Running Update

By , September 28, 2009 6:00 pm

I ran a half of a mile yesterday. In 5 minutes. And my shin doesn’t hurt today! Woo-hoo!

Of course, I felt that the 10:00 min per mile pace was too fast, my breath was all out of wack, and my left heel still hurts every morning but…

Who cares! My shin isn’t killing me today!!!

I am going to start trying to run 3 days a week with Steven (hopefully), so we can get ready for the Disney Half Marathon in January.  If we end up going to the race*, we aren’t going to try to PR. In fact, we (okay, mostly I) plan on stopping to take photos with the Disney characters. So this will be a good race to ease into, and I can even walk parts of it if I want.

*Disney Half Marathon = Muchos Expensive Trip.

10 Responses to “Running Update”

  1. diane says:

    Did you ever get the x-ray? Did they confirm the fracture?
    Regardless–yay for easing into it and feeling good!

  2. Erin says:

    Yay for no shin pain!

    Another blogger I read (Oz Runner) just got a cortisone injection in his heel to kill his PF. Worked like a charm! If you’re desperate you could look into that.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… PAWS 8K Run for Their Lives Race Report =-.

  3. Lindsay says:

    This is awesome news!!! Take it nice, easy & slow but soon you’ll be back in it in no time flat!

    I would love to do the Disney Marathon and have my brothers & nephew come down for it. I’m thinking 2012. Of course, I would be like you and not caring about the PR but totally taking pictures of the characters!

    Here’s a link of someone’s race report of the marathon, and their Picasa Web Album of the race, and she took pictures WITH nearly every character!

  4. Julia says:

    Back to running! Yay!
    I’m super excited for you! Take care of yourself!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Mondays Can be Fun Days Too! =-.

  5. Mica says:

    Great news, I’m so glad to hear it! The Disneyland race definitely sounds like a race to have fun rather than kill yourself trying to PR.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Pom Tea [Haiku] Review =-.

  6. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    The first thing I read was “I ran a half marathon yesterday” and I about peed in my pants. OK, so 1/2 mile … baby steps … but, big baby steps! =)

    Given the Disney Half is in January, why not ask for Christmas gifts related to your trip. Dollars towards the hotel. Towards your plane tickets. Towards the entry fee. Might add up to be something significant!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Peeping =-.

  7. tori says:

    I am so happy for you! I know how hard it has been for you to not run.

    How exciting about the Disney half marathon. My friends did this a few years ago and had a great time! It is on my list for some day but it usually is right around two of my kids birthdays so I’d feel bad going and not taking them with! And taking all 6 of us isn’t something that will happen again for quite a while…talk about expensive! I agree with Nilsa, maybe you can work it in to Christmas presents or something. I’ll cross my fingers for you that it works out because it sounds like so much fun!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Funny Things (to me anyway) =-.

  8. Ashley says:

    Yay!!!! I hope you’re back to normal in no time – injuries are NO FUN!!!!

  9. I wanted to do that race based on you talking about it earlier this year…but I didn’t register early enough. I hope you make it!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… asstastic =-.

  10. Holly says:

    YAY!!!! That is GREAT news!! This gives me hope that one day this darned knee will quit hurting, too. And I have ALWAYS wanted to do the Disney 1/2 or Full. Um….January is the perfect time to escape the Midwest, right?
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Not Better. Just Different. =-.

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