Friday Question #73

By , July 10, 2009 6:58 am

image:Hot Air BalloonIf you could take a ride in a hot air balloon over any city, what city would you choose?

Definitely Rome. That seems like a silly answer since I lived there for so long, right? Well, it’s because I am so familiar with the area that I would love to travel over it. I would love to see the city streets from above and relive all of my adventures (in memory) during the ride. I would just have to make sure the ride was in the spring or fall – hot air balloon rides are, well, hot! And it is SUPER hot in Italy over the summer.

I’ve never been on a hot air balloon ride, but I would love to one day, over ANY city. And I would love to go to one of those hot air balloon festivals. The balloons are just so beautiful and fascinating!

Side Note: I would love to hear my family’s answers on this – who wants to go on a hot air balloon ride with me? I know they have them in Galena! And I would love to hear stories from people who have gone!

17 Responses to “Friday Question #73”

  1. Jenn says:

    I’m not sure what city, but somewhere in the mountains.

    When I was young, my dad promised to take me on a hot air balloon for my 13th birthday. I forgot about it, and just a few years remembered and asked why he had never done it – turns out my mom wouldn’t allow him to take me! I asked if he was interested in going now, now that my mom can’t stop me, but he doesn’t want to anymore. He was the one person in my family who would do scary things like that with me, darn!

  2. Beth says:

    I’ve always wanted to do a hot air balloon ride. I can see them everyday from my house over the mountains and Boulder. Amazing. Which city? I would have to choose Athens. I used to live there and I think the combination of the ruins with the blue water would be amazing.

  3. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    I’d have to say over the New Mexico desert. Because, my grandparents used to vacation in the Southwest when they retired and my grandfather loved taking hot air balloon rides while there!

  4. Susan says:

    I think I’m too terrified of heights to do this, but Rome would definitely be an awesome choice. I lived there for two months one summer…I didn’t know you lived there! How long were you there for??

  5. Mica says:

    Interesting question. I’d have to say Paris–that way I could see how pretty it is without having to deal with its stinkiness. Ha, wow, I sound like a snob.

  6. Holly says:

    Wow, Rome would be beautiful. And I’ve never been! I would have to say NYC? But I am terrified of heights so I’d probably need to be medicated first.

    They have this “Hot Air Balloon” ride not too far from me – I really want to do it! (minus the meds). Here’s more about it:

  7. sizzle says:

    I am so afraid of heights that at some point I really SHOULD take a hot air balloon ride. What city? Well, hmm… Maybe the coast of California somewhere? I am sure anywhere would be pretty, if I could actually open my eyes while riding it that is.

  8. Erin says:

    I’ve debated putting going on a hot air balloon ride on my “bucket” list. I’m not afraid of heights, but I am afraid of falling. Although, I think doing a hot air balloon ride over the vineyards of northern CA or the Italian countryside would be beautiful.

  9. diane says:

    Hm, the first thing I can come up with is the Grand Canyon. But in reality I would never want to do that, because holy cow, if something went wrong I’d be in serious danger!!

  10. Jen512 says:

    Paris would be cool. I went once as a teenager, and it fascinated me how there were no square blocks. I assume Rome is the same way?

    Now that I’m in Turkey I’d say Istanbul, I only got a quick glimpse outside the airport as we were passing through. It’s soooo massive!

  11. tori says:

    I would be really really scared to do it but I think I would. I’d love to go in Australia. When I lived there, I saw a tiny fraction of its beauty and would love to see it from a different perspective.

  12. I don’t want it.

    However, if I HAD to, I would pick somewhere in Germany, I would need more time to think of the perfect city, maybe Koln.

  13. Bethany says:

    Somewhere over the ocean- maybe Hawaii or Ireland (I know, not similar at all!). I think a hot air balloon ride would be SO much fun though- I’d love to do that!

  14. dad says:

    No problem, not jumping out of it though (you know what I’m talking about). I’m sure anywhere would be fun but somewhere where you were familiar with what you were over might be of more interest. Rome would cool but I think I’d rather come down in a corn field than on top of the buildings in Rome.

  15. Gina (Mannyed) says:

    i think i would love to see NYC from a hot air balloon…actually…i think checking out any city from a hot air balloon would be pretty darn amazing. that’s one thing i haven’t done, but it’s on the bucket list!

  16. Julia says:

    I would love to take a hot air balloon ride over the rocky mountains…I know its not a city, but I absolutely lvoe the mountains and think it would be absolutely beautiful! I don’t even know if it’s possible to do it…height of mountains may be a problem?

  17. kapgar says:

    I don’t think I could narrow it down to just one.

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