Friday Question #85

By , October 23, 2009 8:40 am

If you could open your own store, what merchandise or service would  you sell?

I’ve always thought it would be neat to be a tour guide. So, maybe it would be neat to have my own little tour guide company. Here, or anywhere! I love learning things about the city I live in and sharing it with visitors. I had a lot of fun when Steven and my family came to visit me in Italy. We traveled all over, to cities I had never visited, but I did a lot of research so we would know where to go. And when we came back to Rome, I gave them a tour of the city, based on all of the favorite places I had discovered living there, and of course, the very popular tourist spots as well.

Favorite places in Rome - Giolitti for Gelato!!!

A must visit in Rome is Giolitti, the famous Gelateria! You can read more about our Italy adventures on this page, the 3/13-3/24 entries.

Have you heard about City Running Tours? I just read about it on Melanie’s blog, because she won one in Chicago! She got to go on a guided running tour of Chicago, at the pace she preferred! What a neat idea! I think that would be a fun job.

18 Responses to “Friday Question #85”

  1. diane says:

    I have been half-joking about opening a late night bakery here in the city. It’s my dream. I am not enough of a morning person to be baking at 5am, but since everything closes early I think I could really have a good market for the late-night munchers!

  2. Mica says:

    Hm, I guess I’d be unoriginal and open a bakery with a friend. (Though first, I’d need to actually learn to bake…)

    Maybe I’d be one of those weird people who opens a dog and cat boutique. Ugh, I can’t believe I admitted that.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Monochrome eating and foot news =-.

  3. martymankins says:

    I would open an electronics gadget store and offer a service to get people setup with iPods, smart phones, laptops and the such.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… 48 Hours Of Blech =-.

  4. Susan says:

    It shouldn’t be of any surprise that I would love to open a bakery! Preferably featuring cupcakes and cake…and definitely some ice cream in there!

    I loved when I went back to Italy with my college roommate…since I had spent a summer there (mainly in Rome), it was so much fun to take her to my favorite spots, including my favorite restaurant tucked away in the side streets. 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Pumpkin + Veggies + Apples = STUFFED =-.

  5. sizzle says:

    My store would be like etsy but in a store- supporting local artists and crafters.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Anticipate =-.

  6. sizzle says:

    Or! A jazz bar. 😉
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Anticipate =-.

  7. ChezJulie says:

    I would open a store that sold British items. But not tea cosies and Staffordshire dogs. British literature and books, travel guides, CDs from British bands, magazines from NME to Hello!, teas and Cadbury bars and jams, football (soccer) related merchandise, T-shirts and Doc Martens. Wow… that would be fun!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Teaching with my fly down and weight loss musings =-.

  8. diane says:

    Sizz–we just had a store like that open up in my neighborhood!

    Julie–there is a store like that in Santa Monica–I bought REAL tea and chocolates (like the giant-sized Kit Kat, and of course, Cadbury) there. Yummers.

  9. Mr. P and I would love to open a little dive of a bar…

    I am going to use your blog for preliminary research on Rome in 2012!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… She better not unpack =-.

  10. I was joking with the husband last night about quitting my job and opening a hotdog cart.

    I think I would like to open an ice cream shop. Something like that.

  11. Penny says:

    I have a Masters degree in Counseling so my idea is to open a bar and I’ll be the bartender and then I’ll charge a lot for the drinks but you’ll get “free” therapy.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… She’s HEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRREEEE =-.

  12. i would totally open my own PB store 🙂 that would be awesome!! haha
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Ode to Fall =-.

  13. That does sound like a really fun job. If I could open a store it would be an independent bookstore that would have a reading corner, where I’d read books to them every morning from 10 – 10:30 lol
    .-= Author’s last blog post… 2009 – The Year of Celebrity Sightings =-.

  14. Julia says:

    I think I would open a store with specialty food products and kitchen items. Sort of like a smaller and cozier version of Williams and Sonoma, but with more food items. I would carry local foods, and try to have as many things be environmentally friendly as possible.
    And if I couldn’t open a store like that, I would want to open a running/fitness gear store. Because that is probably my second favorite place to shop.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Tyler arrives tomorrow! =-.

  15. Jen512 says:

    My best friend and I used to watch Ace of Cakes together and fantasize about opening our own cake shop. But neither one of us had any training, so it would have ended up more like Cake Wrecks. Plus I dunno if I could take the stress.

    One that I have seriously thought about is opening my own bar. I bartended for 4 years, and bar managed for two years at a catering company. It would be a lot like my favorite bar from where I went to college in San Marcos, Tx. The Tap Room was hidden in a back alley way, the kind of place that you would have to just know about. Despite it’s dive bar status, it had over 70 beers on tap that were all either international beers or local microbreweries, a full bar and the best food. I can’t even describe how good the food is!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Update to the Update =-.

  16. Erin says:

    I used to want to open a senior dog shelter. But I’m kind of tired of dealing with dogs with issues! So, instead, I’d say a small wine bar. Quiet, cozy. Somewhere you could go to meet people and hang out for a few hours. Play board games. Host a book club. Stuff like that.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… TIART – The Race is the Place =-.

  17. kapgar says:

    I would totally be an outdoors adventure store like a Gander Mountain or an LL Bean (I say the latter because they offer adventure trips in addition to just the gear). Totally!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… It all started with a big bang… =-.

  18. Bethany says:

    A bookstore was my first reaction…but maybe a photography studio too?
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Money Madness =-.

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