Wednesday Confessions

By , March 24, 2010 5:46 am

It is Wednesday, right?

  • I’m a somewhat worthless wife. On days when we don’t workout in the evening, I just want to come home, eat dinner (maybe) and go to bed. By 8:30.
  • I haven’t stayed awake through watching a movie in the evening in a few weeks. I just ask Steven how they ended the next day.
  • I’ve been having a hard time eating healthy. I leave my money at home in the morning so I am not tempted to get something sugary and bad for me when I feel stressed out at work.
  • I think I have gained 10 pounds in the last few months. Yeah… the leaving the money at home plan just came to me.
  • I am not as excited about some things as I should be.
  • I didn’t feel like working out last night, so I got home and slept on the couch while Steven made dinner. He woke me up to eat, and I ate while laying on the couch. Then I went upstairs to go to bed. I still feel tired so I brought a neck pillow with me to use on the train today (see below).
  • I look tired and crappy ALL THE TIME and I don’t know what to do about it (see photo above).
  • I haven’t gotten my hair cut since August.
  • I am bored. Not “bored with nothing to do,” but “bored with what I am doing.”
  • I am caught in the middle of political bullsh*t. and I am so sick of it.
  • I don’t want to be nice all the time.
  • I don’t want to have to act like I care about drama when I don’t.
  • There are a few little things that bother me about blogging, and I have to bite my tongue not to say anything.
  • I feel restricted about what I can say here.

I think that’s it for now. I feel a little better.

Anything you’d like to confess?

94 Responses to “Wednesday Confessions”

  1. J says:

    A thought just popped into my head…do you take vitamins? I now take vitamin D every day because i know i don’t get enough and I have heard that can lead to tiredness, etc etc. Just a thought. I am feeling the Wednesday blahs too. I just almost thought it was Thursday too. Thats not good – I need to get my head on straight today!

    • kilax says:

      I take vitamin B12, but that is it. I had to stop taking our multi-viatmin because it has animal-derived nutrients. Maybe I should look for a new one. I wish it WAS Thursday!

  2. This post makes me sad– you definitely sound like you’re in a slump. πŸ™ I would bet you money that when spring really hits, you’re going to feel worlds better.

    I understand having frustrations about the blog world– I’ve been feeling really frustrated about certain things too. And the worst thing is, you feel like you can’t speak about it on YOUR OWN blog, because you might be seen as overly critical or negative. Ugh.

    Hope things pick up soon, girl.

    • kilax says:

      I am sorry I made you feel sad! I didn’t realize I was being so dramatic. I am thinking I will feel better when spring comes around too.

      Sometimes I want to write a long rant post about blogger things that bother me. But what would be the point? If I don’t like something, I shouldn’t read it (and I usually don’t). And I am sure someone could make an entire list about things that annoy them about my blog. It’s just… ugh, I hate how “clique-y” it is sometimes. I wish it wasn’t such a popularity contest for some people!

  3. Tonia says:

    Holy honesty. I’m very much like several of those things you listed. Evenings are often blah and I fall asleep hours before the hubby. Hope things turn around.

  4. cindy says:

    Have you had your thyroid checked? I was tired all the time and it turned out I had Hashimotos Thyroiditis an immune disease that requires medication. I feel great now. Three of my daughters also have this.

    • kilax says:

      I did have it checked last April and they said I was okay (I had weird energy fluctuations then). However, my mom recently found out that she has a thyroid problem, and so did my aunt. Maybe it is worth having it checked again.

  5. Shannon says:

    I have times when I want nothing more than to crawl in to bed at night and be antisocial. But the funk always passes in a day or two. The only time when I felt like that consistently was when I was living through a very long winter in New Hampshire and not enjoying my job. I have never been so affected by the weather before! Maybe spring will bring your bounce back. I hope things get better soon. Are there some little changes you can make to not feel so bored with what you are doing?

    • kilax says:

      Spring is going to help! I will make it help! Ha ha. I think being more social at work will make me feel better, and also, maybe doing some different fun activities with Steven. We just got some really cheap movie tickets through a special offer, so maybe we could use those!

  6. Girl, we all have feelings like this at one point or another I think (I know I do anyways!) Sometimes mixing things up in life helps…like trying something new or different than you would normally ever do. Sometimes a new haircut that’s totally new to you is enough to change chings up.

    I hope you’re feeling better soon! Hang in there!

    • kilax says:

      I think that is EXACTLY what I need to do. Mix things up. Try something new. And I would love a haircut! I just feel bad about spending the money. Steven said he would cut it for me though πŸ˜‰

  7. Erin says:

    Ugh! Its not fun feeling that way at all; I just recently got over a slump where I felt a lot of the same things. Hopefully it will just work itself out and you feel 1000 times better.

  8. Joey says:

    I’ve been feeling that way some, too. I think mine is mostly hormone-related, but it is still frustrating! If you need to vent, vent away! πŸ™‚ Hope you feel better & back to YOU soon! πŸ™‚

  9. I’m glad I’m not the only one who goes through phases of not being able to get up enough energy to workout. Sometimes, I get exhausted just thinking about it.

    BTW, you should totally read my blog post today. It’s all about telling the truth in the blogosphere. =)

    • kilax says:

      I am happy it doesn’t happen to me that often, but last night, I was just TOO DRAINED! That is why I try to workout in the morning. Can’t do that when I am running with Steven! I will have to read your post tonight! (I didn’t read anything on the train this morning since I was sleeping).

  10. I feel the same way about the bored thing. I actually am going to try to get my hair cut later today or tomorrow because I just feel so “yuck” about how I look lately. I need new clothes because I am always wearing a variation of the same thing (jeans, t-shirt, and hoodie sweatshirt because I am cold) but every time I even try to look for anything different I come up with a million reasons it wouldn’t be a good idea. Everything from money and how it is dumb to spend it, or I talk myself into believing that whatever I am considering wouldn’t look right on me. I think I need something fun to do to get me out of my rut.

    • kilax says:

      I have been doing the same thing about money – no money, no haircut, no money, no new clothes, no money, no fun! Maybe we should go splurge on something small together πŸ˜‰

  11. Tony says:

    I hope you get out of this funk you seem to be in. Hopefully with the change in weather you will start to feel better!

  12. Christina says:

    When did you crawl into my head? Seriously though, I think many of your points are experienced by all of us.

    My confession , it that I am thinking of giving up blogging.

  13. Sorry things feel so crappy right now… I’m definitely not an optimist, but on the plus side, when everything seems awful, there’s nowhere to go but up!

    <3 <3

  14. I think it’s good to get stuff of your chest. If you want to share stuff on your blog then you should! This is your little space on the internet and you can say whatever you want. I know a lot of times I worry about publishing something because I think I’ll lose readers but I’ve come to learn that it’s not true πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      I worry about that too, the “what if someone new looks at my site and it is all bithcy/ranty/emo?” People can probably relate MORE to that. Of course, there are still things I cannot say about certain situations that have me frusrated.

  15. I am so so so sick of some os my Facebook friends endlessly bitching about the healthcare reform. (staunch Republicans). Dollars to doughnuts they don’t even know what the reform says. Mmm. Donuts.

    • kilax says:

      Oh gosh. FB has had lots of interesting healthcare comments lately hasn’t it? I have been trying to avoid them!

  16. sizzle says:

    Sometimes when I force myself to hold my tongue or not speak my truth, I feel this way. It backs itself up inside me and I tend to feel either really run down, disconnected, pissy or depressed. My motivation for self-care goes out the window. The only advice I can give is to push through and be true to YOU. Sometimes easier said than done but very, very liberating.

  17. ShutupandRun says:

    Thanks for your honesty. I does sound like you’re in a funk, which I totally get. Sometimes I think I get like that when I’m out of my element – as in my life is not moving in such a way that coincides with who I am, if that makes any sense. Be kind to yourself, especially now.

  18. My confession is that somedays, and quite a few days in February, I came home and cried on the couch because I hated my job so much. Even though I really do love my job, but sometimes it can just be too hard. There were times I said I was going to quit.

    I really hope things start looking up for you πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      Oh no! I hope things are going better for you at work now. I know what you mean – you can love your job, but hate it at the same time. I have days like that πŸ™

  19. Aw girl. πŸ™ I am so sorry for you. I don’t like being in those kinds of funks.

    Office politics are why I left and started working for myself. I am not good at office life (plus I can’t stand the forced socializing, Ex: It’s Jane’s birthday! Hooray! MEH). Although I’m looking for a change so I am sort of feeling in limbo at the moment.

    There’s a lot of stuff on blogs that bug me and I hold my tongue all the time. Although you are free to email me and we can bitch together!

    I get tired like that when it’s PMS time and sometimes my PMS will last for 2+ weeks. I know, so hawt!

  20. Kristie says:

    Aww, I’m sorry about all the negativity going on right now. My honest confession is that I’m really struggling with veganism. Like, really struggling. And trying to figure out what to do with it… and knowing that a change would affect my blog, that that shouldn’t be important but it still feels like it is, that people could judge me, that I am not strong enough if I give up… all that fun stuff.

    • kilax says:

      Kristie, what are you struggling with? If you want to eat dairy and eggs, you should! No one that matters will think less of you. Maybe you should think about why you switched over in the first place and see if those reasons still hold true for you.

  21. Karin says:

    Oh Kim.. where should I begin? First of all this post makes me sad too :(. I wish I could do something about your current situation. :(.
    I think it’s important to speak your mind even it if might be offensive towards some people. This is YOUR blog and if you can’t talk freely on here, where else?
    Whenever I feel down or not so motivated I make sure to get away from everything. You deserve a break too! I believe that these little getaways keep me grounded and at peace and help me relax immensely. I often go hiking (or snowshoeing) or disappear for an entire weekend and don’t think about my blog. People who read it will come back and that little break is worth a million dollars.
    So why don’t you treat yourself to something nice? Grab your husband and visit a lovely place not too far from your home and maybe stay the night. This way you can spend more time with each other.
    Talking helps too. Even though this post makes me sad I believe that it’s great that you spoke your mind. Sharing ones thoughts with a partner, friend or parent is so soothing. It often makes me realize that I’m not the only one who struggles..
    Take care love! Shoot me an e-mail if you need someone to listen!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks for your nice reply, Karin! I DO need to get away. Away from the monotony! I want to just have some time to myself to relax, without feeling like there are a million things I should be doing.

  22. Lacey says:

    honestly i feel very connected to you because i have times (days in a row) where i feel the exact same way. the thing is, something good needs to happen and you need to build on it. i sometimes spiral deeply down (i call it a dark hole, then i need to climb out). and no one can do anything for me. it has to be me. elliot knows this and he tells me sometimes, too, that he can’t do things for me, i need to do them myself. of course he is very loving and does do things for me, but my attitude remains up to me. i suggest:

    1. get a haircut!!! πŸ™‚
    2. go away for a weekend
    3. pay attention to your time. even if you want to come home and do nothing, see if you can go somewhere else instead… be it shopping for a nice new item or to meet a friend for a walk, or to a book store to browse.
    4. do a track workout

    those are just some ideas of things that have helped me in the past.
    it sucks to feel the way that you do. i am so sorry you feel that way. i hope things look up for you soon. hang in there. just know there are people who love you NO MATTER WHAT and what it really probably comes down to is that you need to love yourself πŸ™‚

    also i’m curious what upsets you about blogging or why you feel restricted? i definitely censor myself in my posts just b/c it is public, etc. i’m just curious what you mean by that. πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      Thank you for your suggestions! I really think getting away will help. And maybe spending just a little bit of money on myself. A little πŸ˜‰ I feel censored by who reads what I write. I am not annoymous. And there are little blogger habits that make me crazy.

  23. Joanne says:

    You’re def. in a slump.
    You need to set some new goals for yourself.
    The only one who can get you out of that slump is you and when
    you’re ready, all the answers will come and you’ll move forward with new energy and determination.
    As for blogging, there’s a lot that bothers me about it as well and I hold my tongue. But if you find someone to confide in, send them a private email so you can vent together. I bet there are a lot of bloggers who have the same bothers that you have.

    • kilax says:

      I do need some new goals, or activities. Maybe I can focus on riding my bike, since the weather is getting nicer. That sounds lame, but I think it would make me feel better! Ha! Maybe we all need to speak out and vent! We may discover that we are all thinking the same thing!

  24. Kim, I hear you. I feel the same way. I am exhausted all the time haven’t socialized in a while and have 3 net flix movies that I haven’t watched in the past 3 months.. I am ready to be done with the MS ride, so maybe I can have my weekends.

    Here is my 2 cents….
    take a few days off from working out and use the time to sleep in a bit longer. I have noticed that when I am exhausted I tend to eat a lot more and not very healthy.. like you said I eat sugary stuff hoping it would give me energy to go through the day.

    Plan a 3 day getaway with Steven and unplug you comp, phone etc…. go somewhere that you have option of doing outdoors activity i.e. hiking, biking or whatever… sleep a lot and take afternoon naps.

    oh and get a hair cut… it always amazes me how much better I feel after a cut or after I get my eyebrows done.. πŸ™‚

    Take time off from blogging.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks for your advice! I do think I need to do all of those things. Especially take some time off from blogging. I just wonder if I would be able to do it!

  25. I hope writing it out makes you feel better!!! Hang in there because we all think you are GREAT!

  26. I get the “bored with what I am doing” thing–I’m SO there. And while my solution (quit my job to go freelance and travel) may not be for everyone, I always recommend travel to cure what ails you. πŸ™‚ Or doing something new and exciting!

    My confession is that my last day of work is Friday, and I’ve completely checked out, mentally.

    • kilax says:

      I LOVE your solution! I wish that would work for me. I love my job “most of the time.” Maybe a small vacay would help. Or just taking some extra days off from work.

  27. Linzi says:

    Awww…Hang in there Kim. I hope that you feel better soon. I know I was going through a period not too long ago that I had similar feelings, and that sparked some time for me and reflection. But I also just took some time away from the blog and away from everyone. Sometimes you just need you time. Take a nice hot bath, drink a glass of wine. Whatever makes you feel good. Hopefully you will get some time this weekend to relax and rest.

    • kilax says:

      I do just need time to myself. Last weekend was hectic, but this one should be easy… I am keeping my fingers crossed!

  28. Sammi says:

    If you ever need to talk, you have my email address. It’s hard with blogging sometimes because it’s somewhere you feel you can be free to discuss whatever you want, but then something comes up that you can’t talk about. I’ve been through some really hard things these past few months and it was hard not being able to talk about it with anyone. I’m here for you though.

    Things will get better. You just need to find something new to feel motivated to do. The leaving money at home idea is really smart. Maybe you can find healthy alternatives for the foods you crave and then make sure you keep those on hand?
    There are some things about blogging that irritate me as well. I doubt anyone would blame you for not posting as much if that would help what you’re going through.
    I’ve been putting off getting my haircut/highlighted for about a month now. My roots are over 3 inches long (yes, I just measured lol). Go make a hair appointment πŸ™‚ it’ll make you feel better!

    Let me know if I can help with anything!

    • kilax says:

      I can tell you can relate. Especially about thinking you can say whatever you want… but that is really not the case. Maybe it shouldn’t be. Who knows! I hope the things that are affecting you get cleared up soon.

  29. Erin says:

    I’m in a slump, too, so I understand what you’re saying. Last night’s conversation with my hubby didn’t help things, either.

    I wish I knew how to be happy with what I’ve got. Also, sometimes even getting out there and doing something new to break up the routine seems exhausting.

    Hang in there! We can prop each other up.

    Also, if you really do want to get a haircut, I know a place where $30 will get you the best haircut you’ve ever had. Trust me. I’ll even go with you if you want πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      Erin, I didn’t realize you were feeling so crappy! What is going on? I do feel better knowing we have each other to vent to, oops, I mean, have fun with!

      I want to try new things, but you are right – it is EXHAUSTING! I used to take classes during the weeknights and I got so sick of it.

      Where is this hair place?

  30. I’m sorry you are in such a slump. Maybe make it a goal to try something new this weekend or go someplace different just to get some fresh air, so to speak.

  31. Lo-Jo says:

    Sorry to hear all these things. I’ve actually been experiencing a lot of these things lately. Worn out, eating badly, and bored with my daily routine. I feel like I need a change in my day-to-day routine. Maybe some change in routine would help you as well?

  32. Kate says:

    I want to give you a big fat hug. I totally feel your pain — commuting downtown just didn’t work for me and it was made worse by a job I no longer enjoyed. I’m thinking good thoughts for you! And Steven, too! πŸ™‚

    No confessions that I can put out into the blogosphere. πŸ˜‰

    • kilax says:

      I wish I could work closer to home or live closer to work… or work from home! We may consider moving closer to the city.

  33. Leah says:

    I hope things get better for you! I have times when I get myself into a nice little hole and everything just sucks.

    Maybe change things up a bit? I find that helps.

    OH – and dont feel bad about laying around. Sometimes thats exactly whats needed. I LOVE it!

    • kilax says:

      I do need to change things up. I have been changing when I run (the time)… does that count? πŸ˜›

  34. Kim says:

    Well, you know I’ve been there. Those could be my own bullet points when I’m in a funk. I’m here to “talk” if you want πŸ™‚

  35. is it winter blahs or something more? it is okay to feel like that someitmes. sometimes i allow myself to just be that way and then i feel better…..give it sometime!

    • kilax says:

      I think the blahs DO have something to do with it. If I could just see some sunshine, or better yet, be IN the sunshine!

  36. Paige says:

    I know what you mean about being annoyed with some aspects of the blog world. When I started my blog, it was like a journal or scrapbook for me. I live far away from my family, and I basically started the blog so that they could see what I had been up to (without me having to e-mail everyone individually). Gradually, it morphed into more of a fitness blog. For three years, I didn’t have any followers…I really didn’t even know that there was such a thing. Sometimes I feel like I am writing for other people to read instead of writing for myself. Your post today has inspired me to get back to the roots of why I started blogging in the first place!

    • kilax says:

      I’m happy I inspired you! I started blogging for the same reason – to keep in touch. I never knew what an rss feed was, or how to look and see how many people subscribed to me in google reader! It’s all so silly, when we consider WHY we started!

  37. Onelittletrigirl says:

    I relate to much of this, but mostly this: “not bored like I have nothing to do, but bored with what I am doing.”

    I am actually in the middle of writing a post lamenting much of this sentiment.

    -I am tired of coming to work and fixing everyone’s problems but never fixing my own.
    -I am tired of people who cannot put things in perspective.
    -I feel censored on my blog and it makes me angry.
    -I feel like I put a lot of effort into connecting through blogs and I am tired of people ignoring me or leaving one word comments on my blog that make it obvious they didn’t read the entry in the first place.
    -I am tired of being mad over stupid stuff.

    • kilax says:

      How come we always relate so much? Amen to fixing other people’s work issues. I feel like that is my job sometimes! And you know how I feel about blogging, commenting, and connecting… you can tell when people don’t care, and when they do. I hope your “bored” post gives me some ideas on what to do!

  38. Nicole, RD says:

    I think after yesterday I can safely say that your blog should be YOUR outlet and that you will reach people no matter what you say. And as far as dinner and energy and not wanting to workout, I am with you 100%. I was in such a bad mood yesterday and all I could verbalize was, “I AM TIRED.” The days go so fast and the evenings go even faster. By the time I made dinner last night, ate, blogged for 15 minutes, tossed everything in the crock pot for today, it was 9:30! There was no way I was hopping on the treadmill at that hour, I’m up at 5:30am, and thanks to puppy it was 4:30am this morning. *hugs* One thing I have to say is that your husband sounds like a much better “team player” than mine. That’s one thing to be thankful for…so many husbands are worthless when it comes to helping out with things like meal times!

    • kilax says:

      It sounds like we had the same day, even the early wake-up call (although mine was the alarm). I am sick of trying to do SO MUCH. And you are right – I am lucky that Steven loves to cook so much. He cooks all of our meals, and makes sure I follow a healthy vegan diet. I am not sure what I would do without him. Is today going any better?

  39. Pauline says:

    “I feel restricted about what I can say here.”

    Me too and in life in general. There are some people who have been rude to me recently and I didn’t confront them about it, but I kinda wish I had. But they probably wouldn’t understand why I was upset anyways, so its futile. *le sigh*

    • kilax says:

      Oh gosh. You are right about feeling restricted with blogging AND in real life. Sometimes, I do say what I want, and you are right – people don’t get it!

  40. Kim, we could be twins right now – I can relate to practically everyone of your bullet points. Treat yourself to a haircut; maybe a mani or pedicure (or both) it helps!! Also someone suggested getting your thyroid checked…good idea! I take meds for a hypo-thyroid.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks for being so supportive. I wish you COULDN’T relate! You have a good excuse at least πŸ˜‰ I think I would feel better after a haircut, or a long hot bath, or a long nap with Datos…

  41. also, don’t forget to cut yourself some slack, you wake up very, very, early and put in a full days work – ur bound to be exhausted!

  42. Holly says:

    Wow – I could have written 3/4 of the things on your list!

    It feels good to get things out there, though WHY do I seriously worry so much what other people think? Ugh. I annoy ME sometimes.

    Hmmm…confessions – I’m tired of those friends who are only friends with you when it’s convenient for them. We are ALL busy with something – right?

    I go back and forth between absolutely wanting to quit my job with no notice, and being so thankful for a job that pays my bills. The former happens generally Monday – Wednesday; the latter on Thursday and Friday.

    I feel like I can’t post about certain things on my blog because it might be triggering or might cause people to be disappointed in me. I know….I shouldn’t care.

    Phew – I feel better!

    I’m sorry you’re going through this. But know this – I think you are an AMAZING writer (and person!) and I truly look forward to your posts. You have a way of writing that is very relatable, and funny. And I do NOT think you look crappy! πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      Thank you for your nice comments! πŸ™‚ You are too sweet! What is making you crazy at work? People stuff or work stuff? And I hear you on the friends. We know someone like that, and for years, it has bothered me πŸ™

  43. Amy says:

    Kim, I am so sorry you are feeling down…I can really relate to a lot of what you say – especially the going to bed early thing – I am down for the count at about 8.30 – 9.00 every night and often go to bed with my youngest before my husband even gets home from work, which makes me feel guilty, but I so look forward to just getting horizontal in my bed. Sometimes life can be a real drag. I hope you feel better soon and I have to say I appreciate you being so real in your blog.

    • kilax says:

      You know exactly how guilty I feel! And it is not that I don’t want to talk to Steven! I DO! I miss him during the day. I am just so dang exhausted. What is it with us?! πŸ™‚

  44. Mica says:

    Yikes, Kim! I’m sorry that you’re in such a funk right now. Anything I (or we) can do to help? I don’t have anything I want to confess right now (Well, there are the normal ones, but I’m sure you’ve heard them already.) I’m sorry that you have so many things you wanted to get off your chest! Try to keep your head up. The seasons are changing, and pretty sure, we’ll be done with this crappy, gray, end-of-winter weather. I’m sure that’ll help boost your mood!

    Maybe we should sign up to run a race together. That would give ME something to look forward to, at least!

    • kilax says:

      Just your comment helped! And a race together would be AWESOME! Do you have any in mind? πŸ™‚ (Oh, and spring weather would be nice too…)

  45. julie ilax says:

    “Get a hair cut and get a real job” (just kidding, oh that George you got to love him)I’m sending you money for a haircut, my treat. Oh and I think you have a great for ever and always Mom

    • kilax says:

      Did Dad inspire the Thorogood reference or did you come up with that all your own? I am impressed. You don’t have to send me money!

  46. Tricia says:

    Hmmm…you had “energy fluctuations” this time last year too? (per your comment response). Wonder if its a seasonal allergy or seasonal depression thing.

    Not that I’m calling you depressed. πŸ™‚ Just curious if there was a connection to this time of year. (tax season is stressful, the easter bunny is scary..that kind of thing)

    • kilax says:

      I don’t think I have allergies (I blow my nose a lot, but that is it). But last year I was training for the same half marathon on May 1! I wonder if that has something to do with it!

  47. ChezJulie says:

    Sorry you are bumming on some things. Is Data not doing his job?

    Sounds like you need a good R&R weekend – skip a workout and take a nap, let Mom treat you to a haircut, get Steven to make you some vegan pizza, and snuggle on the couch with Data.

    Sometimes work stuff can be challenging and political, and the best thing to do it usually to keep your head down!

    • kilax says:

      That is what I am hoping this weekend will be! πŸ™‚ RELAXATION WEEKEND!

      I try to stay out of the political stuff as much as I can! πŸ™‚

  48. tra says:

    sorry about the bumming. i’m bummed that i can’t fit into my cute shorts anymore. sadness. and i’m stressed about my blood work i had done monday. =o

    it’s really really really hard to find people in marathons! i was lucky that i was at the right place and was paying attention!

  49. Karla says:

    Sorry to hear your bummed… I am too… I’m definitely in a slump in life right now and most of the things you listed apply to me too.
    I’m not going to give you a list of things you should try to do to feel better because quite frankly it often pisses me off (excuse my language) when people do that (not always but sometimes).
    All I can say is take all the time you need and remember that there are people in the world who care about you and love you! Hope you feel better soon! Lastly, just a reminder… We don’t have to be perfect all the time!

  50. Karla says:

    Ooh but I will way… my hair cut did make me feel a lot better… I’m considering chopping it all off!

  51. I totally know what you’re saying about feeling restricted blogging, especially when you know certain people read your blog. There are some things that I have to privately email friends instead of blog about just because of one or two people I don’t want to read it.

    Sending hugs and good vibes across the oceans! Sounds like the March blues but hopefully some warm weather and sunshine soon will invigorate you.

  52. Mallory says:

    I’m with you on most of these things. I feel like kind of a shitty wife because I never want to make dinner or keep the house clean or any of those domestic things lately; but it’s not so bad cuz it’s not 1952 and my hubby can figure things out. So that lessens my guilt a bit, but I’m still feeling like I’m in the same dreary winter slump that you seem to be in. I feel like I haven’t seen the sun in ages (even though I have), I’m just totally blah.

    • kilax says:

      Amen! We are in the same slump. I HOPE HOPE HOPE we see some sun too.

      And aren’t we lucky we aren’t expected to do all of the housework on our own these days? My husband loves to cook and I couldn’t be happier about that!

  53. Adam says:

    This was a very raw and honest post. I like that.

    My confession is that I am not keeping up with everything like I should (work, personal time, blogs, etc). See also commenting on this nearly a week late

  54. martymankins says:

    Nothing to confess except that almost everything you said above in your post is I feel, specifically about my motivation levels lately. It bothers me enough to keep wanting to do something about them. I plan, then I don’t do. I do, however, feel a change coming soon. I just don’t have a date for soon.

    Well, I guess that was a confession. πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      I keep planning to “take better care of myself” (eat better, get more rest) but I let other things get in the way. And I am the one doing it! Right now, I should be sleeping on the train but I am responding to comments. I think cutting back on blogging may help, but I get so much joy from it. Wah, right?

      How do you plan to take control back?

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