Friday Question #82

By , October 2, 2009 6:00 am

Do you have any clothes hanging in your closet with the tags still on (or never worn)?*

Fess up!

I certainly have a few items. See that tag hanging from that beige suit jacket in the photo below? I think I purchased that jacket well over five years ago. It was on sale at Target for $6 or something ridiculous. And the gray jacket next to it has never been worn either. I bought it last season at New York & Company, then lost too much weight, and it was too big to wear. Hey! I think it would fit now. Woo-hoo! Not.

image:Tags in the closet

The other clothes that still have tags on them are gifts, and they’re mostly stored in boxes. I try to only hang up the clothes I actually wear. And I also I try not to buy clothes that are the wrong size, or not my style, but I have definitely made a few mistakes!

Thanks for inspiring this question, diane!

22 Responses to “Friday Question #82”

  1. Mica says:

    I am embarrassed to say that I have a few things that I’ve never worn sitting in my closet/drawer. I really should work on that because it’s not like I dress all that well on a normal basis…
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  2. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    Nothing in my closet still has tags on it. Mostly because I only go clothes shopping when I desperately NEED clothes. So, anything I buy will be worn within the next week.

    I love that you keep clothes gifts even though you’re not wearing them. If I got a gift that I’m never going to wear, I either exchange it (immediately) or give it away. I’m not one to hold on to things just because someone gave it to me.
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  3. diane says:

    That skirt I was wearing the other day when we had lunch? Still had the tag on it in the morning. No idea why I didn’t wear it last fall–it’s a nice skirt!

  4. Erin says:

    I have a pair of jeans in a bag that still have the tag on them. I bought them at Nordstrom’s Rack when I was so excited to find designer brands for almost 50% off. However, they need to be hemmed and now that I’ve worn the other pair I bought there and did get hemmed I don’t think I’m gonna like them so much. But it’s too late to return them. Maybe I should sell them on ebay….
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  5. Jen says:

    Every now and then I go through my closet and drawers and pull out the stuff I’m not wearing. If I’m not wearing it because it doesn’t fit, I put it in storage (if I like it). If I’m not wearing it because I don’t like it, I give it to charity. I also try to rotate out the seasonal stuff. It’s so frustrating to have to dig through clothes that don’t work to find the ones that do when I get ready in the morning, and my closet is kind of small.

    It’s amazing how fast stuff like this accumulates even though I don’t think I shop a lot. I was just thinking that it’s time to do this again.
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  6. dad says:

    You’re supposed to hang your clothes up?

  7. Christina says:

    Yep, I have two…one black dress and one brown sweater. The sad thing, they both are a few years old!

  8. Susan says:

    I went through and did a HUUUUUUUGE clean out of my closet last summer, which including donating two bags worth of clothes. It’s hard when you still fit into clothes from years ago…you *might* wear them sometime! I had to get over that. I really try to buy clothes now that I know I’m going to wear…don’t buy it even if it’s on sale!
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  9. Julia says:

    I think the only things in my closet right now with tags on them are the suit and shirt to go under that I haven’t worn yet that I bought last weekend.
    I definitely have a yellow skirt that I took the tags off and probably will never wear…oops!
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  10. ShutupandRun says:

    I am the queen of returning things months, years after I’ve bought them, so no tags for me. I once returned sheets that we used for a couple of months. Gross. But they took them back.
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  11. Ugh, embarrassing. I have 4 items in my close, two of which are $125 tops from Talbots (and not the women’s side!), that I LOVE, but dont fit. They’ve never fit. Someday…someday 🙂
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  12. claire says:

    Two, maybe 3. Gifts from Mom ages ago. The type of shell shirts, 1 black and 1 or 2 white, one would use as a base pieces of a wardrobe. Keep thinking I might need them some day…funeral, interview… but I really doubt I’d wear them even under conditions they’d be ideally suited for. Just not me. If I lived in a better area for tag sales, they’d go on the block.
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  13. Jamie says:

    I am definitely a major offender of this. My biggest problem is I think it’s such a good deal I can’t pass up then I never wear it. I only purchased b/c of the price. ugh!
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  14. Alice says:

    verrrry few, if any… usually i’m so excited about new clothes, i wear them immediately! 🙂
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  15. Stacey says:

    I bet I have a couple things with tags still on them. I definitely have clothes I’ve bought and never worn. Eventually they get donated. Such a waste.
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  16. Etta says:

    Fortunately, my closet has been purged of all things with tags. My closet in high school had plenty of tags — mostly things my mother had purchased for me.
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  17. LiLu says:

    Totally. BUT I just went shopping, so it’s okay 😉
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  18. ChezJulie says:

    No, I’m like Jen. I switch out my clothes twice a year to be seasonal, and that gives me a “day of reckoning” with my closet. In the past, I used to only purge clothes that were worn-looking, but now I also allow myself to purge clothes just because I’ve come to hate them. It makes life much better.
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  19. Holly says:

    Amazingly, I don’t! I do have SEVERAL things, though, that I need to get rid of. I keep thinking, “I’ll wait until my sister has a garage sale!” or, “I’ll sell it on E-Bay!” But I really just need to toss ’em. I have sweaters from HIGH SCHOOL (and I’m old!!). 🙂
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  20. martymankins says:

    All tags get removed from any of my clothes right when I bring them home. Then they get put on the hanger. There’s times when some shirts I buy don’t get worn for a while, but it’s rarely more than 3 months before I actually wear it (find an occasion to wear it)
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  21. Bethany says:

    Nope, I don’t! I’ve worn all my clothes…I think. Oh, there might be one summer dress that I got at the end of the summer but didn’t have a chance to wear before it got too cold…

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