Friday Question #90

By , November 27, 2009 7:51 am

What do you think of those airblown holiday decorations that people put in their yards? Cute or tacky? Would you put one in your yard?

I’ll admit – I think one, or even two, can be pretty cute.

But sometimes, people go a bit… overboard. I wish I had a picture of this place by Steven’s parent’s house, but I don’t. Anyway, year-round, they have 20-30 of these inflatable things in their yards. It’s ridiculous! I wonder if they ruin the grass by sitting there for so long.

It’s amazing how much these inflatable decorations have gained in popularity over the past few years. We definitely have quite a few of them in our neighborhood. I would put one up. Ha! I know Steven never would though.

12 Responses to “Friday Question #90”

  1. Robin says:

    I probably would not put one in my yard, but I don’t mind one or two in someone else’s yard. I love a house with lots of Christmas lights—as long as it doesn’t cross over into the tacky/scary zone.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… A Lot of Craporino =-.

  2. Holly says:

    Oh, MY.

    I’m with you – one or two isn’t so bad. Kids LOVE them. My niece asked where “Homer” was all winter last year after her neighbors had him out around Halloween. But the Clark Griswald look? Too much! Plus, the homeowner/grownup in me just would love to see their electricity bill.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… A Bunch of BS =-.

  3. jillian says:

    If the house is extravagant with their decorations, I can tolerate it aas part of the whole thing…but typically, I want to take a knife and pop them. I know, I am harsh, but around me, people go WAY overnoard and it just looks tacky!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Giving Thanks =-.

  4. lifestudent says:

    I always thought they were dumb … until Brooke started noticing the Halloween ones. I’m pretty sure she is going to love the winter themed ones. And eventually we will probably have one in our yard too 🙁

  5. Trainerpack says:

    Only for a few days… 🙂 otherwise its too much

  6. Those things crack me up! I wouldn’t put one in my yard, but hey…whatever floats your boat 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… O Christmas Tree =-.

  7. kaylen says:

    Ugh….these things were great when they were a novelty and you would just rarely see them. I don’t enjoy seeing them on every 4th house. It’s a bit much.
    I like a small amount of yard decor, tactful, peaceful, calming to look at…..overloading on lights and blow ups and figures and burning bushes just makes me feel unhappy.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… And A Happy Thanksgiving to You, And You, And You, And Especially You! =-.

  8. Irishcoda says:

    One or two can be very nice, very cute. The rest of my answer on my blog. 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Tracking My Weight Loss =-.

  9. carol says:

    Too ugly and too tacky. What could be worse? I’ll tell you what could be worse and it was very popular for awhile in this neck of the woods. People would take their old plastic 1 gallon milk jugs and fill them with water, then dangle a light in the container so it looked like a big milk-jug-shaped light. They’d have them lining the sidewalks and driveways. It didn’t look too bad when it was dark, but during the daytime hours, oh, it was tacky, tacky, tacky!

  10. Mr. P had a blow up Santa a few years ago and some jackass STOLE it right out the yard.

    So I am okay with one or perhaps two.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… giving THANKS =-.

  11. martymankins says:

    Most are tacky, but if I could find the right penguin yard decoration, I would put it up.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… I’m Thankful… =-.

  12. Bethany says:

    I’m like you- I don’t mind a couple, but there are some wacko crazy ones here that are just too much. A house next to where I babysit has Christmas songs outside, about 10 of those airblown decorations, and at least 1000 lights. It’s just too much!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Money Madness =-.

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