Friday Question #84

By , October 16, 2009 5:00 am

If you could be anyone’s personal assistant for one day, who would you choose and why?

I think I would chose First Lady Michelle Obama.

<image: Michelle Obama>

It would be so neat to see what a day is like in her life. From everything I’ve read about her, it sounds like she is a very busy, involved and dedicated person, but also balanced. I feel like I could learn a lot from watching someone like that in action! I think she makes a great role model.

Plus, I LOVE her wardrobe. I would just like to look into her closet. And maybe help her organize some clothes to donate…? Wink wink. Have you visited the blog Mrs. O? They follow her fashion, and I am always excited to see what she’s wearing.

Your answer doesn’t have to be a political figure. It can be anyone! This is just the first person that popped into my head!

14 Responses to “Friday Question #84”

  1. Hilly says:

    I would choose to be Bill Clinton’s because you know, bow chicka wow wow. Okay no, I kid about the reason. He fascinates me in some strange way because that man can talk his way out of any situation with such slickness and grace that it’s a serious skill.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… The Cracks In The Crystal Ball… =-.

  2. diane says:

    Of course, the first person that popped into my head was Christian Bale.
    So then I tried to think more seriously and all I could think was that being anyone’s personal assistant would drive me bonkers.
    Sorry, I’m no fun! :p

  3. Michelle O-Jackie O, two best dressed first ladies eva’! I love Michelle Obama, regardless of ones political stance, she is just a first rate classy lady. She’s such an amazing role model to women and girls everywhere 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Tracked =-.

  4. Bethany says:

    Hmmm…I think I’d choose Jennifer Garner. She seems like a great mom and a lot of fun to hang out with 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… A Random Thought =-.

  5. Mica says:

    I’d be YOUR personal assistant so we could blow off our work responsibilities and eat tons of falafel and chips and not drink alcohol in large quantities. FUN TIMES!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Oh, hey. Look at that. =-.

  6. ShutupandRun says:

    I’ve always been a huge Katie Couric fan. My two other faves are Kelly Ripa and Kenny Chesney. I’d take any of the three.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… What Hurts Worse, Pooping or Childbirth? =-.

  7. sizzle says:

    She’s so classy. I dig her style. Great choice!

    Hmmm, I think I would want. . . to be Jon Stewart or Seth Rogen’s assistant so I could make either of them fall madly in love with me.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… You Say It’s Your Birthday =-.

  8. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    Love the Mrs. O blog … seriously, she’s a great dresser!

    If I could be someone’s assistant for a day, it just might have to be Brad Pitt. Not only do I want to see how he manages to do it all (act, charity, etc.), but I’d want to see exactly how awfully Angelina treats him (I mean, she must treat him poorly, right?!).
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Replay =-.

  9. Jamie says:

    Dead and Alive for about the same reason: William Shakespeare because I really want the low down on what it took to put those plays on in the first place and Johnny Depp because the brain that creates those characters fascinates me.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Down In The Depths =-.

  10. Melanie says:

    This comment has nothing to do with your post… but I got your comment on my blog about how you think you cheered for me at mile 8 of the marathon and I just wanted to say THANK YOU. I couldn’t have run so well without all the awesome spectators cheering for me!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Post-Chicago: How I PRed by 20 Minutes and What I’m Planning Next =-.

  11. Jen512 says:

    I would say either Terry Gross (host of Fresh Air) or Jon Stewart. Both are witty, and highly intelligent, two qualities I greatly admire. Plus they both seem like genuinely nice people. I’m also very impressed that they both seem very well versed and knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Cleanin’ out my closet AKA random stuff from my blog folder =-.

  12. oh goodness I would LOVE to be her assistant. She is honestly one of the coolest ladies around! Love that she is a REAL woman and super duper smart
    .-= Author’s last blog post… The Beginning of the End =-.

  13. Julia says:

    Thanks for the birthday wishes! I hope you’re having a great weekend!
    I would want to be Jillian Michael’s personal assistant. I would love to see the choices she makes every day and get to play a part in inspiring people the way she does!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Almost 23… =-.

  14. Holly says:

    What a GREAT question!

    Okay, I’m going to go a completely opposite direction and say Britney Spears. 🙂 Only because I’m pretty sure I would either quit/get fired after 24 hours, and I really just want to see what goes on in a day of her life. Pretty sure she has more drama during lunch than I do in a whole year.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Blogging, Books and Balls =-.

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