A twist on Anna’s Black Bean Fiesta Soup / Happy 101 Meme

By , January 6, 2010 5:40 am

What’s better than arriving home to a fresh cooked meal?

Nothing, really.

When I arrive home and Steven has a warm dinner on the stove, ready for me to eat, I feel like a pampered princess.

Do you like it when someone else cooks for you? Whose cooking is your favorite? Or do you prefer to make your own food?

Last night, Steven made a modified (because we were missing a few ingredients) version of Anna’s (newlywednewlyveg) Black Bean Fiesta Soup.

Here are the original ingredients, crossed out with what we substituted. Check out her site for the full recipe! I hope you don’t mind that we changed it up a bit, Anna!

  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 3 clove(s) garlic, chopped
  • 1 tsp. olive oil
  • 1 red bell pepper, chopped 1 1/2 T. Dried Red Pepper, 1 1/2 T. Dried Green Pepper
  • 1 4. oz. can green chilies, chopped 1 1/2 Tsp Dried Jalapeรฑo
  • 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 tsp. chili powder 1/4 tsp. Ancho Chili Powder and 1/4 tsp. Chipotle Chili Powder
  • 1 tsp. cumin
  • 1/8 tsp. turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. lime zest
  • juice of one lime 1 Tsp. Lime Juice
  • 3 2 15. oz. cans black beans, drained and rinsed
  • ADDED: 1 15 oz. can pinto beans, drained and rinsed
  • 3 cups 2 cans vegetable broth
  • 1 15 oz. can corn
  • ADDED: 1 15 oz. can diced tomatoes

Also, our favorite cornbread made a guest appearance. It went deliciously with this soup! I recommend trying the soup (either the original or our version). It was so tasty – perfect for a cold evening, and not too spicy!

Crap. I better be careful. I don’t want to turn into a food blogger. Stop making such tasty eats Steven! (no really, please don’t stop)

Time for another meme! Ayla (dainty vegan), Leah (why deprive), Kim (Adventures in Wanting) and Trayn Harder all gave me the Happy 101 award. Thank you! I am supposed to list 10 things that make me happy. Making this list was fun (I could have kept going past 10). I think I could do this everyday! Give it a try! Click “more” to read on.

Well, obviously, friends and family make me happy above all else (that includes all of you, my blogger friends!). So I am not going to list them. Ha!

10 Things That Make Me Happy:

  1. Arriving home to Steven making dinner
  2. Getting the new issue of Runner’s World in the mail
  3. Taking silly photos
  4. Receiving an email from a friend
  5. My blog-reading time on the train
  6. Being healthy enough to exercise
  7. Making ridiculous jokes with people
  8. Having every other Friday off
  9. Snorgling Data
  10. Having regular poos

33 Responses to “A twist on Anna’s Black Bean Fiesta Soup / Happy 101 Meme”

  1. Christina says:

    Regular poo!! Gosh, how many times do I fret about that before a long run. LOL.

    I looked at the cornbread recipe. Where could I find EnerG Egg Replacer Powder?
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Changes and Challenges with Increased Training =-.
    I get so stressed about pooing before a run!

    We use one tablespoon of flaxseed and three table spoons of warm water for each “egg.” Works like a charm. You just mix it up, let it get a bit tacky, and put it in. Let me know if that doesn’t make sense!

    We can’t find that egg replacer stuff ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Teamarcia says:

    That recipe looks so good! I made chili yesterday–yum! I come from a long line of non-cooks, that’s why I became the cook in the family. How lucky are you to come home to a warm meal?? Wow he’s a keeper for sure!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Taming the Monkey Brain =-.

  3. Alright! Thanks for the shout out! I’m glad that soup/stew didn’t disappoint. It’s funny– I woke up in the middle of the night the night after we made it, and though, “Why didn’t I put canned tomatoes in the soup??” I’m glad y’all did ๐Ÿ™‚
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Win, Lose or Draw =-.

  4. Holly says:

    Definitely bookmarking this recipe…thanks for sharing! Because I can never try too many black bean soups – seriously…I think I have 5 or 6 in my recipe book?

    Hmmm….while I don’t LOVE to cook, I do love being in control of what I eat. I love my mom and grandma’s cooking, though sometimes they aren’t as healthy as I’d like (not to be a fuddy duddy). I need a “Steven” to cook yummy, healthy food for me!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Any Excuse to Use Pumpkin Spice =-.

  5. Ha I love your #10… though yeah, I guess that’s a perfectly legitimate reason for joy! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Personally, I hate it when other people cook for me. I should probably work on that, since it’s partly because I am a mistrustful control freak…

    <3 <3
    .-= Author's last blog post… Out, Damn Spot! =-.

  6. To answer your question if I like someone else cooking for me the answer is NO! Yes there are days that I am tired and it is nice when I walk in and Raymond has made dinner.. or when he puts the effort on V-day and makes a 4 or 5 course meal. But in general I prefer to make my own meals. The reason for that is I don’t want to have to wonder what is in it and if they accidnetly put something in there that I don’t eat.. don’t get me wrong I LOVE all veggies… and when Raymond cooks he uses the supply we have at home.. but he cooks Paula Dean Style and I cook healtified Paula Dean if that’s possible… The big problem comes when we are visitng friends and family because even though they know I am a vegetarian sometimes they use chicken or beef broth or add egg, use canned for frozen veggies… and I know once in a while it is ok.. but I have a chronic case of OCD (as Raymond puts it) and like to be in control of what I am consuming.

    I love you #10… for me that would be #3, #1 would be Raymond and Sadie #2 would be my family and #3 would be a good BM. ๐Ÿ™‚ (sorry for the long reply)
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Training Schedule & December Challenge Finalist =-.

  7. Linzi says:

    oooh i love getting runners world in the mail too! It always feels like christmas when I open my mailbox!! And of course it’s super nice to have a meal made for you ready to eat. My bf is a great cook and not afraid to make anything – which makes some for really awesome meals! But I also love to cook too.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Shed it & Share it =-.

  8. Hahah having regular poos IS something to be happy about
    I actually don’t like other people cooking my food. I’m a control freak!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… A.B is a Drug =-.

  9. Christina says:

    The Hubs likes to cook and gets in these moods where all he wants to do is cook. “I am so fine with that, he makes some great meals. He made his chilli this weekend and it was so good! If I can only to get him to clean as he goes it would be the perfect combo but I am very lucky I get some good meals!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Changes to work for =-.

  10. PS. What’s wrong with being a food blogger?
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Training Schedule & December Challenge Finalist =-.

    There’s nothing wrong with it. I just feel like I already spend too much time working on this blog! I don’t want to start posting all my eats. It takes so much time to take the photos and edit them.

    Hope I didn’t offend you/anyone else!

  11. Dinner looks yummy! I love when you post pictures of food and recipes, it gives me ideas ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love to cook, maybe one of my favorite things to do. So my favorite cook…ME!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Honey Roasted Chicken w/ Rosemary & Dijon =-.

  12. “Having regular poos” This is about the most awesomest thing I’ve read. ๐Ÿ˜€ And I thought I was the only one who got really happy over poo! And TMI, but if I can go twice a day, I’m in heaven. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I can get down with someone else cooking for me as long as it’s not in my kitchen. Someone else in my kitchen makes me with the crazy.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… January 5th, 2009: Pump action =-.

  13. Every other Friday off sounds lush!

    I like cooking for myself and for other people. I find it relaxing for some reason.

  14. Oh I would looooove a home cooked meal waiting for me when I get home! Heaven! Usually Steve and I whip up something together but there are times where he will take the reigns and I don’t have to lift a finger. I love those nights.

    The recipe sounds amazing, I could really go for some of that right about now!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… What Does Not Destroy Me… =-.

  15. Etta says:

    Yummy! I love it when my husband cooks for me, but it doesn’t happen very often (boo hoo!). If we’re having something fun for dinner (such as English muffin pizzas), he’ll come in and help. I’m happy just having him help me because it means we’re in the kitchen — together.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Domestic Diva — FAIL =-.

  16. OOOO I’m so jealous!!! Mike never cooks (he hates it) but it would be nice if he did it once in awhile! Sometimes my mom will cook dinner for me and that’s the greatest! I’m so used to being the cook that when I do get food cooked for me I feel pampered!

    I am so immature that I actually laughed out loud at ‘having regular poos.’ I totally agree though. That is something to be very happy about!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… I Did It!!! =-.

  17. Kim says:

    Mmmm, that soup looks awesome! I might have to try that one!

    As for whose cooking I like most, I’d have to say mine. I think it’s the control freak in me ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m particular so I like manning the meals. My husband has cooked a bit, but he only knows how to make the meals I make. Ha. I actually get really anxious when someone else is cooking for me. Being a vegetarian, I hate being seen as “fussy.” I do like my mom’s cooking, mostly because I pretty much know what to expect, taste-wise. I have this fear of seeming rude if I don’t like something, so dinner parties when something is just served to me are sort of anxiety-producing. Is that weird?!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Recipe of the week: Vegetarian lasagna for two ๐Ÿ™‚ =-.

  18. Vicki says:

    Yum! That looks so good.

    I don’t love other people cooking for me now that I’m vegan but in my omnivore days I LOVED when my mom or either of my grandmas cooked for me.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… A Run, The Biggest Loser, and Body Image =-.

  19. Leah says:

    haha #10 totally cracked me up! Love it!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Hockey, Hockey and More Hockey ICK!! =-.

  20. Kate says:

    I’m praising Urban Dictionary right now for informing me as to what “snorgling” is. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I LOVE having a home-cooked meal waiting for me, especially when it’s cooked by my husband. He has some skills! The only part I don’t like is that he doesn’t clean as he goes along. Sooo … I end up with a great dinner, but a mess to clean up. And somehow, when I cook, I get to clean up, too. Doesn’t seem quite right, does it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  21. i made a very similar soup last night!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Christy โ€“ on the run =-.

  22. Stef says:

    cornbread is a MUST with black bean soup, so good! #10 on your list is cracking me up!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… iPhoto, iAm going to kill you! =-.

  23. Paula says:

    What a treat! Dinner when you got home. I love my Mom’s cooking the most, or my own. Kinda picky, I guess. Although I would like if the hubz would attempt it now and then. I love snorgling my kitties too ๐Ÿ˜€ even if one hates it, he has no choice. HaHaHa!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Fire Face! Eeeh!! =-.

  24. Mica says:

    Oh man, I would love to come home to that chili and cornbread! I bet it was perfect in this weather, which is slowly sucking my soul away. Why did I come back to the frigid middle of the country?

    Eek! Stay away from food blogging, ho ho!

    Ha, #10. More fiber!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Random things I forgot. =-.

  25. you did a fabulous job on that soup…yum!!!!!!!

  26. Oh gosh…nothing is better then walking in and having a hot meal ready! Mm…gotta love it! ๐Ÿ˜€ Dinner looks fabulous!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Running Rest Day =-.

  27. The cornbread looks great, and I love that you have regular poops on your list of things that make you happy! LMAO!

  28. daintyvegan says:

    Ahaha, I love regular poos too! Not going to lie, when I’m regular, I’m a happy, happy girl.

    I actually prefer to make my own food. HOWEVER, if a certain someone in my life made me dinner, I would be thrilled beyond words. ๐Ÿ™‚
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Iโ€™m a little teacup.. =-.

  29. Caroline says:

    mmm corn bread, yummy! I used to like it better when someone else would cook for me, but now I kinda like it better when I cook for myself.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Routine or Change? =-.

  30. sizzle says:

    I like when someone cooks for me but it rarely happens. I even appreciate when someone picks up take out. ๐Ÿ™‚
    .-= Author’s last blog post… I Was Meaning To Tell You =-.

  31. tra says:

    omg. getting the new runner’s world in the mail IS LIKE XMAS ALL OVER AGAIN!!!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… you drive me crazy, i just canโ€™t sleep =-.

  32. Jen512 says:

    In general I love it when my husband cooks for me (because it is a very rare occasion). I always feel very loved when someone makes food for me. He is generally a pretty good cook and knows how to make lots of thing that I don’t (he’s the one who had to teach me how to make rice!) but he does have a bad habit of turning on the burners too high when he’s cooking and burning things. I’m usually behind him turning things down which doesn’t always go over too well… He makes the most amazing lentil soup I’ve ever tasted, I beg him to make it sometimes.

    On the other hand, sometimes having him in the kitchen stresses me out, which leads to arguments. We both get territorial. He’s also an extremely messy cook, so much so that I have been known to bar him from cooking because I don’t want to deal with the aftermath. He doesn’t have an issue with this though, he’s so busy with work that he’s happy to leave all the cooking to me, and I see this as my way to support him as he takes on most of the burden of earning money for the both of us.

    When he does cook for me though, I make sure he knows how much I love and appreciate him for it!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Brain Food =-.

  33. Erica says:

    I love to cook for myself most of the time, but I love to occasionally come home to something delicious already prepped for me! This looks awesome. I <3 soup and cornbread. I bet this was totally delicious. #10 on your list made me giggle. I've had major issues with that process before though so I can totally agree with that one!!

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