Friday Question #104

By , March 12, 2010 7:50 am

Out of all the concerts/plays/comedy shows/etc. that you have seen, which has been your favorite and why?

I know, it is really hard to decide on just one! We’ve seen Robin Williams’ and Jerry Seinfeld’s comedy routines, we’ve gone to Wicked and I swear I have seen The Phantom of the Opera and A Christmas Carol at least twice each. We’ve also been to a few cool orchestra concerts, and I have been to see a few bands.

Overall, I suppose my favorite was seeing Van Halen with my parents (and roommate’s boyfriend) when I was in college. There was just so much energy in the show! I left the concert feeling super pumped (and went back to my studio to work on some stupid project after my parents left).

45 Responses to “Friday Question #104”

  1. The Phantom for sure! Seen it twice. Once in Toronto and once in San Fran. The best! Still gives me goosebumps when I hear the music.

  2. What an unfair question! I mean, what about people who go to cultural events all the time — Is it really fair to group concerts and plays and comedy into one lump-sum categorization? And even for those who only go once in a while, what I’d classify as “the best” in high school certainly differs from today!

    Over the past couple years, I’d say one of the best concerts I’ve been to was John Legend at Ravinia (we had seats in the Pavilion) … though, we’re going to see Black Eyed Peas this weekend, so my answer might change as of next week. =)

  3. Christina says:

    Wow that is a toughie….fav concerts have been U2, Bruce Springsteen, Elton John and Billy Joel. Favorite shows…Les Mis, Phantom of the Opera, Wicked.

    I have not seen any good commedians.

  4. Ameena says:

    I saw Miss Saigon in NYC a few years ago and I LOVED it. Even though I totally had the flu and was about to throw up any second. That was how GOOD it was!!

  5. RunningLaur says:

    We saw Jim Bruer a few months ago and it was probably the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. At one point towards the beginning of the show he fell into the wall behind him and knocked off the first E in ‘tempe’ on the wall. Complete accident. He propped it back up, but the E was skewed the whole show and was a hilarious reminder to his trip up.

  6. ShutupandRun says:

    I’d have to say I was most touched by Les Miz, Paul McCartney, U2 and Saltimbanco (Cirque du Soleil).

  7. Definitely Ave. Q, solely for the awkwardness factor… because I saw it with my mom.

    <3 <3

  8. Amy says:

    In my younger days: the Violent Femmes in the early 80’s in Milwaukee for their first album…INXS also in the early 80’s in a small theater in Rockford IL ( I think I mean Rockford – the town in NW IL – close to Iowa?? you would know better than I do anymore!)… the Police Synchronicity tour in Chicago…the Thompson Twins also in Chicago…Billy Joel…the Cure…and don’t forget Madonna!

    More recently: Madame Butterfly at the Berlin Opera House – my first opera and it made me cry! And definitely Aimee Mann two years ago in Brussels – I love her!

  9. Adam says:

    Blue man group. I’m a drummer (percussionist?) and I LOVED their show.

  10. Etta says:

    I’ve seen RENT twice (the last time with original Mark and Roger), Jesus Christ Superstar (with Ted Neely as Jesus!), and a few concerts. I saw Second City out of Chicago in Quincy IL a year and a half ago and nearly peed my pants laughing. It had two of the girls from the Sonic commercial, which was really exciting for some silly reason. I saw it and RENT (both times) with my best friend and we always have a great time, so they’re always my favorites.

  11. Erin says:

    Hmmm, tough question. I’d probably say one of the times I saw Ben Folds. The company was great, the show was great, and one time we got to meet him afterward!

  12. Susan says:

    I saw Spamalot at Broadway in Chicago (final preps before actually going to Broadway) and it was hilarious! I’m not even a huge Monty Python fan, but my dad is. He bought us really good seats (like the sixth row!) and it was amazing. I would definitely see it again.

  13. Kim says:

    Oh man, I’ve seen so many awesome events! I’m not even a huge U2 fan, but I had floor tickets several years ago and it was amazing. I also saw No Doubt in a very small venue, which was so cool. My favorite event that comes to mind is Brian Regan’s comedy show at the Wiltern in L.A. It was just hilarious. At the time, my husband and I were in a bit of a slump, and I have fond memories of us laughing so hard at that show that we were hyperventilating. I love stand-up!

  14. Lacey says:

    this question made me think, gosh i need to see more shows. hehehe. i have seen a few plays that i like, but only one real “show” like in NYC. i saw Avenue Q and it was awesome!!!!

  15. Lacey says:

    oooh but i really want to see billy elliot in NYC.

  16. Paige says:

    Last May, I was able to see Ben Harper and the Relentless 7 perform at a very small venue in Atlanta. I have been a Ben Harper fan forever, so it was just awesome for me to be able to see him perform…and especially in a small place (Variety Playhouse). I will never forget it!

  17. I’ll bet the Phantom of the Opera was incredible. That’s one that I would *love* to see. 😀

  18. Holly says:

    TOUGH question!! Hmmm…I’ve seen Phantom and love it, but I’m also a big fan of Rogers & Hammerstein Musicals. I have seen “Oklahoma” twice and just love the music and characters. Loved “The King & I”, too. I’m SUCH a musical person (as in, I love music – not as in I’m extremely musically gifted).

    Fave concert….I might have to say Jimmy Buffett. Just because of the whole atmosphere. Where else are you going to see 60 year olds and 21 year olds drinking together and wearing goofy hats and tropical shirts?

  19. sizzle says:

    Very hard question! Seeing David Sedaris (twice!) has been a total life highlight. My face hurt from laughing so much after. True story. And being front & center for Tori Amos’s Little Earthquakes tour- her, a piano in an old church. No one really knew her then. She was not yet famous. It was perfect.

  20. BostonRunner says:

    It’s a tie between Coldplay in concert and Mamma Mia on Broadway (way better than the movie!). Coldplay because they’re my favorite band and have sentimental meaning with my boyfriend and Mamma Mia was one of the first Broadway shows I saw and I just fell in love..

  21. I haven’t been to many things like that.. in fact, I’ve only been to 2 concerts – Dashboard Confessional and Alexis on Fire. Since I only went to Alexis on Fire one because a friend desperately wanted to see it, I’ll say that the Dashboard Confessional concert was the best. It was pretty cool though, mainly because of how intimate it was.

  22. Erin says:

    Best concert–Santana a few years ago. He just played and played and it was WONDERFUL. I was lucky enough to see a lot of local bands growing up–favs are the Nadas and the Ernie Peniston Band 🙂

  23. Onelittletrigirl says:

    Best play- Miss Saigon or Phantom

    I have seen over 50 concerts, but honestly the best one was Cher. I am not even a huge fan but the show was amazing. It was a black tie affair on her Living Proof tour and the way her show is done blows anything I have ever seen out of the ballpark!

  24. Ali says:

    Bette Midler in vegas last december. I love her. We went to the discount ticket booth just to see if they had anything. They had 2 tickets good price … they turned out to be front row centre! She came down the stairs and I could have touched her!

    Second place … Bruce Springsteen way back when I was 14 … Born in the USA tour.

  25. claire says:

    Hmm… I’ve seen quite an array of concerts, plays, Broadway shows and the like, but my gut still says Michelle Shocked in concert. Small venue, ages ago, but there was such palpable energy in the room. A great musician/songwriter very in tune with the audience. Very present.

  26. In September I went to a charity thing and saw The Fray play a few songs – we were so close to the action and that made it really memorable for us. Plus after they were done, they stuck around and autographs. It was a fun night.

  27. Your parents sound so cool. Everything you have said about them makes me think you are incredibly lucky to have them in your life. I hope my kids talk as nicely about me when they are grown as you do about yours.

    My favorite concert ever was when my husband and I were first dating. Spur of the moment we decided to go to this hole in the wall club where Damn Yankees was playing. At first I had been sort of embarrassed to say I wanted to go, but my husband surprised me and was totally excited because he loves Ted Nugent. I’m not sure if the concert was the best ever, but the whole experience was just so perfect that I think that would have to be my favorite ever.

  28. Kings of Leon at the Fillmore in San Francisco, hands down. My two best friends, a pre-party on BART and an amazing band made for the perfect night. We danced and sang along the entire night, and it was the only concert I’ve been to where I really wasn’t ready to leave at the end.

  29. Mica says:

    I’ve seen a lot of musicals. I think my favorite is probably “RENT” or “Ragtime.” Though I will admit, “Mamma Mia” is a good time too!

  30. Stacey says:

    I brought my little sister to see Lion King on Broadway. It’s a visually spectacular show to start with, but seeing it through her then 9 year old eyes made it even better.

  31. i saw ani di franco my freshman year of college and she inspired me to become a women’s studies major. even though i don’t follow her music anymore, that concert holds a special place in my heart – i am still a feminist and a fan.

  32. lifestudent says:

    Best theater – Les Misérables for sure.
    Best concert? Probably a tie between NKOTB (the 1st time around) and NSync 🙂

  33. ChezJulie says:

    That is an impossible question for me to answer because I’ve seen hundreds of live concerts. One that comes to mind is Iggy Pop in Liverpool in 1987. He was an amazing, kinetic performer.

  34. when i was in high school i saw tori amos bang her piano to death and it was great! i was in the 3rd row. and i love cirque du soleil shows. and i also have been to tons of festivals and live music and hippy dippy VW bus cloud of smoke kinda fests and they are all great.

    thx for the link re friendships online/real that you left me!

  35. Julia says:

    I went to an amazing Dave Matthews Band concert in 2000 or sometime around there. It was one of my first big concerts and did not disappoint – live music is soo amazing!
    Also, Trans Siberian Orchestra! Great shows – I’ve been prob. 4 times and love the music and the lights!

    • kilax says:

      We saw TSO this winter and didn’t like the first half of the show because of the lame-o narrator. Did the do that at the ones you’ve been to? They got rid of him for the second half and it was much better.

  36. Sammi says:

    Hmmmm… I’ve been to a LOT of concerts! My favorite was probably Evan & Jaron. The concert itself was really small which made it feel more personal. I can’t forget about the spice girls, nsync & britney spears though 🙂

  37. diane says:

    Wow, SO hard to pick just one or two. I still remember the production of The Seagull (by Chekov) and Much Ado About Nothing, both put on by my college’s theater department (we had a really good theater department!).
    Of course, seeing Baryshnikov dance is something I will never, never forget. And seeing the Moscow Ballet perform Swan Lake…oh how I would love to see that again.
    I saw the Tossers (a local Irish band that made it big) for $5 at a street festival here, and was in the 2nd row! That was a ton of fun. I also saw Bob Dylan when I was in college…that was pretty amazing, but also funny b/c the whole stadium was just a big fuzz of pot smoke. Hee hee. 🙂

  38. kapgar says:

    Haven’t seen too many live stand-up comedy acts in my life, but I do remember enjoying Kevin Nealon a couple years ago in St. Charles.

    Live music, totally The Flaming Lips. Both times! Fantastic show that everyone should experience, even non-fans.

    Stage shows or musicals, for the longest time was Phantom of the Opera, which I saw twice. This was replaced with Rent that I saw twice in grad school. Then, most recently, with Wicked. Fan-freakin’-tastic!

  39. Kristina says:

    This is such a great question!
    Without a doubt, the best concert I saw was Lyle Lovett at Red Rocks. Part of what made it so amazing, beyond him and his ‘large band’, was the fact that there was this crazy storm happening in the distance, so the sky was just all alit with lightening. Wonderful.
    The best play I saw was “Doubt” with Cherry Jones on Broadway. I haven’t seen the movie because I know that it isn’t as good and I just can bear to ruin the memory I have of the play.

  40. martymankins says:

    Having Van Halen as your favorite was very cool to read. I’ve only seen them once (in 1982) and it was a great energetic concert.

    Hard to pick a favorite for me. I’ve been to well over 1,000 concerts in my life (that 1982 Van Halen show was my first), but the most memorable opening moment was Elton John in September 2006 here in Utah. My all time favorite song of his is “Funeral For a Friend/Loves Lies Bleeding”, which is the opening track from the album “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” He opened the show with this song, which I had literally just sat down in my seat seconds before the lights dimmed. Pure enjoyment. A very wonderful, yet emotional experience that I don’t think I’ll ever experience again in all of my concert attending.

  41. Jen512 says:

    Oh I’ve definitely got one.

    It wasn’t my first concert, and it wasn’t even my favorite band at the time. But it will stick in my memory for so many reasons. Modest Mouse 9/14/01

    I was a senior in high school, and it was the first concert I was allowed to go to without any parental supervision. I went with a bunch of my friends who where really into the band and knew all the words, I didn’t know their music too well.

    More significantly though, and why I will always remember it, was the date. Three days after 9/11/01. They didn’t come out on stage and do some cheesy tribute, in fact they never even mentioned it out loud. Instead, there were projection screens behind them playing footage of various building demolitions, but in reverse. We were all so shell-shocked from watching buildings fall down over and over on the news, it was a nice relief to watch some go back up. It was subtle but powerful at the same time. I also completely fell in love with their music that night, they’ve been one of my favorite bands ever since.

  42. I’ve seen Ben Folds in concert a bunch of times, and he was awesome!!

    Seeing U2 at Madison Square Garden was probably the best show I’ve ever been to, though — it was during the Elevation tour, just a few weeks after 9/11, and also the same day the IRA agreed to put down weapons. The atmosphere of the whole show was just ELECTRIC — there’s no other word for it!

  43. Odie says:

    I’ve been to so many concerts, it’s hard to pick just one. I think the Eagles in Omaha is probably one of the best, or Boston at the state fair. Musical theater, probably Thoroughly Modern Millie. Play would definitely be Merry Wives of Windsor back when I was in college.

  44. cher says:

    Les Mis and Jesus Christ Superstar.

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31 ‘queries’.