Akismet Issues, part ii

By , March 28, 2010 8:59 am

I am having the same Akismet issues I had back in November – Akismet (my spam filter) cannot connect to my server, so it is not working. I am getting hit with a lot of spam, so activated WP-SpamFree in the meantime (which doesn’t show comments, just spams them).

I should be able to fix it eventually, but please shoot me an email if your comment are not showing up (kimilax@yahoo.com). Thanks!

3 Responses to “Akismet Issues, part ii”

  1. jillian says:

    UGH! This happened to me once it was the worst…cant believe it has happened to you twice!!

  2. Adam says:

    Akismet sounds like a swear word.

    “I swear to god, I’m going to kick your akismet so hard!! 🙂

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