

    Glad it’s not fractured and that you’re gaining mobility!

  2. Yeah I’m thinking beach volley ball is going to have to take a back burner for a while 🙂 Sounds like youre getting all of the right things though, so hopefully youll be fully functional in no time!

    Take it easy lady!!

  3. Erin says:

    Awww, but the splint is perfect for “digging”! Keeps you from beating the crap out of your forearms 🙂

  4. Mica says:

    Oh good! I’m glad that your hand/arm is not going to fall off and doesn’t have a fracture. I’m crossing my fingers for your speedy recovery.

  5. claire says:

    Glad to hear it’s not fractured!

    Keep open to the idea of physical therapy. If your injury doesn’t heal properly, it may give you trouble down the line even if it doesn’t feel too badly now. Take good care of yourself.

  6. Holly says:

    That is a bummer! But at least it isn’t fractured. That is good news. And you can maybe play up the sympathy card? 🙂

  7. Jo says:

    Sorry about the volleyball. Don’t be afraid to visit that specialist–you just never know. That’s the mother in me saying better safe than sorry! lol

    Sending fast-healing vibes your way.

  8. tori says:

    You sound a lot like me with doctor stuff. I am always saying “I’ll be fine, it’s no big deal” when sometimes it is. Be careful! You wouldn’t want to make it worse by ignoring it you know? (I am a mom. I apologize for acting like one to you. I know it’s annoying, I just can’t help myself!)

  9. Alice says:

    oh no!! well, i’m glad it’s not fractured, but that’s still a bummer. i hope it’s better SOON!!

  10. sizzle says:

    I’m sorry I am so far behind! I am glad you are ok, relatively speaking, and improving.

  11. Jamie says:

    Good thing it’s not fractures but a tendon issue can be just as serious. Take care of your arm!

    And nice job on week 4 of marathon training 🙂

  12. Julia says:

    I hope everything is ok with your arm! I’ll keep you in my thoughts!
    I was in Chicago yesterday and I thought of you and all the other bloggers who live there…very jealous!
    Hope you had a good weekend!

  13. Bethany says:

    Oh no! That’s such a bummer- I hope your arm feels better soon!

  14. kapgar says:

    I must’ve missed something in one of my big Google Reader cleanouts… what did you do? I will have to go back and read. Or maybe I did read it and my head is just swimming because of how early it is. Whatever the case may be, I hope you get better. Doesn’t sound fun.

  15. at least nothing is broken!!! and gaining mobility is good!!! i hate that you hurt yourself, it looked like you were having a fantastic time til then!!! i hope your arm & wrist get better soon!!!

    p.s… i love the pic of Data at the top!!!!

  16. kilax says:

    Jess – Aren’t my deduction skills amazing? LOL. Honestly, volleyball is fun, but getting home past 9:00 is not! I am okay with some time off.

    Scale Warfare – I am hoping to be 100% soon! I made an appointment with the specialist on the 17th just in case (that is the next time he was available!!!).

    Erin – True! My forearms are always super red after I play.

    Mica – Thanks 🙂 I was relieved too!

    claire – I am open to the idea, now that I found out it is only $20 co-pay. Ha ha.

    Holly – I was definitely playing the sympathy card with the family this weekend. But now that it is just me and Steven, I think he is already getting sick of it!

    Jo – Thanks. I made the appointment, in case it doesn’t feel better on its own.

    tori – You aren’t annoying. You’re caring! And I won’t ignore it. Right now I have the splint on, so I hope keeping it “immobilized” makes it heal faster. I hope using my fingers is not making it worse.

    Alice – It is a bummer! I am starting to get annoyed with it too. I am optimistic that it will heal soon…

    sizzle – That’s okay. I am too! Thank you! I am happy it is not worse!

    Jamie – Thanks 😉 I hope it is not some silly tendon thing! But I am keeping a close eye on how fast it feels “better.”

    Julia – I hope you had a good time in Chicago! I love being down here during the day, and going back to the “country” (LOL) at night!

    Bethany – Thanks! I am hopeful that it will!

    kapgar – I landed on my wrist at the bottom of a man-made water slide on a beach. I think it was too much pressure on my hand. It’s a lot better than when it happened!

    CourtneyInControl – I was having a great time! And I was still laughing when it happened 🙂 Thanks! I thought you might like that pic 😉

  17. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    Bummer about your wrist! I’m just getting caught up with a little blog reading myself. Sounds like your future with PT might include similar exercises to those I’m getting for my elbow! I will tell you that the first day of PT, my therapist gave me a little massage … and it worked wonders. They say your muscles can freak out a bit … and the massage helped calm them down.

  18. amanda says:

    I’m glad it’s not broken, but that still stinks that it’s injured. Hope it heals quickly for you!

  19. Yay for no fracture!!!

    But best of luck with the specialist!

  20. martymankins says:

    Hope you heal quick. At least there is no fracture and at least you can run still.

    Too bad you don’t have a text to speech program. Then it can read all of the blogs for you. Of course, you would have to train Data to click through your feed reader.

  21. kilax says:

    SoMi’s Nilsa – I could definitely go for a massage! My wrist feels so tense! Even my fingers feel tense!

    amanda – Me too! It’s been 5 days and it is not back to 100% yet… I am so impatient!

    healthy ashley – Thanks 🙂

    martymankins – LOL! Data just likes to SIT on the computer. I wish using the computer and typing was not so difficult right now. It’s definitely easier than Saturday and Sunday, I suppose!

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