Similarities and Differences

By , November 23, 2009 6:57 am

This weekend, while the boys were doing this,

Steven working on the Datsun


Dad working on the Datsun

and this,

Data watching over us

my mom, grandma and I were doing this,

Visiting Millennium Park (and downtown Chicago)


Since Christina couldn’t be there, mom talked to her on the phone while she frosted cookies.


Mom wraps the gifts while Data watches

and this,

Posing for silly photos so we won’t lose our minds

with finished products like this

Sample plate of goodies
(We ended up making vegan sugar cookies, vegan chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter kisses, peanut clusters (some vegan), caramel popcorn (some vegan), butterscotch num nums, vegan chex mix, and (pre-made) toffee)

and this.

Mica’s Prize

And now it’s all over! I’m always sad to see family (or friends) go – it’s a fun change of pace to have more people in the house. But I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t looking forward to resting and sitting on my ass tonight!

It’s funny how spending two whole days with my mom and grandma really made our similarities and differences stand out. And you could say that about spending concentrated chunks of time with anyone – not just family. Take college roommates for example. After just a full day or so together, you realize whether or not you have the same methods of doing things and whether you were raised with the same values. It’s things as simple as how you clean, or how often you clean, and how you communicate about it.

Obviously, I have more specific examples from this weekend, but I don’t think it would be nice to talk about them here. It was just interesting to me to see which family traits (or values and methods) I’ve held on to, and which I have modified. Some of it has to do with food choices, like the on-going (for years) butter vs. margarine debate, and some of it had to do with conflicting personality characteristics – not conflicting because they’re different, but because they’re the same. Maybe I can write about that at a later date.

These last two paragraphs make it sound like I didn’t have a great time, when really, I did. It’s just that I don’t see my family very often, and I rarely get them all to myself, so I just feel like our interactions are more intense, because they’re so rare.

Anyway, have you had an experience with someone else that really made your similarities and differences stand out?

And now it’s time to tackle google reader and email. How long will it take me to read 340 new posts? Ha. I’ll get through them, but don’t be surprised (or offended!) if you see me commenting on posts a few days old. I haven’t logged in to reader since Thursday night, or even spent much time on the computer.

14 Responses to “Similarities and Differences”

  1. The last two paragraphs could certainly be about my family! I love love love my Mom, I miss her since she moved to Hilton Head, but leave the two of us in a room together for 48 hours straight, and I realize how much alike we are and how that is sometimes too much A-Type personalities in one place. As soon as she’s gone, I miss her again lol.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… I’ve been sick…and a Weigh In =-.

  2. sizzle says:

    My sister and mom and I used to have cookie baking days. Now that we’re all trying to avoid sugar and white flour, it’s less likely we’ll do this but it was definitely an experiment in testing our temperments. 🙂

    It looks so yummy! I love how Data watches over. Hee hee.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Being Real =-.

  3. ChezJulie says:

    I’ll tell ya what will really show you similarities and differences – travel! Like going on a trip overseas with your spouse! Maybe like with your past weekend, all of the little decisions seem to mean more since you have limited time to do something that really means a lot to everyone. (Like if you want to go hiking and your spouse wants to go shopping, you can’t just say, “No big deal, we’ll go hiking next weekend.”
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Medieval Salad =-.

  4. YAY for having a blast with your family!!! It seems family time is so hard to come by these days!!! I’m glad you (and everyone) had a good time!!! Your goodies look (and sound) fantastic!!!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Dreams =-.

  5. Erin says:

    I think one of my favorite parts about going to college and rooming with people who grew up in a different place than me was learning about the different ways they approached things. I’m a lot like my mom so when we spend time together it’s like we’re two peas in a pod and don’t really have a lot of noticeable differences.

    Also, you guys got so much done this weekend! I’m impressed.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Rainy Run =-.

  6. that was a whole lotta baking going on in there! the treats look delish!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Reinvention =-.

  7. Mica says:

    Ahhh, your Christmas goodie baskets look AMAZING! This seems like a great way to spend time with your family. I’m glad Data was over-looking the festivities.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Ah, romance. =-.

  8. Oh MAN…I know exactly what you mean about the family stuff! My family visits are always very intense. We love each other, but sometimes all that togetherness just gets to be too much! We used to joke that we couldn’t have a single family visit without someone crying and storming out of the room by the second day. It would be an exagerration to say that now (we’ve gotten a lot calmer as we’ve gotten older…or maybe we’re just better at hiding our anger!), but it definitely still happens occasionally.

    It’s funny, because I feel like with me, my mom, and my sister, our similarities are the root of just as many fights as our differences…maybe even more!

    In any case, it looks like you had a great weekend! I love that picture of your cat supervising the baking activities…Santa’s little helper 😉

    Your post made me miss Chicago– I went to Purdue for grad school, and we would drive to Chicago every chance we got. What a great city!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Ready for a Rub-Down =-.

  9. diane says:

    I never really thought about things being more intense when you don’t spend a lot of time one on one with someone. I think that’s a very good point.
    Um, yeah. There is a lot of this with my family. No need to get into specifics. 😉

  10. lifestudent says:

    ok, now Im hungry. I can see a picture of a cookie without thinking how bad I NEED one 😉
    .-= Author’s last blog post… 5AM Run? No Way… =-.

  11. Susan says:

    Yum everything looks so good!

    I know what you mean about spending time with people. I once dated this guy who I really liked talking to and spending time with, but when he came to visit and I spent like five days STRAIGHT with him, I knew it wasn’t meant to be. I couldn’t do it, no matter how much I liked him…the little things got to me! Not even random differences between us, just spending all that time together!

    On the other hand, one hour with my first college roommate and I knew I was in for a long year. Oh man.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Philadelphia Marathon in the books =-.

  12. kaylen says:

    It is fun to be with family – and it’s most sweet after you leave them.
    My sister and I are too much alike and it makes for some very stressful family get-togethers….
    And it’s the same aftermath for me, if a close friend asks me about the visit, I can write a short story about crappy things that happened, though overall, it’s so nice to be with family. 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… And A Happy Thanksgiving to You, And You, And You, And Especially You! =-.

  13. tori says:

    My brother and his almost wife stayed with us last week. I haven’t seen him in 4 years! I definitely noticed things about us that were the same and then things that were so different. It was interesting. And while I had a GREAT time with them here, it was so nice to just hang out in my pajamas and relax a bit when they left.

  14. thanks for sharing the link with me 🙂
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