Not so fast

By , October 7, 2009 12:42 pm

It’s frustrating that running is not as easy as it used to be. I AM grateful that my shin doesn’t hurt (as much as it did before – a slight pain is still there) and I KNOW it will get easier with time.

But right now, my mind remembers how much I loved it and how easy it used to be. Then I get on the treadmill and it’s not what I remember. And I struggle – mentally – not physically.

Today I ran 1.5 miles. I wanted to run 2, but felt like I was pushing it, and as I mentioned, felt mentally defeated.

But, I am looking on the bright side – I can’t expect to recover instantly. And 1.5 miles is pretty good for someone who hasn’t been running in the past two months. I have to take small, baby steps.

I always feel encouraged when I work on in the office gym. Now, this is going to sound weird, but hear me out. I’ve noticed that most of the women who use the locker room are very comfortable with their bodies. They are not worried if someone else sees them naked. They even stand around and have conversations about exercise while they are drying off or getting dressed. I’ve never been too shy about my body, so this doesn’t weird me out (like it does some people). It actually makes me feel good about myself, seeing other women being so comfortable with who they are. Just thought I would share that…

5 Responses to “Not so fast”

  1. DeAnne says:

    you’ll get there soon, now that you’ve been cleared you can start on the path. it took you a while to get to where you were and I’m guessing that now will take much less time to get back.
    what kept you going early on when you first started running? maybe those thoughts are a good place to begin looking for new motivation.

    on the other note: I’m very comfortable with me; but still I’m quick to uphold the unwritten locker room etiquette and get dressed fast and exposing the least amount of “me” as possible. I’ve noticed the comfortable women, they are usually in the other bay of lockers. I don’t freak out by seeing someone or by being seen but still try to avoid it.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… I guess it’s kinda an afterglow =-.

  2. diane says:

    Yay! You will be running like before in *no* time. As hard as it is for me? I usually run no less than 3 miles, which is amazing when I think I really had to work up to that distance once upon a time.
    I am one of those people who is weirded out by total nudity in the locker room. I think I was scarred by a girl with a Brazilian. I just don’t need to see anyone’s va-jay-jay!

  3. I think the running will come back faster than you think…your body will remember, just don’t let your brain psyche you out. I do NOT dig seeing naked people and I don’t want them to see me…however, I will change clothes or pee ANYWHERE should the need arise….
    .-= Author’s last blog post… What a weekend! =-.

  4. carol says:

    The running will come back faster than it took to build up the first time. Don’t over do it. My question is this: If you still have some shin pain, does that suggest you are not totally healed?

  5. Holly says:

    You will get there! Slowly, but surely (ughhh, no pun intended). I see almost every runner who has injuries go through this – and the ones that don’t I’m convinced are on crack. 😉
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Running Hiatus =-.

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