Friday Question #89

By , November 20, 2009 5:12 am

image:getting readyWhat’s your morning routine? How long does it take you to get ready for work or a day at home?

I am guilty of being lazy and tired in the morning, and my routine time has cut down drastically. I shower at night. I wake up 30 minutes before I have to leave each morning (usually wake up between 4:30 – 5:30 am) – 10 minutes for makeup/hair, 10 minutes for clothes, 10 minutes for packing lunch. Yeah, I don’t always look so… polished. I don’t think I look sloppy, but I don’t look put together! I just DO NOT KNOW what to do with my hair. I know how to use a hair straightener and that’s about it!

I am actually more likely to spend more time getting ready on the weekends because I do not feel rushed and tired.

17 Responses to “Friday Question #89”

  1. J says:

    I try to put on makeup and one piece of jewelry every day. It usually takes me about 40 minutes to shower, get ready, eat breakfast and finish packing my lunch. I have gotten it down to a science but i do get lazy somtimes!
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  2. ChezJulie says:

    My morning routine is terrible. I waste a bunch of time and get to work about half an hour later than I’d planned. I really need to make some changes.
    I get up, go to the bathroom, do my morning weigh in, go fix a healthy breakfast, then (here’s the time wasting part) get back in bed with breakfast and the cats and check my e-mail and my blogs. When I realize I’m going to be late, I get out of bed and get dressed or shower and get dressed. (I usually look pretty pulled together). Then I make my salad for lunch, say bye to the cats, and drive to work, picking up a latte on the way. (O.K., here’s another stupid part). I put on my makeup in the parking lot at my work.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Menu Makeover Magic =-.

  3. tori says:

    I get up, walk on the treadmill until I am bored or feel like I am going to run out of time and then take a shower. I usually don’t really work too hard at making myself look great because I am normally spending the day with a bunch of kids and they don’t really care what I look like, just what kind of activities we do and how good the snacks are.

    I would say I could get myself ready in about 15 minutes but then it takes me forever to get my kids up and ready. By the time they head off to school I am exhausted already!

    But here is the crazy part. On days I have my daycare kids, I get up extra early (around 4, sometimes a few minutes before) so that I can do all my stuff (walking on the treadmill and shower) and then let Maya out for a while because they daycare kids are afraid of her so she has to stay in her room. So I get up extra early for my dog and am exhausted those days because of her. I never would have thought I would get up earlier for a dog!

  4. diane says:

    I am really, really bad about washing my hair. Since I have thick, curly hair I know I don’t have to wash it every day and it’s so dry it rarely looks greasy. BUT…today for example? I overslept because I have a doctor’s appointment and was so happy about having time to sleep in. Hee hee. So I didn’t wash my hair on a day I should have. Whoops.
    Shower + hair + makeup + ironing my pants usually takes about 40 minutes. Then I throw some snacks in my bag, grab Starbucks, and eat breakfast when I get to work.
    On the weekends it just depends. Usually I don’t feel like getting all dolled up unless I am going out. Then I’ll give myself about an hour. 🙂

  5. Mica says:

    I can barely put on make-up, and by “make-up”, I mean JUST the eyes. (Powder? Foundation? Concealer? Lipstick? What are these magic tools of devilry?) Most days, I’m too lazy to even do my eyes.

    I shower in the morning, and drying my hair takes a really long time now. (Maybe I’ll cut it…) I guess my routine takes about 30 minutes of getting ready, maybe a little more if you count packing my lunch and eating breakfast.
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  6. Jenn says:

    45-60 minutes, but I don’t like to be rushed so I get up about 90 minutes before I need to leave so I can have breakfast and take care of the dog.
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  7. Erin says:

    Hmm, let’s see. I drag myself out of bed around 7 (15 minutes earlier if I have a 9AM meeting) and I’m usually out of the house by 8:15. I would say that including all my usual primping and checking email, packing lunch and eating breakfast it takes me an hour to get out of the house. The only thing I do to my hair is wash, comb, blow dry, and run a brush through it. If you want a suggestion for an AMAZING and CHEAP stylist who can not only cut your hair to work with it’s natural state but actually show you want to do with it (including restrictions such as “I can’t use a round brush”…yeah, that’s me) let me know. He’s in the city but totally, totally worth the trip.

    Other things I do in the morning? Shower, put on make-up, let dogs in and out, feed dogs, and pack a gym bag if needed.

    Hope you’re having fun baking this weekend!
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  8. Susan says:

    Welllllll since I don’t work until 3pm, I have a rather lengthy morning routine. 🙂 I eat breakfast/read blogs for maybe an hour. SERIOUSLY. I need to get a newspaper or something, haha. I usually shower at 1pm before eating lunch. Shower + prep usually takes about 20 minutes since I don’t dry my hair. I have to wear it up so I’m not going to bother drying it!

    I guess I don’t have a “morning” routine…haha
    .-= Author’s last blog post… I feel a bit unprepared.. =-.

  9. martymankins says:

    Morning routine for me:

    – up at 7am
    – start coffee
    – shower
    – take coffee to my wife
    – get dressed
    – check email, twitter, blog reader
    – start oatmeal water boiling
    – drink coffee
    – server oatmeal for me and my wife
    – clean up kitchen
    – brush teeth, shut down laptop
    – leave for work

    That’s pretty much my routine each and every morning, with the exception of the weekend mornings. Which are more relaxed and not so rigid.
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  10. Ren says:

    I usually take about 30-40 minutes to get ready. Then, after taking the kids to school (usually), I spend another 30-40 minutes at breakfast catching up on Tweets and Words with Friends before going to work.
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  11. Holly says:

    4:30?!!!!! Please, PLEASE tell me you get home at a decent time? Wow, that is early. Are you a morning person?

    I get up around 7:10 if I’m not going to the gym, and about 6:10 if I am going to workout. It takes me usually around 30 minutes to get ready (with a shower), but it’s because I dawdle (sp?). I’m a BIG dawdler. I can get ready in 15-20 minutes if I just focused. 😉 That is one of the things about curly hair…I let it air dry. Yep, even in the winter.
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  12. Nat says:

    Well the routine includes getting The Boy dressed (he does it but still there is … )

    If I am not doing any of that… the actual me routine takes about 30 including shower. I don’t wear make up often. The hardest part is figuring out what to wear.
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  13. 5:30 I am up and out of bed. Immediately in the shower. Out, dressed, hair moussed, and work ID card located (the most time consuming step…I always lose that thing) by 6:15. No makeup, blowdryer, anything like that. Make my breakfast and eat while Spud wakes up. At this time I generally catch up on my blog reading. Spud is up and dressed by 6:45. Out the door by 6:50. Drop kid off at daycare, then work by 7:30. Amazing that all of that takes 2 hours. I am not a long shower-er, just slow with everything else I guess!
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  14. Vicki says:

    When I actually do my morning routine varies by day of the week, whether my husband is home to take the kids to school, etc. If he’s around, I often don’t shower until lunch time (can’t believe I just admitted that) and I make use of the quiet house by studying and doing work I can’t do when the kids are around. If I need to take the kids to school, it is much crazier in the morning. My personal grooming takes close to an hour on days when I blow dry my hair (I have a lot of hair) and do make-up, but on days when I’m not leaving the house I just shower and brush my teeth/hair which takes 10 minutes.
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  15. sizzle says:

    I wake up between 6am and 6:30, make some tea, read my email and some blogs, maybe post a blog, shower/get ready, make some breakfast/pack a lunch, eat breakfast and read a few more blogs, get dressed and inevitably change my outfit 4 times, am late to work by at least 15 mins daily.

    .-= Author’s last blog post… Being Real =-.

  16. Bethany says:

    When I sub, my morning routine is a lot more “normal”! My job doesn’t start until 11 so I get up between 8 &10, sometimes run errands, sometimes babysit, sometimes just chill and watch tv or read, get prepared for the upcoming week/month by checking out art projects online for the kids…I usually leave for work at 10:40 🙂
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