Traning Week 16

By , February 7, 2010 1:02 pm

Thank you so much for your kind words about my Grandpa. It really makes me feel better! It feels weird posting this Training recap, but I already had it written out, as well as a few other posts for the week, so what the hell…

Day 106 | February 1, 2010: 6 m run + strength

I think this is the first time I’ve run and done strength in the same day. Every move was about 1.5 times as hard because my body was already tired. And it didn’t help that my face felt hot all day. How weird is that? My cheeks were red all day and I just felt uncomfortable… luckily that went away by Tuesday.

I was thinking about doing a tempo run, or maybe some intervals, since I have a 5K on 2/28…. but didn’t have anything planned out. Any speed tips for me before my 5K? Can you recommend some workouts?

Distance: 6.0 | Time: 58:27 | 1: 10:11 | 2: 10:00 | 3: 9:50 | 4: 9:41 | 5: 9:31 | 6: 9:14

Biangular Lat Row: 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 65 lb, 15 @ 65 lb
Lateral Raise: 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 37.5 lb, 15 @ 37.5 lb
Lat Pulldowns: 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 60 lb
Pectoral Fly: 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 60 lb
Arm Curl: 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 25 lb
Seated Leg Press: 15 @ 70 lb, 15 @ 70 lb, 15 @ 90 lb
Leg Extension: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Leg Curl: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 40 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Hip Abduction: 3 x 15 @ 115 lb
Hip Adduction: 3 x 15 @ 55 lb
V Bar Pushdowns: 3 x15 @ 30 lb

Day 107 | February 2, 2010: cross + yoga

I used the bike during lunch and did the YogaWorks Body Slim DVD with Steven after dinner. Not doing THAT again! I had a major food baby in my stomach and kind of felt like I was going to hurl.

But… my NEW yoga mat kept me smiling…

New Yoga Mat

Can you tell what is on the mat? Let me show you a close-up:

New Yoga Mat

Yes, cheetahs!

New Yoga Mat

What does Data think?

Data and new yoga mat

I am sort of a goober, I know. I was super excited to use my new mat and not slip during the warrior poses. However, my hands got a bit sweaty and slippery when doing downward dog and plank. Is this normal? Steven said it happened to him the day before (on his new mat!) but that he was less sweaty the next day. Maybe I was just extra sweaty Tuesday night.

Bike Time: 30:00 | Distance: 5.79 (Set on “Ozark Trails”)

Day 108 | February 3, 2010: 7 m run + yoga

Lucky me… I got to work at home Wednesday because of a special work exercise! I took full advantage of the opportunity to do midday yoga with Steven. We did the YogaWorks Beginners DVD and it felt so much easier than Body Slim! No slippage either.

Do your wrists ever hurt when you are doing yoga? Mine didn’t so much on Wednesday, but sometimes, they ache just a bit.

I also got to fit in outdoor evening run because I didn’t have to commute! It was a great 7 miler…

  1. I got to run in the daylight!
  2. Running in the daylight

    Running in the daylight

    Our town home is in the far right in the background

  3. And listen to the new Two Fit Chicks and a Microphone podcast. There was a call-out to Jen! How cool!
  4. It was a warm 26°F
  5. I didn’t fall
  6. icy sidewalks

    I avoided spots like THIS ONE!

  7. I didn’t have to poo!
  8. Dog poo ha ha ha

  9. I was done by 5:40 pm!


  1. Jack, the Garmin, kept beeping every 5 seconds to tell me to turn (couldn’t figure out how to turn off GPS)
  2. My water bottle spilled onto my jacket and pants and made a big frozen spot on my thigh
  3. Werido ice spot on pants

    That is what my water bottle did to my pants… nice.

  4. Said water bottle had a cap that tasted like soap. YUMMY.
  5. I kept feeling like I had to cough something up, but nothing would come out. Does that ever happen to you? Damn you boca chicken salad!

Now, if only I could fit in 45 minutes of yoga and a long run every day! Wouldn’t that be great?!

Distance: 7.0 | Time: 1:06:27 | 1: 9:50 | 2: 9:48 | 3: 9:44 | 4: 9:38 | 5: 9:24 | 6: 9:00 | 7: 8:59

Day 109 | February 4, 2010: strength + yoga

I did a strength workout during lunch at the office gym, and the YogaWorks Core Body Flow (part of the Fit Abs DVD) with Steven when I got home. I was worried it would even harder than the Slim Fit DVD, but I found it a bit easier, and that it really helped me feel stretched out. I’ll do a full review when I review the YogaWorks series sent to me!

Biangular Lat Row: 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 65 lb, 15 @ 65 lb
Lateral Raise: 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 37.5 lb, 15 @ 37.5 lb
Biangular Chest Press: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 50 lb, 15 @ 50 lb
Shoulder Press: 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Lat Pulldowns: 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 60 lb
Pectoral Fly: 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 60 lb
Seated Leg Press: 15 @ 70 lb, 15 @ 70 lb, 15 @ 90 lb
Leg Extension: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Leg Curl: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 40 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Hip Abduction: 3 x 15 @ 115 lb
Hip Adduction: 3 x 15 @ 55 lb
V Bar Pushdowns: 3 x15 @ 30 lb

Day 110 | February 5, 2010: consulting w/PT + cross

I met with one of the personal trainers (PT) at the office gym on Friday and I am SO HAPPY I did! The PT is also a runner, and I could tell she has a lot of knowledge to share with me. I gave her my exercise history, my current exercise routine, and told her about my shin stress fracture. She watched me run on the treadmill to study my form, then helped me develop the routine below, which I will go through twice on a normal gym day (we just reviewed it, I didn’t do all the moves on Friday). Her method is to start working out the big muscle groups, the move to the small ones at the end of the routine. She incorporated a lot of balance moves, to help with my shin (and overall balance), and also some speed moves, sort of to help with my running speed/burst of energy. She wants to meet again next week (which will probably have to be pushed back until I come home from Iowa) to give me some advice on my running form (yay!) then I am to follow this routine for about a month, until we tweak it again.

Kim’s New Routine x2

Step Ups w/Dumbbells: 20 ea. leg @ 10 lbs (ea. hand)
Smith Squats: 15 @ 40 lbs, explode up
Isolated Lunge with Hammer Curls: 30 sec ea. leg @ 5 lbs, fast paced
Crunch Fly (on exercise ball): 20 @ 5 lbs
Bosu Lunge n’ Jump: 20 ea. leg
Bosu Push Ups: 15
Bosu 1,2s: 30 sec
Rotator Cuffs (lie on back): 20 @ 3 lbs (ea. hand)
Calf Raises w/Triceps: 25 @ 20 lbs

Notice, no more weight machines? She wants me to stick to this. I was nervous about doing any free weight work, since I am unsure of my form, but she helped me with that.

So… I was spent just sampling this routine. Anything involving that damn Bosu is intense. I can’t wait to try this out next week, and get better!

I did 30 minutes on the bike afterward, but very slow.

Bike Time: 30:00 | Distance: 5.11 (Set on “Ozark Trails”)

Day 111 | February 6, 2010: 6 m run

I was hoping for a relaxing 6-miler, but that wasn’t the case:

  • It was 26°F and sunny, but SUPER windy
  • The sidewalks were icy, so I had to run in the street, which stresses me out
  • I felt like I had lead legs

Well, they can’t all be easy!

Distance: 6.0 | Time: 56:43 | 1: 9:46 | 2: 9:40 | 3: 9:32 | 4: 9:21 | 5: 9:16 | 6: 9:03

Day 112 | February 7, 2010: yoga

Steven and I did the YogaWorks Body Slim DVD and I was drenched in sweat. Is this ever going to get easier?! I have noticed my downward dogs have become easier – my legs have been straighter and I don’t feel it as much in my calves. That is a sign!

Week Summary: 19.00 miles

I really loved fitting yoga in this week, and doing it with Steven. It would be great to make yoga a daily habit. It’s easy to do since we have DVDs and mats at home.

I found out this week that Tony is also running the Wisconsin Half Marathon – I hope I get to meet him!

And, I totally forgot to post a link to my guest post on Andrea’s site – check out my tips on cold weather running!

23 Responses to “Traning Week 16”

  1. Stef says:

    LOL that sign with the pooping dog is the best i’ve ever seen, way better than ugly scribbles of “pick up your dog shit!” that i see around my neighborhood. nice new yoga mat! love the speech bubble from your cat, who looks a little less than thrilled.

    my condolences about your grandpa again 🙁

    • kilax says:

      Thank you for your condolences 🙂

      Yeah… Data was just NOT impressed with the yoga mat! He does like to walk underneath me when I am doing downward dog though 😉

  2. diane says:

    Your yoga mat is super cute! (mine has purple flowers on it, tee hee) My kitties LOVE the yoga mat, in that they like to walk around and scratch at it. Oh, kitties.
    I am glad you had a great experience with the trainer! I am so nervous to do yoga on the days with my current strength training routine. I feel like my abs and back and shoulders are so twitchy afterwards, that I am afraid too many planks/downward facing dogs is going to be too much. But maybe I am just being a big wimp! :p I am curious to see how the combo continues to go for you. Maybe I should just suck it up and try it!

    • kilax says:

      I am hoping yoga will help with how tight my shoulders have been getting… maybe from strength training? The new routine the PT gave me is so dynamic, maybe all of that pain will go away!

      This morning when I did The Shred, my shoulders made popping noises when I pushed my arms up. Niiice…

  3. jillian says:

    The pooping dog is great!

    I think it is good to stick with your posting routine despite your sadness. I find that for me, sticking with my routine is a good coping mechanism.

    I am still sending hugs <3

    • kilax says:

      I think the routine helps for me too. Gives me something else to think about for a bit.

      Hugs back. Thanks 🙂

      That sign is too cute 😉

  4. Kristie says:

    Speed intervals have always done wonders for my speed – definitely were my saving grace when I PRed my last 5k 🙂 I usually did something like a 1 mile warm-up, .5 mile fast + .25 mile jog 4-6 times (building up every couple weeks) and 1 mile cool down. The Garmin has a sweet setting for you to set up the intervals too which I loved using!

    • kilax says:

      Hmm. I will have to check that out on Jack (our Garmin). Your simple routine sounds good too! Thanks!

  5. I took a yoga class a few years back and the instructor had us do some wrist/hand stretches (mainly wrist circles and shaking out our hands) before doing downward dog and planks. I find it really helps with the wrist soreness!

    Amazing training schedule, btw! I need to start doing multiple workouts a day!

    • kilax says:

      Ooo, I am going to start doing that before the yoga DVDs. I bet that will really help.

      Thanks 🙂 It’s fun when you can fit in a two-a-day!

  6. Ali says:

    Great yoga mat!

    I love your strength training workouts, I am always looking for motivation and new ideas … I am taking yours!

  7. Erin says:

    I agree with Jillian about sticking to a routine as much as possible. It feels weird and disrespectful but it’s also life-affirming and helps keep some of the worst sadness at bay.

    With that said, the juxtaposition of the doggie sign and your comment made me laugh out loud. Have you been saving that photo for just this occasion?

    Your negative splits are AWESOME! Oh man, I can already see your speed coming back. I *know* I should run negative splits but I almost never do.

    I can’t wait to hear more about your new strength workout and if you notice any big changes/differences!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha. I have seen that sign a few times in our neighborhood and always wanted to take a pic, and I finally had the camera with me on Wed. 🙂

      You’re so nice. I hope my speed comes back. I have to focus on running negative splits, but they are getting easier. Really, for me, the key is not to start out too fast and burn out. I have a problem with that.

      I hope I can use my sister’s college gym and fit that workout in this week. That would make me happy 🙂

  8. Karla says:

    Thanks for the link to your running in the cold tips! I’m giving it a whirl out here and it’s freezing but doable!
    Kleenex is a great idea, I’m definitely guilty of a snot rocket or two…

  9. Anne says:

    Good job on the yoga…and I love the mat! Very original 🙂
    Hope you’re doing okay Kim…

    • kilax says:

      Thank you Anne – about the mat and for your well wishes. I feel kind of mopey and sad. I kind of wish I could lay in bed all day tomorrow! I bet I will feel better when I see my fam 🙂

  10. daintyvegan says:

    I hate getting the lead legs feeling, especially when you KNOW you aren’t tired and that it’s just your body/mind being a jerk. Love the new yoga mat! So much cooler than my mom’s ugly gray one.

    Sorry about your Grandpa, Kim. Your in my thoughts. <3

  11. Because I run first thing in the morning, I cough and hack a lot during my run. I’m constantly clearing my throat! It annoys even me so thankfully there aren’t too many people out at that time. LOL

  12. Sammi says:

    That yoga mat is awesome! Mine is just a blah blue color. Plus, it has permanent marker writing on it because my boyfriend marked where my body should be for doing sit ups lol. Not very attractive but it works!

    Looks like I need to stop using snow as an excuse for not running! (Especially since the snow is kind of gone in my town now lol)

    I love reading about your workouts!

  13. Mica says:

    Your yoga mat is pretty bitchin’. Cheetahs would keep me going, even if I felt like I was going to puke up a food-baby (which is, sadly, all the time…).

    We have a yard around here too that says “No!” with the little crouched over dog. Sometimes, I think about pooping in the yard, just to see what the owners would do.

  14. Holly says:

    I love the mat! Cheetahs will forever remind me of the Tiger Woods joke. 🙂

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