Sometimes I think it might be fun to have a twitter account

By , February 22, 2010 8:19 am

For saying things like (without wasting a whole blog post):

It snowed 4 inches last night. The roads are complete slush. I don’t care how rich you are. Get your Murcielago off the road. That car does not deserve to be treated this way.

Wait, is that too many characters?!

I ended up calling the only person I knew who would appreciate seeing a Lamborghini in February – and be up at 6:30 am – my father. It’s funny, just this weekend I was thinking about how odd it is to see exotic cars in Chicago in the winter – and there one was. I recognized the motor sound and thought, “you’ve got be to kidding me!” I don’t think I would ever treat one that way!

So, I could use twitter or facebook to microblog stuff like this, but I don’t. In fact, I have actively stayed away from twitter and am trying to distance myself from facebook. It’s just TOO MUCH. I am too overloaded with social media. I am not against it, I just think for now, the blog is enough for me.

I was off the computer all weekend, except for drafting up some posts and uploading a shit-ton of rock climbing photos. I was out most of the day Saturday, from 8:30-6:30, rock climbing, eating lunch, running and hanging a bit with friends. I had a blast. I told Steven on the way home, “This is the first time I have been out with friends and not been super anxious to get home.”

How sad, but true! When I go out, I have a good time, but often can’t wait to get back to the comfort of my own home. But I had such a good time on Saturday, the only reason I left our friends’ company is because I stank and needed a shower.

And that, is the joy of real life. Sometimes I get too caught up in all of this on-line world stuff. I love to blog, and read blogs, and meet new people (almost all of my Chicago friends are bloggers), and I am not stopping. But I am also not starting – with twitter, and facebook microblogging. So, you’ll have these in-between posts from time to time.

Do you twitter or update your facebook status? And blog? Do you find it time-consuming, or just a quick way to have fun? Do you ever feel like your on-line life interfers with your real life?

Two posts in one day is pretty annoying, so don’t feel compelled to respond! Just throwing some questions out there.

And, since I did mention I was off the computer all weekend, be prepared to see me play catch-up on all of your posts in the next few days!


44 Responses to “Sometimes I think it might be fun to have a twitter account”

  1. dad says:

    Maybe his (her?) Ferrari wouldn’t start this morning?

  2. Christina says:

    I have a blog and FB and that is enough for me. I am currently debating if I will continue to blog. These days I find myself unplugging more and more. I typically do not check my email/fb/blog at night and rarely on the weekend. Twitter does not appeal to me at all. There are only probably a handful of things that I will ever tweet

  3. sizzle says:

    I do think Twitter can interfere with blogging. I have been pulling back on my use of it. FB is where my two worlds collide so I am never sure how to effectively use it.

  4. RunningLaur says:

    I have a difficult balance because the internet is my primary form of connection with my friends and family at home, and it’s helped me to connect with new people in Phoenix, but I know that I need to be conscious of not being too sucked in.

    I was glued to twitter most of the weekend, because it kept me in live contact with a big event at home. It was amazing to feel like I was sharing in every part of the weekend, but I know that I missed out on some of the joys that were going on right in front of me as well.

    Balance, I suppose.

  5. I don’t use Twitter, and I don’t plan to. I’m not judging anyone who does, but the whole idea of it seems kind of egotistical to me — why does everyone have to know about every move you make?? I probably update my Facebook status once every couple of days. Not every time I sneeze.

    <3 <3

    • kilax says:

      LOL. I love your honesty. I kind of feel the same way… but then again, why would anyone want to read what I blog?! 😉

  6. I started Twittering (Tweeting?) a few weeks ago to feel more “connected” to the blogging world, but it is quickly becoming one more website I HAVE to check, like Facebook and Google reader.

    I wish I had the time to read everyone’s postings, comment on every entry I found interesting/inspiring and stay up-to-date with everyone’s lives, but with a full-time job, exercise, and my new graduate program (not to mention a husband and dog, and “me time”), I have a hard time keeping up. Your post is reminding me that I need to start scaling back a bit and prioritizing!

  7. I have a Twitter account, a Facebook account, and my blog. I guess I am pretty bad at the first two since I only update them once or twice a day. It’s not a major time investment on my part this way. 🙂 I think both of them are great for keeping in touch with friends though.

  8. I completely agree with you about Twitter! I’d also just feel like it’s yet another thing that I have to keep up with

  9. I use twitter, mostly because I have it set up to automatically post when I have a new blog post, however I have run into a few good bloggers there. Twitter does not take up much of my time.

    I use facebook a lot. It has been a good way to keep in touch with family and friends, share pictures, and quick jokes and things with people. Some day it takes up more time than others, it just depends on what I am doing on the blog that day or if I am in the mood for facebooking much. There is an application with facebook called networkedblogs and I have found some good connections through it, it also automatically posts my new blog posts up on facebook without me having to do anything.

  10. As you know, I don’t Twitter and don’t see a use for it any time soon. And I’ve been struggling with Facebook a lot. I like it as a way to stay connected to a bunch of childhood friends I’d otherwise never see. But, I don’t like how it can become such a time-suck. Just this weekend, I grouped everyone into about 10 groups to help better manage who gets to see what when I post photos. I wish the same could be true for status updates. I also deleted a bunch of peripheral acquaintances I didn’t see as “friends.” My peripheral friends group is kind of like my On Probation group for blogging. I could delete any one of them at any time.

  11. Erin says:

    No Twitter over here, either! Occasionally I think I have something that might be Tweet-worthy, but I usually forget about it 5 seconds later anyway. I don’t really want to get into it because, like you said, it could easily become a huge time suck!

    I check Facebook maybe 2-3 times a day. And update my status every few days. I have fewer than 100 “friends” on there and many of them never update so I don’t feel too overwhelmed with that.

    Also, Jason wasn’t up at 6:30AM but he would be in total agreement with you about driving that car in this crappy weather. I love that you recognized the engine noise!

    • dad says:

      “I love that you recognized the engine noise!”
      Makes me proud!

      • kilax says:

        Ha! I wonder if the only reason I did is because we sat in that Gallardo for an hour on the Edens expressway and I got to hear it rev up so many times 😉

    • kilax says:

      You are one of the only people whose facebook statuses I like to read 🙂

      I think I only recognized the engine from the time Steven and I sat in a Gallardo on the Edens for an hour!

  12. Kim says:

    Ha, I’m starting to think it DOES interfere with my real life. After being gone all weekend, I was totally overwhelmed catching up with blogs. I wanted to read and comment on all of them, but it’s so time-consuming. I’m hot and cold with Facebook. I’ll never do Twitter. I think “Twitter” sounds like something kids did at raves in the nineties. I can’t keep up. I’m busy at work today and I’m having no-time-to-post guilt. Ha. I’m sure I’ll find time later…

    • kilax says:

      I hate that we feel like we have to “catch up” with blogs. It makes it seem more like a job! I love reading… but hate that it takes so long and people post so much. Ha. I post too much!

  13. Stef says:

    LOL i love that your dad reads your blog (and comments!) and he sounds like a funny guy too :).

    • kilax says:

      I love that he reads it too! I forget sometimes, when he goes awhile without writing a comment… but then he sends me funny emails with my spelling errors 😉

  14. bobbi says:

    social media is getting out of hand. I’ve found that people more and more are not out enjoying life…but are more focused on showing everyone else how much they fun they’re having. Time to put down the point and shoot and experience life!

    I also feel like it’s turning into a BIG OL’ competition… who’s the most busy? who stayed up the latest? who is the most witty? etc. etc. etc…

    That said, twitter is mostly a good thing for me… especially coming from a self employed person who works from home with zero co-workers. It’s kind of my “water cooler”. It’s GREAT for getting feedback and having conversations… of course… in 140 characters or less.


  15. Oh my god, I completely agree. I am overwhelmed by the information that is constantly coming at me…made worse because it’s in such little pieces. I work remotely, so at any given time, I have Skype, three email accounts (work, personal, blogging), text messages on two phones (one work, one personal), facebook, Google Reader, and a project management system. Not to mention freelancing stuff on the side.

    My head is spinning just looking at that paragraph.

    Thank goodness for running…although even then, I have my iPod and Nike+. Time to escape, I think. 🙂

  16. Amy says:

    I made a conscious decision not to get started with Twitter…it is all just too much! I hardly use FB, it was fun for a while when a lot of old high school classmates were joining and we were all reconnecting but that kind of died down as people got back to their real lives…my blog is my favorite form of online expression and I love the connection with other bloggers. It just feels a bit more substantial to me than FB.

  17. Felicia says:

    I have all 3 but honestly I kind of cycle through which one gets more attention. Twitter is great from my phone where facebook and my blog really are not.

  18. Ali says:

    I use twitter to feed into my blog (workouts and quick updates), a group of runners I run with join and use it to track each other workouts.

  19. Kate says:

    Kim, I had SUCH a great time on Saturday! I was so anxious before meeting everyone — that happens every time I’m meeting someone new — and now I know I had no reason to be. You and Steven are awesome! Can’t wait to meet up again!

  20. I have facebook and twitter but have found that I forget to use twitter and have been involved with FB a lot less since blogging. I just can’t be bothered. I spend SO much time on the computer–blogging and reading. It has started to cause problems in my relationship so I need to take a step back or cut myself off at some point. I would say, don’t start if you haven’t already!
    I totally am the same way when going out. That’s awesome that you enjoyed yourself so much. Must have felt good.

    • kilax says:

      That is part of the reason I got a computer to use on the train – I was using my laptop at night and it cut into our “us” time!

  21. Leah says:

    I dont have twitter, and never will. I dont understand it, and dont even want to try. Facebook is enough. I pretty much only ever check it from my blackberry when Im bored. I think the last time I updated my status was when the Olympics started. I more just go on there when Im trying to find something out about someone.
    Yes – Im a creeper I know.

  22. I have all three, but rarely use twitter— I do like it if I know a bunch of other friends racing and can get quick updates, but I don’t post too often. I have been reacquainted with some long-lost friends on facebook, and don’t blog everyday, but I agree. It’s enough for me too.

  23. Teamarcia says:

    I have a Twitter account only because it was the tracking method at the columbus marathon last fall…and would ya know it nobody got any tweets? haven’t used it since. I too think it’s all too much.

  24. Ashlei says:

    I debated getting a twitter too and now I’m addicted! 😛

    It’s a really nice informal way to connect with people, which I why I like it so much 🙂

  25. Lindsay says:

    I have a Twitter and that’s exactly why I do use it; for the microblogging, just random musings that come into my head. But I have met a lot of runners on Twitter. Three of them I’m even doing a relay race with. And I have ran with 1 of them and saw them at the Chicago marathon last year and year before that and he came to see me at Milwaukee and we ran in St. Louis together as well. He’s ending up being a great friend all because of Twitter!

  26. Shannon says:

    I opened a twitter account just so that I could have by blog posts tweeted. I never update anything else. I guess I don’t feel like my life is interesting enough that people would really care that “I just ate lunch” or “off to class now.” I find myself blogging less too lately. I feel like sometimes I am documenting life at the expense of living it!

    • kilax says:

      That is a scary-feeling to have! But you know, once you start blogging, I think it can get to that point. I see it on many blogs (not thinking of yours). It’s hard to step back and see that is what you are doing once you get so involved!

  27. Holly says:

    I’m on twitter but I don’t really tweet….I’m too boring. 😉 But I love to follow others. I’m on Facebook but I’m not one to post status updates every hour, or every day. I think I think too much about what I say, because I don’t ever want to offend anyone!

  28. Linzi says:

    I just started a twitter account for D 26.2 but haven’t really figured out twitter yet. Plus I don’t reallly have time to be tweeting all day. As for FB I feel like it’s there when I want to check in on someone but I don’t use it regularly either. My blog life has taken priority and I get a lot more enjoyment out of writing my blog and reading blogs.

    • kilax says:

      After I wrote this I have been thinking about it – I really enjoy writing, and more than a few characters, so I think blogging is best for me! 🙂

  29. Jen512 says:

    I love that most of my blog readers are now friends with me on Facebook, it helps us get to know each other better. However, I think it does affect my blogging in a negative way because once I’ve posted an anecdote or a picture on FB then blogging about it later feels almost redundant. It makes me feel less-inclined to blog, because I feel like I’ve already shared.

    On the other hand I still feel like blogging is important for me because it keeps my writing skills sharp and I can go into more detail about how I REALLY feel about certain topics in a way that I wouldn’t on FB. Facebook has become my addiction since moving abroad but it’s just the easiest way I have to keep in touch with friends and family.

    I think Twitter is silly, I’ve never had the urge. Just too trendy for me.

  30. cher says:

    i tried having a twitter account. but really, i just don’t think my life is SO interesting that everyone wants to read about it every two seconds!

  31. kapgar says:

    I prefer Twitter to Facebook. Sure Facebook has more functionality, but I find it to be far less fun.

  32. Bethany says:

    I have FB, a blog, twitter…I use them all but in different ways- facebook is all real life people, twitter & blog are mostly online. I try not to get overwhelmed with it all and just do what I can. Sometimes it’s best to just take a few days away though…ahh, feels good! LOL @ the fancy cars!

  33. martymankins says:

    I keep my Twitter and Facebook updates separate. I know there are services and social networking tools where one update gets applied to multiple services and sites. For me, that’s impersonal. I mostly Twitter and Facebook updates are few and far between.

    And blog posts are completely separate. Although on occasion I will tweet or post a Facebook status with the link the new blog post.

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