Marathon Training Week 8

By , August 9, 2009 3:24 pm

Welcome to week 8 of marathon training! If you click on the one activity link after the date, it will take you to the Garmin connect website for full stats.

Day 50 | Monday, August 3: Cross-train Rest

Yeah. I brought my gym bag to work, but since I was limping everywhere, I decided NOT to cross-train. Even though I wanted to.

Day 51 | Tuesday, August 4: Run 4 miles

This was my first run with Erin in what felt like FOREVER! I was super excited to run with her again. Unfortunately, I was a pretty lame running buddy. My shin felt somewhat better, but I still felt like a slow slug. We cut it short at about 3.85 miles. I hope we get a better run in together before our 5K on the 15th! Our goal is to run 8:20s and finish in under 26:00. Think we can do it?!

I noticed on Monday that the pain in my shin is starting to affect other parts of my body, like my left calf and right quad, since I am limping a lot. So… I decided to take Wednesday and Thursday off.

Distance: 3.85 | Time: 36:56 | 1: 9:22 | 2: 9:19 | 3: 9:56 | 4: 8:18

Day 52 | Wednesday, August 5: Run 7 miles Rest

Day 53 | Thursday, August 6: Run 4 miles Rest

Kim and Erin at Elvis is Alive 5K

Erin and I volunteered for PAWS at the Elvis is Alive 5K on Thursday. PAWS had us get there pretty early, so there was a lot of standing around before we finally set up the water tables and the race started. But that was okay, because it gave me a chance to chat with Erin (Okay, I was bitching a bit. Sorry Erin!).

It was fun to be on the other side of the aide station for once! I enjoyed watching the runners come in, and trying to hand them water (my coordination isn’t that good). A few of the people were wearing funny Elvis costumes and doing impressions.

A running Elvis

I was surprised how quickly the race went by! It seemed like once the masses came in (after the super-speedy runners) it was non stop action. I really enjoyed volunteering and hope to again.

Yeah, this report is LAME. Check out Erin’s much more thorough (and entertaining report) here.

Day 54 | Friday, August 7: Rest

I picked up my new Brook Adrenalines on Friday. I ended up with blue, instead of red, but I still think they’re pretty.

I compared the tread on my old Adrenalines to my new ones… yeah., they were well past their prime. If you look at the picture below (and click on it to enlarge) you can see there is almost no tread left on the old pair on the right (especially in the two areas circled in white). Oops.

Worn Out Shoes

If I start running regularly again soon, I am going to by another pair and alternate between pair each time I run.

Day 55 | Saturday, August 8: Run 7 miles Cross-Train?

I tried to do Kenpo X (from the P90X series) with Steven – sort of a mixture of martial arts arm and leg moves. I did about half of it, because I struggled with balancing on my left leg and twisting it (and you know, I can’t do a lot with my right arm, because I am still recovering from that injury).

Day 56 | Sunday, August 9: Run 15 miles

I wanted to run my 15 miles, but since I was still limping around a bit on Saturday, I passed (okay, Steven told me that if I ran on Sunday I couldn’t whine to him about my leg all week because he didn’t think I should run, so I didn’t). I woke up Sunday only limping a bit, so I am taking that as a good sign.

Week Summary: 37 Almost 4 Miles

I am extremely frustrated with my body this week. Obviously.

I am thinking of switching to one of the novice level training programs if my shin doesn’t get better. Then I would only run 4 days a week, instead of 5. Maybe I would even have to cut that back to 3, and do some more cross-training. Lame.

I’ve been reading up on what to do about my shin. Everything I read says to “quit running then build mileage back up slowly.” Does anyone know if they mean building weekly mileage up slowly, or building per-run mileage up slowly? What I am asking is if I can still do my long runs, but run less that week overall, or if I need to only do short distance runs.

16 Responses to “Marathon Training Week 8”

  1. diane says:

    Ugh, one of my goals for this weekend was to go to Fleet Feet and try on shoes, but that one died on the vine. ๐Ÿ™ I *like* the Saucony Glide, I’m just getting bored with buying the same shoe in the same two alternating colors.
    I am sorry you are dealing with all these injuries and hope you can find the right combination of things to get you back to running the way you want to run soooon!

  2. Susan says:

    I just bought some new Adrenalines as well! The blue (and yellow!) ones were on sale, so while I REALLY wanted the red ones, I figured saving money would be the better option. I’ll get the red ones when they’re on sale!

    As for the mileage question, I think it’s a combo of building up weekly and daily mileage slowly. As long as you don’t suddenly jump from eight miles to fifteen miles (as a long run), I think you should be fine. People who train with the FIRST program only do three runs per week, so the miles on those runs are high but are supplemented with cross training.

  3. Carol says:

    I think you were wise to rest that shin. I know, feeling wise doesn’t help with the frusteration of being injured. Once you start running again you have to be gentle enough with the mileage to not reinjure yourself. (That is assuming that it will be totally healed before you head back). As I said before, if you are limping, don’t run . . . at all. Once you start back, I’d reduce the long run AND the total mileage, then ease back into a regular schedule over 2-3 weeks. It might not even hurt to head up to a padded track (nearby high school or college) and try running on the padded track for a couple miles and see how the shin does. It’s boring but your shin might thank you for it. I’ve had many injuries and learned (the hard way) that it usually means less time off running if you just lay off it and get properly healed instead of messing with it, trying to run and dragging it on and on. The first thing anyone planning to run a marathon has to do is survive the training well enough to get to the start line. Accomplishing that is a feat in itself. Take care of your body. Have you ruled out the stress fracture? If your shoes were that bad, you might have found your problem right there. Many runnners (myself included) keep track of the mileage on our running shoes. That way as soon as I start getting any problems I pretty much know if it is a shoe issue. ANyway, again, good luck!

  4. Holly says:

    Oooh, I hope your shin feels better!! I think it was very smart of you to take a few days off. I read the statistic somewhere and of COURSE can’t remember the percentages, but even if you take a week or two off from training you really don’t “lose” that much of what you’ve built up. You are being smart!

    I would highly recommend a 3 or 4 day/week plan! I have done a 4 day and 5 day, and loved the 4 day SO much more. I actually got a better time in my race, too. I think 5 days are just so much for me….and I get bored a LOT more easily.

  5. Data says:

    Thanks 4 taking me 4 a walk n the terrible heat both days this weekend, even though u r a gimp…i love u mommy. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. tori says:

    Resting is hard, but I think it’s good to take it easy on an injury so you don’t make it worse.

    That race look like so much fun! Did I ever tell you my husband has a thing for Elvis? He dresses as him almost every Halloween if we have a party to go to…sometimes even when we just trick or treat with the kids. He would have loved that race!

    Thanks so much for calling me yesterday. I just got the message this morning because I was sleeping and my husband, the kids and Maya were out on a walk. You are so sweet to check up on me! I really appreciate it!

  7. p says:

    Have you looked at the reason why you have these injuries?

    Have you watched your HR (heart Rate) Zone for your runs…

    I am saying from my own experience. I use to be sore all the time and my shine use to hurt all the time. Then I did a HR clinic at a local running club and there one of the coaches recommended that you run at Aerobic Heart Rate Zone and I was running each run as if it was my Race…. so I was sore.. I started running slow and watching my HR and I have seen best result since then..

    Just a suggestion… Try running slow on your Long Run and just watch your HR.

  8. LiLu says:

    Ugh, shin problems are the worst. I used to get HORRIBLE shin splints, back when I, yanno, actually exercised…

  9. Jen says:

    I got into triathlon training because when I tried to run more than 3-4 days a week, everything sort of blew up. Now I’m training for a half marathon on 3 days a week of running plus cross-training. Don’t knock cross-training, it really does give you a break. Spinning classes are probably the best for building endurance, but obviously I also like swimming.

    Good luck, hope you feel better soon.

  10. Jamie says:

    It sounds like that shin is worse than just some shin splints. Be sure to get it checked out to rule out a stress fracture! In regards to the mileage it is both overal weekly mileage and the long run. You should really only increase by 10% each week (1-2 mile increase on the long run) when you are building back up.

    My friend had a shin pain/stress fracture while training for Chicago a few years ago. She did several weeks on teh bike (long, stationary rides) as instructed by her doctor and several weeks before slowly built up the running. She actually ended up being able to run and finish the marathon. I hope you heal quickly and are able to get back out there. Nothing more frustrating than injuries!

  11. Elizabeth says:

    p is alsolutely right about monitoring your pace/HR for each run, my problem was that I was running each run at the same pace which was basically race pace so my body never really got a chance to recover since I was doing this 6 days a week, so I was really injury prone and just injured quite abit and still not 100% but working at it.

    I love Matt Fitzgerald’s book Brain Training for Runners, actually I love the training plan in them, I know what pace to run and this is the first time in 2 years even those I am running faster I have been injury free and have no fatigue,also only running 4 days a week, although some days I run double just for the fun of it, rest days are just as important as training days and don’t forget to do some strength/hill training for your lower body.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  12. kilax says:

    diane – I think I will get bored of that eventually too. But, if your feet love them… you gotta stick with them, right?

    Susan – I wish I could find them on sale! My feet are too damn big! ๐Ÿ™ (Size 12 anyone?). Wow. A three-run week program? Maybe there IS hope for me afterall!!!

    Carol – I am definitely thinking of going to a softer track (maybe a forest preserve?) and cutting back. I haven’t run once this week yet. And I thought I would tonight, but I think I will give my shin ONE more day… it almost feels normal again! I think it is not a stress fracture. Phew! I decided to write down my miles somewhere near my shoes. I keep track of it in a log, but wasn’t making the connection (BIG DUH!).

    Holly – Oh gosh. I hope this week and a half off doesn’t screw me over! That is encouraging news! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I think the 4-day plan is going to work well. Maybe I will find another sport (during cross-training) that I love as much. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ๐Ÿ˜›

    Data – I love you too Data. I think we need to work some more on your grammar. This isn’t a text message!

    tori – Resting IS hard! I hate it! I only like to rest AFTER I’ve gotten my run in for the day ๐Ÿ˜‰ I wish I would have known your husband loves Elvis! He could have come down! I will let you know if they do it again next year! And, you’re welcome. I’ve been thinking of you!

    p – I have thought about it, and I think it is from bad shoes and putting on too many miles, too soon. Usually, when I run, I am not even struggling with breathing, or making an effort at all. If I wear a heart rate monitor, it will probably tell me I need to work HARDER! Ha! I could throw it on though. It’s always fun to look at those stats!

    LiLu – Ha! I will probably be saying that if this keeps up!

    Jen – I think I do need to get more into cross-training. It’s just that right now, when I am doing it, I’m thinking “I could be running…” It will take me awhile, but I bet I will start to love it! Spinning does sound fun!

    Jamie – Your story about your friend is really encouraging! Yay! I am going to see a doc if the pain continues for another week or two. Right now, I am feeling pretty good, BUT, I haven’t run since last Tuesday!

    Elizabeth – I should check out that book! Sometimes a little strategy helps! Even though running is a simple as strapping (the right pair of) running shoes, it’s easy to feel lost out there. I think that is why some people get burned out so quickly! They are working too hard!

  13. Carol says:

    You wear a size 12 shoe?? I wear 11 1/2 (Asics Nimbus). Some shoes are actually available in the larger sizes. Actually, I think there’s more of us than we think and they’re just in denial and squeezing their tootsies in smaller shoes!

  14. Alice says:

    oh man, i’m so sorry. i’ve been struggling to get my runs in too – with my injured knee, i modified my form to take pressure off the knee, but that ended up ravaging my calves over the course of a week to where i couldn’t use them at ALL, so i had to take (ANOTHER) break to let that heal. it’s so frustrating!!!

  15. Julia says:

    Sorry I haven’t commented in awhile, thanks for all your sweet comments on my blog! You make my day!
    Isn’t it ridiculous how worn out shoes get, and we don’t even realize…I’m so guilty of wearing shoes way past their prime, and then getting a new pair only to wear the heck out of them, like I wore the pair I got a month or two ago on a ridiculous hike in Tahoe, CA…not the smartest for making them last!
    Hope you have a great Friday!

  16. kilax says:

    Carol – Yay! I don’t feel so alone anymore! Of course, I am an 11 in regular shoes sizes, but a 12 in running shoes. I would like to try the nimbus someday! I have heard great reviews of it!

    Alice – Be careful! From what I have learned… you don’t want to modify your gait. Oops. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hey, if we are both healed, maybe we can run together when I come to DC! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Julia – No worries! It takes me awhile to get to reading blogs too ๐Ÿ˜‰ It is funny how much we want to wear our shoes out! I mean, they are expensive, we want to use them until they fall apart! We just shouldn’t ๐Ÿ˜‰

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