Mud, Poop and Vomit

By , November 3, 2009 7:30 am

How do I end up with mud on my hand (and not to mention, glove, coat, messenger bag and pants) when all I have been doing for the last hour and a half is sitting on the train? When I got out of my seat to leave the train, there it was. It’s magic! Or maybe it’s not even mud…


If it was Monday, I may have been slightly annoyed, but since I was already mostly awake and chipper, I just made my way to the bathroom in Union Station to try to clean myself off. I then got out a clean pair of gloves (Because it’s totally normal to carry three pairs of gloves with you… right? Right?!) and made my way on to work.

Of course, I started thinking how the mud didn’t phase me at all, or really even annoy me, and I remembered the time when lots of things used to gross me out. Not mud, per se, but I gagged when cleaning the cat litter, gross laboratory smells in college made me sick, and nasty garbage smells grossed me out big time.

I quickly got over that volunteering at the cat shelter in Rome for 6 months. I basically cleaned around 40 litter boxes each night. I cleaned up vomit. I cleaned up non-solidified poop. I cleaned up other nasty things that sick kitties do. I got pooped on by a pigeon during a class walking tour of the Campidoglio and I didn’t get upset. I just calmly left class, walked back to the apartment, and took a nice hot shower.

The other day, I took Data on a walk and was talking to my mother on the phone. I was kind of distracted, so I wasn’t fully monitoring how much grass he was eating. We got back inside, and sure enough, Data started making his telltale deep moaning “I’m about to vomit-os” meow. I got Data to a tile surface, and asked my mom to hold on for a moment while Data threw up. I am sure she could hear him hacking in the background. She politely asked if she should let me go… because it was grossing her out. I told her he was done, but then he threw up a little bit more. Ha ha. I finally let my poor mother off of the phone after that. But I just cleaned up Data’s vomit like it was normal. I even got some on my finger by accident and totally didn’t care.

So, most things like this don’t bother me. Do they bother you?

Of course, I will say all this, but still thinks it’s DISGUSTING when someone uses a public restroom and does not flush. And sometimes, the smell of the landfill really gets to me, especially when it waifs into the train in the early morning. But mud, poop and vomit? Bring it on. Ha ha.

17 Responses to “Mud, Poop and Vomit”

  1. ShutupandRun says:

    My big gross out is people vomit. Dogs/cats, okay. But if a human throws up it’s all over for me.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Once a Runner =-.

  2. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    Mud? Whatever. It’s mud. As we used to say when I spent a summer camping with other teenagers, “God made dirt. Dirt don’t hurt.” And we weren’t even of the religious persuasion. It’s just a rhyme that makes sense. It’s not gonna kill ya.

    Poop. I can handle it when it comes from my dog (I literally handle it by picking it up every day!). And sometimes other people’s dogs. But, generally, it’s kinda gross coming from a dog I don’t know.

    And vomit. That’s when I let Sweets take over. Eiwwww. I definitely have my limits. hahaha.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Inspiration =-.

  3. Christina says:

    Yea when you own pets some how your life is poop and vomit. I am alos checking the poop to see if my dog is feeling or if she is sick or if she ate something that she should not have (I will spare you the details about that)>

    But some public restooms gross me out.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Holding myself accountable =-.

  4. Erin says:

    I’ve got a pretty strong stomach when I know where the mess came from. Which is why I’m the one always stuck cleaning up dog messes.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… A Scary Halloween Story =-.

  5. Amanda says:

    With 3 dogs and 2 cats, someone is always pooping/peeing/vomiting somewhere that I have to clean up. I definitely don’t enjoy it but for the most part I can do it without gagging. Just yesterday one of our labs hiked his leg outside and peed on our boxer so she had to have a bath. I love that you carried extra gloves.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… 24 Hour Urine Collection =-.

  6. Alice says:

    so, i went to this grammar school that my friends have nicknamed “farm school,” because it was literally on an old farm and we spent like 6 hours a day outside and there were chickens and sheep and a WHOLE LOT of mud and dirt. and a gardening class and 4 compost piles. and a LOT of bugs and ticks and various spending-time-outside-a-lot-ness. soo.. i’m pretty good with gross stuff 🙂 people vomit isn’t so great though, i’ll admit!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… halloween two-fer =-.

  7. Etta says:

    I guess I’ll find out in about a week and a half if vomit and feces bother me!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Tasty Tuesday =-.

  8. Jen512 says:

    I’m the same way you used to be. Smells are the worst, I’m deep in the “gross-out, gag, maybe even vomit” phase of life. Pregnancy has made it a million times worse, but I’m finally at the point where I can handle the trash with out vomiting…hopefully. I think it’s simply a sign of maturity that you’re not so grossed out by things anymore.

    I think having a baby is supposed to universally break a person of being grossed out by bodily fluids, at least that’s what I’ve heard/hope. There’s got to be some deep-seeded instinct that keeps you from vomiting on your own child while you’re changing a diaper…
    .-= Author’s last blog post… She’s a cutie… =-.

  9. Nora says:

    I can handle all of those just fine thanks to my nanny days & having a puppy turned dog. What other choice do we have? But for some reason touching raw meat grosses me out. As does insects. Bizarre, I know!

  10. sizzle says:

    Why would someone use a public restroom and not flush? Or worse, NOT WASH THEIR HANDS. Gag. I think I just went vomitos like Data.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Time Out =-.

  11. mmm. I don’t get too squeamish after two kids, dogs and a very pukey cat. I would rather it not get on my hands, but that is why we have soap, no?

    The one smell I can no longer deal with at.all?

    Chinese buffets, especially the ones with seafood. BLECH.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… the LONGest run =-.

  12. Mica says:

    I’m pretty squeamish about most things, especially all types of bodily functions. Mud doesn’t bother me usually…unless I’m wearing my brand new running shoes and slide in a big, gushy section of it on the sidewalk. LAME!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… A series of vain pictures and body whining. =-.

  13. lifestudent says:

    Mud, Poop, and Vomit. All I could think of was: “these are a few of my favorite things”. Ha.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Running In The AM: Maybe, Maybe Not =-.

  14. Jamie says:

    I’ve become much stronger with all that stuff but vomit usually does me in. Bring on the dry heaves, except when my poor kitty has issues. Then I’m fine.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… how business travel and running are a lot alike… =-.

  15. tori says:

    With 4 kids I am getting used to it all. There are still times when vomit makes me gag and I remember one time in particular where I had to clean some up and I had to spray a bandana with perfume and then tie it over my face so I could clean it up without smelling it because it was making me gag so much. My own kids poop is fine, never grossed me out at all but when my daycare kid had diarrhea? It was awful! So I guess family grossness is fine with me but stranger stuff makes me gag.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… At Least I Don’t Have to Find the Swine Flu Vaccine Now =-.

  16. Very little grosses me out- but I have a hard time watching someone throw up. And I cannot stand snot. Yout can pee or poop yourself, but snot just makes my stomach turn.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Where It All Began =-.

  17. Mud Bogging says:

    Poop, vomit, and mud is just some of the messy things in life we dont really tend to think about until confronted with that’s for sure!

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