Note to self, re: gross food habits

By , November 5, 2009 12:17 pm

Note to self: Using a napkin to cover your mouth so you can talk with your mouth full of food is NOT COOL. QUIT DOING THAT.

So, I’ve been eating a lot of salad lately, and for some reason, it takes me forever to chew, and I get anxious when I am eating with other people because I cannot respond as fast. So… yeah. The napkin thing.

That is just so gross.

Do you know anyone (besides now, me) who has gross food habits? Do you?

Steven and I once worked with this guy who always chewed with his mouth open at his desk, and smacked his food so loud… you wanted to smack him. He was always eating something, and would walk around the office smacking his food. Yuck. Oh yeah, and he was a vegetarian who any ate meat if it was free (?). And he cut all of the tops off of the cupcakes I brought into the office because he didn’t like frosting (he ate 6 or so cupcakes though).

Bitter much? Ha. I laugh about it. Now.

My other bad food habits are eating too fast and apparently, Steven says, I do a bit of smacking too. BUT NOTHING LIKE THAT GUY! I am working on it too!

13 Responses to “Note to self, re: gross food habits”

  1. oh man, I totally do the napkin thing too, or worse, just my hand. I will try to stop doing that as well.

    I can not stand hearing people chew their food, and our daughter, for the love of Pete, is a super loud eater and it drives me bezerk.

    The cupcake and meat thing is weird.
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  2. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    For the record, you do eat fast. I had barely taken a bite out of my burrito when you (and Steven!) were already done! hahaha.

    My aunt has a terrible food habit that Sweets and I joke about constantly. First, you have to know that she’s one of those dominating people when it comes to conversation. She will interrupt and talk through you in order to hear herself speak. She will continue speaking if no one is listening. So, you can imagine her at the dinner table. Food will not stand in her way. She will chew with her mouth open, smacking away at her food as she demands your attention in whatever she’s trying to say. Talk about GROSS!

    I know I have a tendency to want to talk with food in my mouth; but, I can only hope I’m nothing like her. =)
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  3. Holly says:

    uh oh…I might have done the napkin thing before! 🙁 Hahaha, I try now to just put my finger up. My index finger, of course.

    Okay, so this is going to sound mean, but I’m going to say it. My old roommate was about 300 pounds and ate like a mountain lion. He literally ATTACKED his food. It would get on his hands, his face, his clothes….it made me sick to my stomach to watch him! He also LOVED condiments and put mayo on everything, pretty much. Now I can’t even look at the stuff. 🙁
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  4. Erin says:

    My stepdad is a loud, smacking eater. I hate it. But then Jason informed me that he can’t even be in the same room with me when I eat my English muffin with peanut butter in the morning. Because apparently I smack, too! I have got to be more conscious of that.
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  5. diane says:

    I am pretty sure I talk with food in my mouth, because I never stop talking!! Ha. Gross.
    And I definitely eat too fast. I think that’s largely a product of…well, rushing around on our lunch breaks. Blah.
    I try really really hard to be a quiet eater, because smacking mouth noises drive me CUH-RAZY!

  6. Robin says:

    Hmmmm…. not a napkin, but my hand in front of my mouth because I just can’t seem to shut up sometimes! 🙂 GROSS. Guess I need to work on this…

    Love the new pic!

    And beheading cupcakes?? Okay, that’s just WRONG!
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  7. I hate the sound of people pouring things… ugh it makes me cringe

  8. Mica says:

    I do the “napkin” thing…except, I do it with my hand, which is gross.

    I also have started putting my elbows on the table at dinner.

    My best friend from grade school would use her finger to push all the extra things (like the last five peas) on her plate onto her fork. It really grossed me out, but then again, I can’t blame her too much because were in elementary school and probably didn’t have good fine motor skills.
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  9. lifestudent says:

    My husbands family all inhales their food. I’ll look up, and all their plates are clean and they are staring at me. I’ve had about 2 bites of my food … and I am already a fast eater.

    I also do the hand covering my mouth or the one finger up 😉
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  10. Bethany says:

    I do the napkin thing too! Sadly, I’m a very slow eater and usually have eaten like 25% of my food when people are all the way done. I’m not sure that’s a bad habit but it’s not good sometimes!!!! 😉
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  11. Jillian says:

    My boss is the loudest eater EVER…sometimes I have to leave the room because she has no problem doing it right in my ear. Honestly, it is so bad, I want to at times throw up.

    I dont know if mine is “gross” but I know it annoys people: I don’t like any of my food to touch, so for example at a buffet, I use like 4 plates. I take up half a table with all my dishes!

    I sure hope my boss never finds your blog 🙂
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  12. DeAnne says:

    He’s disgusting, talking in to your napkin doesn’t even come close!

  13. Amanda says:

    My dad’s biggest pet peeve was smacking and he’s passed that on to me. I’m hyper-aware to not smack my food, and get so bugged by smackers. I am a double-dipper though, like with chips and salsa when out with friends for dinner.
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