Friday Question #97

By , January 22, 2010 4:45 am

Do you ever dine alone in restaurants? If yes, do you like it, or feel awkward? If no, why not?

I got used to dining alone when I lived by myself in Rome. I mostly ate at home, but every once in awhile, I would get a small meal for myself and sit and eat it in the restaurant. It is completely different there though! Sitting and eating in a restaurant in Rome means sitting outside in the sun, watching the Italians and tourists in their daily activities.

Now, I only eat alone in restaurants if I am traveling for work. I like it. It’s nice to sit down and relax for a bit, and not have to talk to anyone. The only problem is that I tend to eat even faster, since I am not talking to anyone.

I think a lot of people don’t like eating alone in restaurants, hence the article “How not to feel humiliated when dining alone.” The article gives 8 tips on how to make dining alone more pleasurable:

  1. Be Bookish – come with reading material
  2. Try the Bar – eat at the bar with other singletons
  3. Exude Confidence – be proud of the fact you’re eating alone
  4. Eavesdrop – tune in to other conversations for fun
  5. Befriend Your Blackberry
  6. Go, Team!– get involved by watching sports
  7. Think Like a Food Critic – pretend you are reviewing the restaurant
  8. Life is Short, Enjoy the Steak Tofu – relax and enjoy yourself

What tips would you add? Here is my tip – don’t force yourself to eat alone in a restaurant if you don’t want to!

35 Responses to “Friday Question #97”

  1. hahaha I like your tip at the end. I never have had a problem eating in restauraunts alone. Since I’m usually off during the week, I’ll go for brunch or lunch alone, I don’t mind.

  2. Haha, yeah…I NEVER eat alone! And that is probably why, when I do, I feel incredibly awkward 🙂

  3. Shannon says:

    I don’t think I would mind eating alone if I were traveling alone for work or grabbing lunch out. But I don’t do either. I always bring a lunch and I don’t travel for work. I can understand why some people would feel awkward, but I don’t think it would bother me.

  4. Hilly says:

    I view dining as a social experience and would much rather eat at home if I have to eat alone. Although to be fair, I think eating alone at home has much more to do with me always trying to eat healthy rather than go get yummies. I have had to eat alone while traveling and whatnot and I just stare at my iPhone or a book the whole time.

  5. kapgar says:

    It all depends on the restaurant. A so-called “fine dining” establishment is not one where I would eat alone. Mostly because the stuff I tend to do when eating alone (reading, checking phone, e-mail, etc) is not really acceptable. But if it’s a place like a Panera or something along those lines, sure I’ll eat alone and do so regularly on lunch breaks.

  6. Anne says:

    I am extremely social, but I actually enjoy eating alone once in a while…I love reading and so usually have a book with me. I like the freedom of being able to read while I eat…Here’s my rule: Treat yourself to a nice glass of wine with your meal and relax.

  7. Teamarcia says:

    I ate alone all the time when I traveled for business. Not at all anymore. I didn’t mind it, really, as long as I had a book or newspaper.

  8. *lynne* says:

    I was very amused to see the headline on Yahoo!News about this,,, perhaps because I am by default a loner, I have never seen anything “wrong” with dining alone; I am more than happy to be alone with my thoughts. I did try to have a book or newspaper (with sudoku or crossword puzzle to work on) with me to keep me occupied back when I was working and dining alone for lunch.

  9. Karin says:

    I’ve only eaten at the local veggie restaurant (where you go and get your own food from the buffet) by myself. So it’s not a “real” restaurant.
    I used to go to the cinema by myself all the time though.

    I went to see The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants II (I know, ha!) by myself and had a great time! 🙂

  10. I’ve never eaten alone at a restaurant with table service but plenty of times at more casual restaurants (where you order at a counter) or coffee shops. I bring a book and just enjoy some quiet time.

  11. Odie says:

    I usually don’t mind it too much. I almost always have a book with me, but then I end up not reading very much. I tend to look around a lot, and enjoy the ambiance. People who own restaurants have usually worked really hard to create a specific atmosphere, and I like to soak it up. I might strike up a conversation with another patron, or the server (if they’re not too busy). I don’t travel for business, but occasionally do for pleasure, and have made many trips on my own. I spent a month wandering around Europe by myself, and if I hadn’t figured out how to make connections with other people, I’d probably have gone crazy.

  12. Joanne says:

    I eat alone in restaurants only when traveling for work. I actually enjoy it. I like to people watch. I like to bring a book then listen to conversations. Not to be judgmental but just to trigger thoughts. It’s fun. I’m nosey. I’ll admit it.

    Ha! I do the same thing in the gym – listen in to people. Sometimes I get post ideas!

  13. I LOVE going to the movies alone. Beside feeling a little lame asking for one ticket, I can quickly get over that and simply relax. Same goes for the dinner thing too. I always bring a book or something to journal in in case I’m feeling a little dorky.
    Your Rome trip sounds amazing.

  14. I saw this article on yahoo the other day and I thought the title was ridiculous. Why should anyone be humiliated for eating alone? I understand that some people don’t prefer it, which is why I agree with your last tip, don’t do it if you don’t want to!

    I thought the aritcle title was ridiculous as well. It seems to imply that you should feel humiliated! No way!

  15. Christina says:

    Usually I eat alone when I travel but tend to order room service most of the time. But when I do eat alone, I eat at the bar.

  16. Kristie says:

    I loved eating alone when I was in Buenos Aires, and I think for the same reasons as you – I was able to just soak in the atmosphere and observe. When I do it now I kind of think of it as a treat and that helps too.

  17. diane says:

    Since you’ve traveled abroad, maybe you can answer this–is it an American thing to be embarrassed to do things by yourself, or is it pretty universal?
    My Dad and I are both only children and we both are much better about doing things alone than my Mom. My Dad goes to the movies by himself and goes out to eat by himself. I haven’t gone to a movie alone only because usually a friend wants to see the same thing I do and I like discussing it afterward! But I eat out by myself pretty regularly unless it is a Friday or Saturday night. It’s just interesting to me how it makes people uncomfortable. I like to read, or play on my Blackberry, or just enjoy the quiet!

    I definitely think it is an American thing, just based on my travels in Europe and discussions with European friends. They are all about taking trips by themselves, enjoying a dinner alone, being adventurous. But, I bet there are some of the people who don’t like it there as well. Maybe just less? It’s definitely a cultural thing!

  18. Lindsay says:

    I eat alone pretty much all the time when I’m single. And I’m not afraid to do it mainly because I follow pretty much every single one of those steps! Except for #7. But I’m a big fan of #1, #2, #5 & #6. That’s how I got through my dinners out.

  19. Mica says:

    I never have a problem eating alone in restaurants, though I don’t regularly make a habit of going somewhere nice by myself. That said though, I usually bring a book for the meal. My big problem with eating alone is that I wolf everything down in under five minutes and then feel like a gross, fat slob. Oh well.

    I’ve only been to one movie alone though, and it was really depressing.

  20. sizzle says:

    I am never struck with the desire to go out and eat alone but if I’m out and hungry, I will. I tend to take myself to sushi a lot. I might be too absorbed in my phone though when I do which is kind of a cop out.

  21. I’m not really a fan of dining alone, probably bc i would feel crazy awkward, but that would be my insecurity talking – I don’t think there is anything wrong with the concept. I would def bring a book or a magazine or maybe become ultra involved with my iphone. I wonder if eating at a bar would invite conversation from the bar tender? Which is fine, if you don’t mind it. I probably would mind, haha.

    But if I was in Italy, I wouldn’t mine soaking in the sun and signts in an outdoor cafe! Ooo, heaven.

  22. Erin says:

    I find that sitting and eating alone at an outdoor cafe (or a faux-outdoor cafe like in some of the hotels in Vegas) doesn’t bother me as much as eating alone inside. Probably because it’s easier to people-watch. Like Hilly, I view dining out as a social experience and would much prefer to order room service or just bring my lunch if possible.

  23. tra says:

    eating alone is interesting. but then again, i did it all the time in college! hahah. i just did homework. VERY PRODUCTIVE! =D

    i don’t really eat out a lot, but i’m sure i’d like company for SURE!

  24. I do not like eating alone at all. Not sure why.

    I did at Panera one time but that’s more of a cafe-ish type place. I brought a book and relaxed. But I couldn’t picture myself at a restaurant by myself.

  25. Kim says:

    I have no issue doing almost anything alone. I go to movies alone all the time. Dining alone isn’t a big deal for me, though I wouldn’t want to go to a fancy dinner spot by myself. I would (and have) eat a casual breakfast, lunch or dinner alone. I bring a book 🙂 Books are good companions 🙂

    Have a good weekend!

  26. I don’t mind eating alone at all; it’s the only child thing, I think! 🙂

    I totally second the bring reading material suggestion, and sometimes I’ll listen to my iPod while I’m eating too. Just make sure to only put in one headphone — waiters hate trying to get your attention when you are totally ensconced in a book/song!

  27. Leah says:

    I have never eaten alone at a restaraunt. I think I’d be super uncomfortable with it.
    My boyfriend on the other hand has NO problem with that kind of thing. He actually seems to like it.

  28. Kate says:

    I think, unless I was traveling, I would eat at home alone as opposed to going out. Eating out alone doesn’t make me super uncomfortable, but I like to cook and tend to be healthier when I prepare my own meals. Plus, I’m cheap and lazy, so eating at home would be a win-win as far as those things are concerned. 🙂

    I prefer my healthy food at home too! I guess I am more likely to eat out alone when on travel.

  29. Holly says:

    I feel lame, but I’ve never eaten by myself at a restaurant – OR seen a movie alone! Most of my friends have seen movies alone recently and love it. I think I’d be more apt to dine alone – especially at lunch. I would probably try it if I like going out to eat more. 🙂

  30. I LOVE to eat alone and at least two lunches a week I take my book and go out to lunch. It is the basically the only down time I get (where I don’t have to talk to anyone)!

  31. Caroline says:

    Due to some weird situation that I now forget, I eat by myself at a restaurant once. I sat at the bar with my book and I felt fine about it. I think if I needed to eat out and was alone, I would have no problem doing it, however in another circumstance I don’t think I would want to. Just sorta because, why? I might as well make something or myself at home and save my money and calories. I tend to view eating out as a social thing, something to do when you meet up with friends, etc. But I don’t judge anyone who eats alone or feel really weird about doing it myself.

  32. daintyvegan says:

    Sometimes I enjoy it, sometimes I don’t; it all depends on my mood. I went to a sushi place once and although it wouldn’t normally bother me, I was feeling quite lonely eating all by myself. And a little awkward. I think it was due to the fact that my sister was supposed to go with me that day but then ditched out. 😛

  33. jillian says:

    I used to never EVER eat alone. Now, as long as I have something to do, I don’t mind it. And mostly because if I don’t have anything to do, I will stare at people and that is rude. Generally I eat alone when I go to a place to study, like Panera.

  34. Bethany says:

    I don’t do it too often, but I’ve been known to eat alone. Truthfully, it doesn’t really bother me. I bring a book along and eat at casual places– hey, there’s no rule that you have to be with someone to eat out! 🙂

  35. martymankins says:

    For lunches, I will sometime eat alone, although now that we have another person in the office, he and I will normally go out for lunch.

    Eating alone is kind of nice every so often because I can usually unwind and not have to be concerned with conversation. Plus, I do eat faster since I’m a chatter box most of the time (keeping my food from getting cold)

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