What is your blog about?

By , November 11, 2009 8:10 am

This weekend, I was introduced as a blogger to some new people and they asked me, “What is your blog about?”

Um, uh… um…

I’ve actually been borrowing Nilsa’s idea and calling this a “life blog,” at least, over to the right in my intro*. And duh, she even mentioned in point #2 of that post to be prepared to talk about your blog! But I sure wasn’t.

I said I talk about exercise, a little bit about food, a lot of rants… I explained that I started this blog the summer before I went to Rome to keep in touch and that it has kind of expanded off of that…


Sometimes, it’s just really hard to define who you are. That reminded me of when I had to come up with three interesting facts about myself for a class I took back in May. It also made me realize that I am more likely to be the one asking questions when I meet new people. I usually don’t do much talking myself. I do more probing. Ha ha.

So… I think I should work on that – being able to talk about me, intelligently, that is.

Do you ever get the question, “What is your blog about?” How do you answer? Or if you don’t blog, are you prepared to answer when people ask you what your hobbies are?

*As a side note, I think it’s REALLY important to have an intro or “About” page on your blog. That’s the first thing I look for when I am checking out a new blog!

19 Responses to “What is your blog about?”

  1. Jen512 says:

    I think I’m still trying to figure out what my blog is about. When I started it, I wanted it to not be about me, I just wanted to talk about interesting or funny things from TV and the internet. That never really panned out the way I wanted. Now I’m working on transitioning my blog to be more personal, and hopefully more interesting. I also need to update my seriously neglected travel blog! It’s sad really.

    I hear you about the “about” page, I need one as well. I just find it so hard to write! I’ll get one out there someday…
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Slow Day/Survey =-.

  2. Hilly says:

    I just say, “It’s about me and how I am feeling at any random moment” and that sums it up quite nicely. 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Messiahs Need People Dying In Their Names… =-.

  3. Jamie says:

    A lot of my friends don’t really know that I blog. But when asked I say it’s mostly about running with some life events thrown in. Usually I lose them when I say it’s about running 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Being Good =-.

  4. Susan says:

    I haven’t told most people about my blog, so I guess I avoid the question. 🙂 I’m not sure what I would tell people, though. I started off as just a running blog, but now I talked about my job and the food I make and running…and random things that happen. Running/life blog sounds good.

    I like when people ask what I do for fun, and I say “run”…and they look at me like, “And what else?” No really, I run. A lot.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Pennsylvania and I are NOT friends. Ever. =-.

  5. I don’t talk about my blog to people because it is still secret. I had thought I would only keep it secret until the tenure vote passed, but I think I prefer it this way.

    So, that being said, I don’t have an About page, and I really don’t know what it is about…it changes…so I like Nilsa’s LIFE blog.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… It wasn’t all perfect =-.

  6. Julia says:

    I never know how to categorize my blog…I guess the most accurate would be food and fitness, but I blog about more than that at times.
    It’s always interesting telling people about a blog – some people are just sort of confused by the idea, and others get so excited.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… On Track Tuesday =-.

  7. Alice says:

    i usually sort of blow off the question – i sometimes feel weird having “real life” people come to my blog, so when asked i usually say something like “oh, it’s just stories about what’s going on in my life at any given moment” and change the topic 😉
    .-= Author’s last blog post… paintings of the pole: volume 2 =-.

  8. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    Isn’t that the worst – to be caught off-guard with a question about your blog? I was just thinking of how to further explain what a life blog is. I think I’d tell non-bloggers to take something that happened to them today. It could be a lousy commute or an observation of a stranger doing something weird or a notable interaction with a friend. Once they have that event in their mind, then I’d tell them to imagine talking to a friend on the phone … what would you say to them to describe the event? Once they come up with an answer, I’d tell them that’s largely what my blog posts are like … descriptions of life events, life observations and life questions. The comments are like the feedback your friend would give you during conversation on the phone.

  9. Etta says:

    I really need to work on honing in on a topic for my blog. Right now I feel like I ramble about my life, which makes it more or less a diary. I don’t think that makes it incredibly interesting. I need to decide on a couple of topics and try to stick to them. I’ve been thinking about it lately, so we’ll see what I come up with.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Elvis is Alive =-.

  10. kapgar says:

    I tell people my blog is whatever I want it to be on a given day. I don’t believe in categorizing myself because then I get pigeonholed. That’s never good.

    While I’ve talked with people about being a blogger, I can’t say I’ve ever been introduced as one. Where were you that this happened?
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Black cat, nine lives, short days, long nights… =-.

  11. lifestudent says:

    According to my husband, my blog is a place for me to complain about my life and also brag about myself.

    But I have two. The other one I complain about my life as a parent and brag about my daughter 😉
    .-= Author’s last blog post… How To FEEL Fast (Even When You Really Arent) =-.

  12. Mica says:

    I almost always say “Running, Eating, and…um, stuff I do.” I definitely don’t say “healthy living” since I contribute significantly to the french fried potato industry.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Eyebrow haiku. =-.

  13. Emma says:

    I always tell people my blog is about heart healthy living, which is usually followed by a very blank stare from the other party. It’s hard to define yet in theory, it should be so simple!

  14. Holly says:

    I was just thinking this morning about how RANDOM my blog is. 🙂 It’s kind of all over the place…which is sometimes frustrating, but I also like it. That is just me. Exercise/Food/TV Shows/Randomness.

    And I agree about the “About” section of the blog! It’s the first place I check, too. And I LOVE pictures! I’m such a kid.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… I Spy Stir Fry =-.

  15. Ren says:

    My blog’s tagline/subtitle/whatever is “A collection of Ren’s thoughts and other renutiae” and that’s pretty accurate. I don’t have an About page, though. Uh-oh….
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Thank You =-.

  16. Erin says:

    Well, the one I share with people (that is, this one) is obviously about running. I do have my livejournal account that I don’t blab all over the place. That’s more of a “journal” where I record my day-to-day stuff and things that happen to me. Either way, no one has ever asked me what they’re about. My mom, however, did tell me once that she didn’t understand the point of blogging at all.

    Also, I have no hobbies unless you could trying to figure out how to be in the best shape I can be in without sacrificing too much time out of the rest of my life.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Westchester VeteRUN 10K 2009 =-.

  17. Amanda says:

    You know, I’ve never actually had anyone ask about my blog. My friends aren’t really all that interested. My family reads it, and then of course everyone in bloggy world that I’ve connected with, but other than that I don’t really talk about it in “real life.”
    .-= Author’s last blog post… 500 Miles! =-.

  18. Robin says:

    Hmmmm…. great question! Since I’m a ‘prober’ too, I like asking the questions also, but I believe my blog has some direction (at least in my mind it does…ha ha!).

    I think my tagline sums it up: “Blogging about the journey toward the finish line…” which on the surface seems pretty straightforward, but really is (okay, secret’s out!) more metaphorical in nature. I also think my profile spells it out: “I like to eat. I’m newly diabetic. I had to learn to have more than a love/hate relationship with food and exercise.” (Now it’s all love, baby! lol)

    I think what’s weird/funny is when someone mentions that I blog, and someone else gets this quizzical look on his/her face and it’s clear they’re wondering, “What’s blogging??” And in the next breath it’s, “Oh, that’s so nice….” Now I’m teaching my colleagues about blogging and other social media since I coordinate professional development for our division. Nice! 🙂

  19. Nat says:

    I wish I could say something like “oh, it’s a food blog” …

    I used to have a running blog. That one was easy.
    Mostly I say it’s not about anything. It’s more about getting away from the editors and expressing myself. People don’t understand but it makes me sound WAY more artistic than I really am.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Lest we forget =-.

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