A few updates

By , July 22, 2009 9:57 pm

The site:

My website went down on Sunday because my domain did not get renewed. I amΒ  not sure what the mix-up was, because I normally get a bill for it, and I don’t think I did this year. I contacted my web host right away, who fixed and it said it would take “24-72” hours to come back up. 72 hours later, when it STILL didn’t work, they said they just had to point the domain name to the root folder to fix the issue. Why didn’t they do that in the first place?!?!

Thank you to everyone who asked me about it. I really appreciated your concern and inquiries! It was nice to know my friends wondered where I was… but frustrating that I could not do anything about it!

Update: Thanks to Lindsay and Etta for pointing out the comments were not working. Ugh. This is giving me a headache and making me really frustrated. I had to go back in and turn on comments and pings on EVERY post.

The Missed Blogiversary:

Yesterday was my four year blogging anniversary, and I missed it. Poo poo. Oh well.

The movie:

I am hoping to write a review of Food Inc. soon. I can happily tell you that I did not find it horribly graphic, but that I was disturbed.

The wrist:

I saw the orthopedic specialist on Friday. He pressed his fingers into my wrist, asking “Does this hurt?” until he finally got a “YES!!!!” or two out of me.

He told me that because the pain is more general, it is likely torn ligaments that are trying to heal, and have scar tissue on them that need to be stretched back out. He gave me a new brace to wear (with velcro straps THANK HEAVENS) for another month. He told me to wear it during the day, taking it off a few times to move my wrist back and forth. If I don’t gain full mobility in my wrist in a month, I need to go back to the doctor so he can try to pinpoint the exact ligaments (muscles?) that are still giving me problems.

image:New wristband

As you can see from the photo, I cannot move my right wrist back very far. The doctor measured it, and I could only get it to go back 38 degrees. My wrist doesn’t hurt as much anymore, but I am a bit creeped out by how limited the motion in it is. I keep saying to Steven, “Maybe I could never bend my right wrist back that far…”

image:Limited Wrist Movement

That’s as far back as I can get the right wrist to go, even when I push on it with my other hand.

Oh, and since I am talking about it, I just want to add a little detail to the story of how this all happened. Some people mentioned that this incident reminded them of the motherly warning, “It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.” Well, I want to let you know that the FIRST thing my mom said to me when I got to the beach (because she went on the first boat trip over) was, “Kim! I am surprised you didn’t go straight to that slide to try it out! Are you going to?!?!”

19 Responses to “A few updates”

  1. Tony says:

    Sorry to hear about the wrist. I hope you feel better soon!

  2. tori says:

    I think I would love your mom!

    I’m glad the blog is working again. I was getting worried!

  3. I’m kind of surprised your doctor didn’t send you to physical therapy. Was that an option? Seems to me the exact thing you need to help with mobility in your wrist!

  4. diane says:

    Good to have you back!
    I was just telling my co-worker yesterday about Food Inc. and the tie to Chipotle b/c we got a free lunch from them for today. And I was complaining to her that if they were really so concerned about our health, why don’t they offer whole grain tortillas? She suggested I write a letter to corporate but I said I should probably see the film before I go shooting my mouth off. Ha ha.

  5. Jess says:

    It’s so fun when the doctor keeps pushing til it hurts, huh? That’s how I got my first fill in my lap-band. She pushed and pushed until she got a yelp, and that’s how she knew she’d found the port. Which would have been bad enough, but then she stuck a needle into it. OMG. It was horrible.

  6. christina says:

    Me so happy ilaxstudio is back up. I felt lost without it. Love you seester!

  7. Jamie says:

    Welcome back. Glad everything is worked out now!

    That stinks about the wrist. Hope you have full mobility soon!

  8. Phew! Glad the website is back up and running.

    Your wrist will be back up and running soon, too. And for the record, I just bent both of my wrists back and they bend back equal distance. Remind me of this fact in case I ever tear a ligament. ; )

  9. Another downside of the google reader (besides that I can’t see your photos), didn’t notice that you were down, just assumed you hadn’t posted for the day.

    Hope the wrist gets better! (Forgot about that slide accident!).

  10. kapgar says:

    Yeah, downward-facing dog would NOT be your friend right now. Hope it gets better.

    And I’m right there with Gary… I read you in Reader until I come over here to comment. So I didn’t notice. Just assumed you took a few days off, which is fine in my book.

  11. Denise says:

    YAY!!!!! You’re back!!!! I hope your wrist heals soon!! Still have the nasty bruise, I see. No more SLIP & SLIDE for you little girl! πŸ˜€

  12. Gemfit says:

    Glad you’re back! I kept obsessively checking your site and hoping you hadn’t gotten mad and taken it all down.

    I’m curious as to why your doc didn’t refer you to a physiotherapist but I hope it heals soon. Doesn’t look good :S

  13. Susan says:

    Happy blogiversary!!

    YIkes on the wrist…I hope it gets back to normal soon!

  14. Julia says:

    4 years wow!
    I hope your wrist feels better soon, what a drag! And I definitely missed you and was really really sad when I saw that your blog was down! Glad its back up and running!

  15. martymankins says:

    Most of those domain issues are simple to fix, but sometimes take more than a few days to work out all of the configuration details. I have turned off automatic renew on all of my domain names (I have 12 names) so I don’t get a notice for any of them. Just have to check them regularly, but they do send an email here and there about the upcoming expiration date.

    Sounds like your wrist is slowly healing. But hey, you did the slide.

    Happy Blogoversary. 4 years is a long time in the blogging world.

  16. Bethany says:

    Ah, finally the comments are working again! I thought it was something on my end!

    Congrats on the blogiversary– hope your wrist feels better soon. Looks painful πŸ™

  17. teeni says:

    Your mom is a riot!

    I didn’t realize you had been blogging longer than me – you old pro, you! Happy late bloggoversary! Sorry you had some technical difficulties over here – they are such a pain, especially when it is through no fault of your own. Anyway, I’m glad it is cleared up now.

    I hope your wrist isn’t in much pain. The bending thing may just be something you have to work slowly up to. I know I didn’t realize how much motion I lost in my arm after surgery, but it didn’t take too much of an effort to get it back to normal just by doing a few exercises a couple of times a day. I hope that will be the case for you too.

  18. Lindsay says:

    I feel your pain about your wrist. I have the same problem; only when bending forward but I can go about 45 degrees. It SUCKS let me tell ya. I had surgery on it and the scar tissue is now stuck to something inside. I wanted physical therapy but was not subscribed it. I’ve been to 2 other orthopedics and they all said the same thing, I’ll probably never have full mobility since it’s been 8 years since I had this now. My wrist is probably frozen like that, even if I had PT on it now. Oh and the scar I had, one orthopedic said that it’s pretty ugly and he never would have given me that big or awkward looking of a scar. πŸ™

    Anyway, point is, I understand. πŸ™‚

  19. kilax says:

    Tony – Thanks! πŸ˜€ It is getting better day by day.

    Tori – I think you would like her too. She is a goober who loves to have fun!

    SoMi’s Nilsa – He said that would be an option if it still hurt in awhile, but he thought I could take care of it on my own. And honestly… I was happy to hear that! I will go back if I need to, of course.

    diane – Ha! I wonder if they are concerned about our health at all, or just about having a healthy image. Either way, I do like their food… their chips are just too limey though!

    Jess – Ouch! Your situation sounds MUCH worse than mine πŸ™

    Christina – seeeeeeeeester… love you too! :-*

    Jamie – Thanks. I think I am getting close to full mobility!

    Gina (Mannyed) – LOL! I am putting that in my records πŸ˜‰

    Gary LaPointe – Yeah, I wouldn’t have known if someone else was down for the same reason.

    kapgar – A few days off DID feel nice πŸ™‚

    Denise – It isn’t set up at the beach anymore this weekend! πŸ™ Ha ha πŸ˜‰

    Gemfit – Hee hee. I have never had a mad fit and wanted to take it down, but I HAVE wished that certain people don’t read it, and contemplated starting it over!

    Susan – Thanks πŸ˜€

    Julia – Aww, you’re too sweet. Thanks πŸ™‚

    martymankins – Thanks πŸ˜€ I am going to make sure I don’t make this same mistake twice! That was pretty lame!

    Bethany – Thanks! And thanks for checking up on me!

    teeni – I think that is going to be the case for me too, as long as I remember to do the exercises! And thanks πŸ™‚ I have been blogging for quite awhile, but not always here.

    Lindsay – Oh my gosh! Don’t tell me that! πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ You poor thing. What happened?

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