Friday Question #86

By , October 30, 2009 7:33 am

What are your Halloween plans this year? Dressing up and going out – what as? Trick-or-treating with the kids – what are they going as? Handing out candy – what kind? Not doing anything?

We are doing the same thing we have the past two years – handing out candy. Well, not candy, but animal crackers! We usually don’t have many kids come to our door; I think it’s because we live in a townhome. Two years ago we had 35 kids visit, and I think last year we had between 20-25.

Two years ago, we handed out little Darth Vader helmets (from inside of that big helmet) that were full of candy.

This year the trick-or-treating in our neighborhood is from 1:00-7:00 pm. Doesn’t that seem like a long-ass time?! When I was a kid, it was from 5:00-7:00, and we were hauling ass going from house to house.* We had so much fun though. We always went to my grandma’s neighborhood, and hit almost every house. Then we immediately went back to her house to sort our candy and make any trades. My grandma really got into Halloween. She always had this scary dummy she put on the bench on her front porch. One year, we arrived, and walked right past it, and it jumped out at us! She had dressed up as they dummy to freak us out. Well, she did. Hmm, that must be where my mom got that. Ha, I’ll have to tell a funny story about that sometime.

Oops, got off tangent. I hope we have more trick-or-treaters since they have a six-hour window to trick-or-treat. Our only other plans this weekend are to paint the guest bathroom. Woo-hoo! Not. I hate to paint. But this was my idea. We have paint, might as well use it!

*I apologize for the use of the word “ass” twice in one sentence.

21 Responses to “Friday Question #86”

  1. tori says:

    I think I already told you my kids are all going as characters from Harry Potter. Today is their school party and I just finished drawing the scar on my 9 year old son’s face. My 5 year old has a fever and has to stay home sick and miss his class party. Hopefully he will be better tomorrow for trick or treating! Our hours are from 4-either 7 or 8. I can’t believe your hours are so long!
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  2. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    You consider 20-30 kids “not that many???” Wow. That seems like a lot to me. We don’t get any. We live in a condo building with a buzzer system that is just too complicated. I think the kids stick to the single family homes up the street!
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  3. Hilly says:

    Well since I already partied like a rock star last weekend, the actual Halloween is going to be pretty tame. I am going Trick or Treating with my friend and her kids. I know, I am so exciting. 😉
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  4. diane says:

    Yeah, that is one bummer about the city. No trick or treaters. One time when I lived in a little two-flat we got them, but since I was not expecting any, I didn’t have candy. I felt like a jerk!
    So tonight’s my big party and then tomorrow I’m going to watch the Halloween parade on Halsted. I think that’s about all I can handle at this age. 😉
    Oh yeah, and I totally think it’s sad that kids don’t go out after dark anymore. I know it’s for safety reasons, but still. Running around the neighborhood at night was part of what made it so much fun!! (I’m sure I’ll tell those annoying “When I was your age…” stories to my kids some day)

  5. Susan says:

    The boyfriend and I are going to a costume party…but we don’t have costumes yet…haha.

    When I lived at home in Chicago, my mom was (and still is, I suppose) an art teacher at the local elementary school, so we would get alllllllll the kids coming to our house since we lived in the neighborhood. Even though we lived on kind of a random off street, the kids would make a special trip to come see my mom on Halloween.
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  6. carol says:

    Wow – you have an official window of time for trick or treating?

  7. Erin says:

    My original plans were to go to see Paranormal Activity and go out to dinner. When you have two dogs who bark like crazy at the doorbell it’s such a hassle to hand out candy. I usually just put a bowl on the porch and expect people to use the honor system. If the bowl runs out, oh well.

    However, my brother invited us to a costume party on Saturday evening so, if we can find costumes, we’ll be going to that. I can’t believe I’m going to brave the Halloween store the night before Halloween.

    And, yes, 1-7PM seems like a really long time. Must be because it’s a weekend.
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  8. sizzle says:

    I really can’t wait until I have a house of my own and can get candy for the kids. I love that part! When I was a kid we’d get our haul and then go back home to sort and trade too. 🙂 My mom would always have to “test” the candy for poison. Such a scam!
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  9. Mica says:

    Geez, that is a long time for candy! I could really do some damage (to my stomach) from 1-7pm!

    We’re having a Halloween party from the grad students of French, which means I have to clean and think of a costume. I should probably remember to get some candy to pass out in case anyone comes to the door…provided my trashy upstairs neighbors and hyperactive dogs don’t scare the kiddies away first.
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  10. Wow, so they can trick or treat all damn day? That is one long ass time. Too long.

    Since we live in a town dominated by college football, Halloween for children was yesterday…we all dressed up as Blue’s Clues characters and went to the Downtown Trick or Treat…where we DOMINATED and won the costume contest.

    .-= Author’s last blog post… I kinda knew, but they yet again confirmed… =-.

  11. Jamie says:

    I love the holiday but no dressing up. I get no kids in our condo building 🙁 they all trek to the burbs for the good stuff! Have a great weekend!
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  12. Denise says:

    Wow!! From 1 to 7?? That is crazy!! Ours is Saturday from 5-7, 2 hours is plenty long enough. I actually would like to go to a “ghost tour” in a nearby town instead of handing out candy. But my husband has a sore throat today and so he is probably going to be sick tomorrow. So I’ll be staying home and handing out candy. We used to dress up and go out, we even won prizes a couple of times. Now we just hang out and hand out candy like a couple of old farts. haha I loved the story of Grandma scaring you. Muahahahaha 😀

  13. Alice says:

    there are set hours for trick or treating?? in my neighborhood growing up, you just… went. little kids went while it was still light out, and older kids went until you turned off your lights and stopped answering the doorbell ;-P

    my tonya harding costume is set & ready to go! just spray painted my “weapon” silver about 20 mins ago 😉
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  14. Ren says:

    Last year, I think at least one of my daughters skipped trick-or-treat and just handed out candy. Other than haunted houses and parties, I’m kinda done with the whole Halloween scene, so that worked out well for me. In the previous couple of years before that, I would generally stay home to hand out the candy and I just found it to interrupt my TV watching. Wow am I a Halloween Humbug! Clearly I need to focus on the parties. 🙂
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  15. ShutupandRun says:

    We’ll be handing out candy – the full size bars b/c we’re trying to be cool and to make friends.
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  16. Robin says:

    Hi Kim,

    Wow! 1 – 7 is a LONG time and in the day time?? Seems so ‘not spooky.’

    I love Halloween, and when we lived in a suburban neighborhood, we decorated the house/yard like a haunted house and handed out candy (loved that!), but now that we’re in the city (gated, apt, etc…), we don’t get trick-or-treaters (though we have some candy for our cute little 2-yr old neighbor who may stop by … just in case.)

    I did decorate my cubicle and had a bowl of candy for workmates, but ended up bringing some home. Need to get these d**^ mini-Snickers bars OUT of the house, now! Really, how many is considered too many to eat???? I’m just askin’…… 🙂

    We played hooky today (Hubby and I) and went to see Zombie Land (his choice)… funny, but ummmm… well, it’s zombies. Need I say more?? I think we’ll see Paranormal tomorrow night – my adult students say it’s scary as h***! I was supposed to do a kids’ 1K fun run w/ my 8-yr-old nephew tonight (was sooooo looking forward to it!), but unfortunately, fever struck (all 3 kids in the house) and running plans were canx’d. Bummer. Bummer. Bummer.

    BTW – LOVE the Darth Vader treats in the pic – what a great idea! Hubby is a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE SW fan, so he loved it, too – wanted to know where he could get his! LOL

    Have a howling Halloween!


    P.S. I bet YOUR Halloween weather is MUCH nicer than ours! (88 degrees here today. Cool front coming Tues: 83 degrees….grrrr!!!)
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Trick or Treat – Move Those Feet! =-.

  17. Julia says:

    We have no Halloween plans here – sad I know.
    I wish I lived in a neighborhood where I could hand out candy/yummy healthy treats.
    Have a great Saturday.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Weekend Plans =-.

  18. Holly says:

    1-7?!! Holy cow, those are some lucky kids!! TOTing is always from 5-8 here. I think I got jipped as a kid. 😉

    Good luck painting this weekend! Sometimes I think the smaller rooms (like bathrooms) are the hardest. But it feels SO good once it’s done. Plus, can we say ‘arm workout’?

    Happy Halloween!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Protein Pancakes =-.

  19. kapgar says:

    You only had two hours for Halloween?? WTF is that? As long as the calendar still said it was October 31 and people had their porch lights on, we were still trick or treating. Clock be damned.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… When you wish… =-.

  20. Amanda says:

    Trick or treating starting at 1pm does seem a little wacky! Unfortunatey I’m stuck working all weekend so there will be no Halloween fun in my life. Have a great weekend!
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  21. Bethany says:

    Six hours for Trick or Treating?!! Wow! We had a party @ school on Friday and that was a lot of fun…tonight I’m babysitting a little 1 year old, his town (and most of them around here) had trick or treating two nights ago…so weird! Happy Halloween 🙂

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