Washington DC, Day 5-7

By , September 19, 2009 11:23 pm

Warning: Picture Heavy Post!

On Friday and Saturday I finally got to do some touristy DC things – visit the monuments and some of the museums. We were lucky in that we had gorgeous blue skies both days… and uh, some gorgeous high temps. I got super hot walking around in jeans on Friday. I had to go back to the hotel and take a shower at 4:00 in the afternoon!

Washington DC

Why does this lion have such an unsure look on his face?

Washington DC

It’s funny how you cannot see the capstone of the Washington Monument when you are below it!

Steven picked up (free!) Washington Monument tour tickets for us and my coworker while we were in class on Friday morning. I loved going to the top of the monument! It’s always neat to get that bird’s eye perspective. And I love seeing how the roads are laid out from above.

Washington DC

View of the Mall and Capitol. I didn’t expect the Mall lawn to be in such bad shape.

Washington DC

View of the WWII Memorial and Lincoln Memorial.

Washington DC

In the top of the Monument.

After the Washington Monument tour, we visited the WWII Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial. I wish I could have seen more, but I was feeling MISERABLE in the hot sun! Plus, I didn’t want to be too gross because…

Washington DC

World War II Memorial.

Washington DC

Steven is growing a flag out of his head!

Washington DC

I wish that was ME running.

Washington DC

Washington DC

… I was meeting Alice at a coffee shop! I was bummed when I found out Alice was in town for BlogHer and I didn’t get to meet up with her (okay, even though I was out of town that weekend!), so I had to when I was in DC! I am happy she was able to fit me into her Friday night schedule. She is so charismatic and a great story-teller. I wish I could have chatted with her longer.

Washington DC

Kim and Alice at Bourbon Cafe.

Steven and I went to Café DC for Greek food (ah, twice in one week!) for dinner. Nom nom nom. I want to re-create some of this food at home, especially the salad with chickpeas. We got an appetizer sampler, and falafel pitas.

Washington DC

We walked around a bit more in Georgetown after dinner. It was pretty happening – lots of people out and about. I even met a new friend, who made me miss Data!

Washington DC

New cat friend.

We toured the Capitol Saturday morning, which actually turned out to be very neat and educational! It actually made me want to learn more about our nation. Hmm, I wonder if that was intentional.

Washington DC

I found the history of the Capitol’s architecture very interesting. I didn’t know (or recall, I guess) until a few weeks ago, that the Capitol was burned down in 1812. The Exhibition Hall had neat models showing how the construction of the Capitol progressed over the years, and how the landscape around it changed.

Washington DC

The rotunda inside the Capitol.

Washington DC

The “frieze” inside the rotunda.

Washington DC

After that we had time to visit the National Museum of American History, the National Museum of Natural History, and walk by the National Air and Space Museum and the National Museum of the American Indian. And that was it. We were really pressed for time. And we actually thought our flight left an hour later than it did, so when we checked on it, we basically had to head back to the hotel to grab our bags. I am happy Steven got to walk around during the week and see things. There is a lot I wanted to see and didn’t – I guess I will have to on the next trip.

It’s so nice that the museums are free. I was surprised that they were not too crowded. I am so used to only visiting the Chicago museums when they have a special exhibit, and I feel like I am being herded and trampled on just trying to go through. It was not as bad as I thought it would be.

I really enjoyed the Mammal exhibit at the National Museum of Natural History. If I had the energy, I would probably post all of the pictures of the neat animals, but I don’t, so you’re lucky.

On the walk to the National Museum of American History from the Capitol, we passed a little squirrel that was sort of begging tourists for food. I had a granola bar, so I sat down to give him a piece. Apparently, I didn’t move fast enough, because he stood up, put his paws on my hand, and started grabbing at the wrapper! I gave him a piece and he scurried away to chow it down.

Washington DC

My little squirrel friend.

It’s so nice to be home, and have my laundry almost done, and not have to think about whether or not I can find a place that myself, my coworker, and Steven all want to eat at. Oh gosh, and MY bed. I cannot wait to fall asleep tonight. With Data (and Steven).

I think there is a lot more I want to say about DC, but who knows if it will come out cohesively. We’ll see over the next few weeks, I suppose.

15 Responses to “Washington DC, Day 5-7”

  1. Christina says:

    Sounds like FUN!!!! I want a squirrel friend! 🙁

  2. claire says:

    Looks like a great trip!

    And I totally want stuffed grape leaves now. My best bud’s Mediterranean aunt and another good bud of mine both make out-of-this-world stuffed grape leaves. drool.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… A personal odometer click =-.

  3. Jamie says:

    Great pics! Looks like a nice weekend in DC!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Last 20 =-.

  4. Mica says:

    Ha, I’ve never been to the top of the Washington Monument; that’s awesome that Steven got some free tickets.

    I’m glad you’re back safely! It’s nice to be back in your own bed, ahhhh.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Frenchie for a day. =-.

  5. Looks like you had a great time. The weather has actually been much cooler than it usually is this time of the year, but with no real shade walking around the mall, it can get hot in the sun!

    American History is my favorite museum, I love seeing all of the history about the US! The touristy things tend to not be as crowded after the kids get back in school, so you were here for at a perfect time!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Happy Hokie Day! =-.

  6. Susan says:

    The last time I was in the top of the Washington Monument was like seven years ago…I forgot out great the view is!

    My college roommate used to play kickball on the lawn of the Washington Monument…I always thought that it was crazy and would be so much fun to look up and be like, “Oh, hey, Lincoln!”
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Sometimes all you need is some good old fashioned comfort food =-.

  7. Erin says:

    You packed in a lot of things in a short amount of time! I swear, in order to see everything I would want to see in DC I’d need to be there for at least a full week. Maybe two!

    I agree that the Mall lawn is in sorry shape. I was surprised the first time I saw it, too.

    I’ve been told that Chicago museums are less crowded during the week. Too bad we have to, you know, work then.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Run Salutations =-.

  8. Lindsay says:

    Totally loving your DC posts. I hope to go soon. What I didn’t know is that you can up in the Washington Monument. How did Steven get free tickets?

    I am so stealing your idea for the Lincoln picture!

    Love the cat and squirrel pictures. Yay for animal friends!

  9. Bethany says:

    Yay, what a fun trip! I want a squirrel friend, hehe!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Crazy Weekend =-.

  10. Julia says:

    What an amazing trip…I love all your animal friends!
    Going home after a trip is always the best part…really makes you appreciate your own bed, your own bathroom, kitchen, etc.
    enjoy the last part of the weekend!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Double Digits are NOT for the faint of heart. =-.

  11. tori says:

    That looks like so much fun! We are thinking about taking a trip there soon. The kids are dying to see everything and since government is something they are learning about in school this year I guess now would be a good time.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Funny or Not =-.

  12. Shaina says:

    Awww…you are making me all homesick for DC! Isn’t it an amazing city?! Do you know that I never went up to the top of the Washington Monument?! Silly, right? Seeing your photos makes me want to go, next time we’re in DC. We shall see.

    And – you went at just the right time for the museums. If you had come during the summer, it would have been a MADHOUSE. Trust me. Tourist season is HELL.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Precious =-.

  13. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    Alice is a doll, isn’t she?! Looks like you two really packed it in. The amazing thing about DC is there is always something else to see. My two favorites are the Air & Space Museum and the Portrait Gallery (because my grandmother used to be a docent there).
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Club =-.

  14. Alice says:

    yay! so glad we got to meet up, and i’m glad you guys got at least a little time on friday & saturday to see the city!! i sort of accidentally stole your photo to use on my blog today too 😉
    .-= Author’s last blog post… if nothing else, just click the merkin link =-.

  15. martymankins says:

    In 1972, during my only trip to DC, the Washington Monument was closed. I’m glad it’s opened and you got to go up inside… and take some awesome pics. Now I want to go and see the sites.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Scooter Sunday – Season 2 Ep. 12 =-.

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