Good times with friends

By , July 27, 2009 5:34 am

Last night’s meet-up with Nilsa, Tori, Kevin and Sizzle was a total blast! It was my first time meeting both Nilsa and Sizzle. Nilsa and her husband were gracious enough to host us in their beautiful Chicago home and feed us wonderful food! Nilsa is so fresh and down to earth. I can imagine having lots of long conversations with her. And sizzle is so animated! She is a wonderful story teller and so much fun! I always feel refreshed and excited after meeting up with bloggers. I wish I could do it more often!

Tori, Kim, Sizzle, Nilsa and Kevin

Tori, Me, Sizzle, Nilsa and Kevin in the front.

Steven and SoMi

Steven chatted with SoMi all night. Just kidding. He loves meeting other bloggers too!

We had college friends over two weekends ago that made me feel the same way – stimulated by discussion, excited, and energetic. The thing is, we hardly EVER see them. Coordinating a visit with them takes a lot – it’s kind of stressful. But we always have so much fun with them then say, “Why don’t we see each other more often?!”

It is because we are also so busy and wrapped up in our own lives. We don’t always make the time to do fun get-togethers like this. We let our crazy schedules get in the way. Well, I do anyway.

I don’t want to be like this. But I don’t want to have a super packed schedule either. The month of July has been really stressful for me because all of our weekends have been packed with activities. Balance. It’s always about balance…

20 Responses to “Good times with friends”

  1. Erin says:

    Sounds like a great time!

    I totally understand about jam-packed weekends and lack of balance. I’m really looking forward to my upcoming weekend when I don’t have anything planned!

  2. Bethany says:

    That’s so cool! I’ve met a few of my blogging friends and always have such a blast πŸ™‚

  3. Hilly says:

    Okay now *that* is a party I wish I could have attended! You all look great, btw. πŸ™‚

  4. diane says:

    I’m very, very sad that I missed this, but glad you all had fun! Guess we’ll just have to find a way to bring Sizzle back. πŸ˜‰

  5. Christina says:

    Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Unfortunatly, jamed pack is almost hand and hand with summer. It seems that onece the sun is out and the weather is warmer, events pile up.

  6. It looks like you had a fantastic time!! it is really good to see and catch up with friends!!! you got it, it’s all about balance!!!!

  7. Jess says:

    How fun! I’ve met Nilsa before too and I agree that she is awesome. I am jealous!

  8. ShutupandRun says:

    Fun times. Good friends…

  9. Etta says:

    I know how you feel about being too busy. Apparently we’re too far away for our friends back home to come and visit us. πŸ™

  10. martymankins says:

    Good food, good friends and great conversations.

  11. Julia says:

    Sounds like an awesome get together! I don’t know what I would do without my friends and family!

  12. claire says:

    Very cool. Makes me wish I lived somewhere with more blogger gravitational pull…

  13. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    Kim, it was so great meeting you, too! You are so sweet to say such nice things about me .. and such a sweet soul, too. Your vegan cookies were really good (I might have eaten two more today – sssh!) and I’m so glad Steven was a willing participant (and put up with too much blog talk). The next time (and there will be a next time), I think we need to get all our partners and spouses to join us and promise to keep blog speak to a minimum, because I KNOW we have more in common than just that!

  14. So jealous! I’m glad you had such a fantastic time!

  15. Ren says:

    I’m jealous!

  16. tori says:

    I had such a good time too. I always say the same thing after one of these kinds of things…why don’t we do it more often. I know we are all super busy but it is so much fun hanging out with everyone that we need to make sure it happens more often. Especially the two of us who live just a few minutes apart!

    Thanks so much for driving me home yesterday. I know you must have been anxious to get home after being away so I really appreciate it extra.

  17. sizzle says:

    I love how I am talking in the photo- so like me (never shutting up!). Hee hee. It was fantastic to meet you. Thank you so much for making the time to hang out! It really meant a lot to me.

    I swear I will be back. I loved Chicago and have more exploring and hanging out to do!

  18. Holly says:

    It’s really hard to “keep up” with friends sometimes, and that does make me sad. Most of my friends have kids now, so I always feel like I’m buggin’ them! But I guess we can just do the best we can do. I need to be better about the balance thing, too. πŸ™‚

  19. Alice says:

    oh, i’m so jealous i didn’t meet you too while i was there!!! i was so thrilled to finally meet nilsa.. looks like i need to come back to chicago again to squeeze a visit out of you too πŸ˜‰

  20. kilax says:

    Erin – My August is pretty mellow. There is one event I am really looking forward to on the 15th though… πŸ˜‰

    Bethany – It is so cool how everyone is just as nice in real like as they are on their blogs!

    Hilly – Thanks! I can’t wait to meet you. I hope you make it out to Chicago sometime soon! (We will be in FL in January!)

    diane – I am sad you were too sick to be there πŸ™ But the opportunity will come up again, I’m sure!

    Christina – So true! I guess that gives me a reason to look forward to the more mellow winters. Although last winter was pretty busy for us too! πŸ˜‰

    CourtneyInControl – When do I get to meet up with YOU?!?! πŸ˜€

    Jess – I bet she will be in Denver sometime! She seems to be on the move a lot!

    ShutupandRun – As in… quit my bitching? Hee hee πŸ™‚

    Etta – We feel like that sometimes too. It takes a lot to get family and friends to come out, but when they do, it seems like they all come out at once!

    martymankins – Agreed on all counts!

    Julia – I know! Time spent with family and friends really makes a great day!

    claire – Maybe there are some cool bloggers in your area that you don’t know about!

    SoMi’s Nisa – Thank you πŸ™‚ I think the blog talk is fun, and it helps our spouses understand it a bit! But, like you said, I am sure we DO have a lot more in common. Especially you and me with our running πŸ˜‰ And we would love to hear about your travels!

    Gina (Mannyed) – We will have our own meet-up someday! I promise!!!

    Ren – Blogger meet-ups are a lot of fun. Have you ever done one? πŸ™‚

    tori – You are welcome! We enjoyed our extra “tori time” in the car! We should get together more often! All of us, and you and me πŸ™‚ It’s important to spend time with friends πŸ˜€

    sizzle – We all couldn’t stop talking! I was so happy to meet you πŸ™‚

    Holly – I always try to make sure my friends with kids know I think it is cool if they bring the kids, but I think they still feel bad.

    Alice – I am sad I didn’t meet you! We will get together though! I will be in DC from 9/14-9/18 (Mon-Fri, for sure). I am not sure of my schedule yet, but I hope you are around so we can get together!

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