Friday Question #81

By , September 25, 2009 8:45 am

What reality show/game show do you want to be on?

image:what not to wear

Definitely TLC’s What Not to Wear. Whenever I happen to catch that show, I always wonder what they would make me throw out of my closet. I do hold on to all of my race shirts, but I only wear them for exercise and sleeping in. I try not to wear too many t-shirts. But, my work wardrobe is admittedly plain – nice slacks and a blouse every day.

And I would LOVE to do a shopping spree in NYC! And to get a hair and make-up makeover. I am so lost with my hair… I don’t know how to style it. I am doomed to be a frizzy fluffy head.

Maybe Steven should enter me as a contestant. He keeps asking me to enter him on Overhaulin’

18 Responses to “Friday Question #81”

  1. Hilly says:

    Definitely The Amazing Race. I’ve been talking about auditioning for it for years now and it’s on my “to do” list as soon as I get in better shape.

  2. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    I hate to break it to you, but you’re way too put together for WNTW. Seriously, your clothes look great and so does the person wearing them!!!

    For me, I came really close to applying to be on The Amazing Race with my brother a few years ago. Sweets parents want to try out for it to be the “token older couple.” We keep saying it’d be so cool if they got on it and Sweets and I got on as the married couple. That’d be a first, no?!?
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  3. tori says:

    I want to be on What Not to Wear too! I don’t think you need it, but who wouldn’t love someone to show them exactly what they should be wearing to look the best? I would love the hair and makeup too. I almost never wear makeup, and my hair has been giving me trouble for quite a while!
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  4. Amanda says:

    I really like What Not to Wear. It’s so easy to get into a rut with work clothes, for me at least. I find myself wearing the same few pairs of black, gray and brown pants with a handful of tops over and over. have a great weekend!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Shoe Mileage =-.

  5. I totally want to be on What Not To Wear. My Mom always says I’m too put together for it, but my plan is to keep wearing my clothes from when I was 300+ lbs and EVENTUALLY someone will nominate me right? Plus, hello $5000 of free clothes? Free amazing hair styling…..and Carmendy’s (sp?) signature eye highlighter in three key places? What’s not to like.

    I do love Amazing Race though. Maybe once I’m in running shape like you, I’ll feel good about signing up for it.

    PS-How do people do these shows where theyre gone from work for 8-12 weeks? Leave of Absense perhaps? I dont think my client would be very happy if I said “Hey, gonna need to be gone for 12 weeks, I’ve got an Amazing Race to go on.”
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  6. Christina says:

    I would do What Not to wear, i need a style overhaul!

  7. Seals says:

    My daughter wants to be on that show too. She said we should tell the show she doesn’t dress well so she can get a new wardrobe.

    Before thinking, I said, “That wouldn’t be difficult.”

    Man, that went down a road I didn’t want to go. 🙂

    Personally, I’d like for my wife and I to do Amazing Race. We’d never get picked because we never fight. We’re too boring for TV. My OCD and fear of heights are about all we have to offer. They don’t want couples that have been married 24 years and love each other like school kids.
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  8. martymankins says:

    No reality shows for me.

    But game shows… can it be an older game show that I would have loved to been on? If so, that would be Match Game. Loved that game show.

    As for current game show, “Deal or No Deal” would be cool, mostly because I think Howie Mandel is a funny guy. And there’s a good chance I could win.
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  9. sizzle says:

    I think I’d want to be on Making Over America because I adore Trinny and Susannah- those crazy Brits. But I don’t think they’d think I was material for their show. Sigh.

    I definitely would NOT want to end up on Obsessed, Hoarders or Intervention. JUST SAYIN’.
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  10. diane says:

    I’d like to take my friend’s dog on “It’s Me or the Dog.” Shhhhhh… 😉

  11. DeAnne says:

    I would like to be on What not to wear, probably to get a new look and ditch some frumpy habits, and the shopping spree is a definite bonus.
    I love the home makeover shows but fear that most of it would not hold up over time not to mention that I’m a renter.
    There also used to be a show called Food 911 where they help you with something you often do wrong – I NEED to be able to make baked macaroni and cheese and have it taste good, I’d like their feedback on stuffin too.

    In truth I could probably not be on any of these shows if I just made time to (and money) to do this all right but I think that it would be a blast, especially the hair makeover, you are not alone my fluffy or frizzy (I forget which you said) sister! 🙂
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  12. aron says:

    DEFINITELY what not to wear!!! I have often thought about dressing bad for a few weeks and having my husband nominate me just so I could go on the show 🙂 I am slightly obsessed with Stacey London 🙂
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  13. Etta says:

    Ooh, I want to be on that show, too! I asked my friend to submit me once. I told her I want to lose a bunch of weight and be a tightwad who won’t spring for new clothes. WNTW would take pity on me, right?
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Think About It =-.

  14. Denise says:

    Definitely, WNTW!!!! I would love to be a contestant! 😀

  15. Erin says:

    I always thought WNTW would be so much fun!

    I’m also a huge Jeopardy nerd and think it would be awesome to be on it. I’d probably freak out and bomb horribly, but I’d still love to try. Their try-outs are so few and far between, though, and the chances of actually getting on are slim to none.
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  16. Susan says:

    I always think What Not to Wear would be fun, but I don’t think I’d want to wear those clothes all the time…and I couldn’t part with all my race shirts and stuff! That’d be too sad. When I was younger, I thought it would be AWESOME to be on Road Rules on MTV. Like, back when they actually drove around in a WInnebago and completed cool missions and stuff. Sooooo fun.

    I rock at Wheel of Fortune so I would definitely want to go there…drop of a hat!
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  17. Holly says:

    Me, too! Me, too! Really, I just want the hair and makeup lessons…and, okay, the 5 G’s wouldn’t hurt, either.

    It’s not on anymore, but do you remember “Supermarket Sweep”? OH MY GOSH – my sisters and I would watch faithfully everyday (As kids. But I would watch today, too). I mean, isn’t it every person’s dream to win a game by spending the most amount of money? On FOOD, no less?!!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Not Better. Just Different. =-.

  18. Robin says:

    Definitely The Amazing Race.
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