Training Week 23

By , March 28, 2010 6:19 pm

Day 155 | March 22, 2010: cross

During lunch, I did 20 minutes on the elliptical, 3 sets with the shin developer (20 ea @ 10 lb) then 20 minutes on the bike. Ho hum.

Elliptical Time: 20:00 | Distance: 1.62 (Set on “Gluteal 2”)
Bike Time: 20:00 | Distance: 3.35 (Set on “Forest Ride”)

Day 156 | March 23, 2010: rest

Day 157 | March 24, 2010: 5 m run + strength

I did a mini-strength workout during my lunch break:

Shin Developer: 3 x 20 @ 10 lbs
Seated Leg Press: 15 @ 70 lb, 15 @ 70 lb, 15 @ 90 lb
Leg Extension: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Leg Curl: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 40 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Hip Adduction: 3 x 15 @ 55 lb
Hip Abduction: 3 x 15 @ 115 lb
Lateral Raise: 15 @ 25 lb, 2 x 15 @ 37.5 lb
Biangular Lat Row: 15 @ 45 lb, 2 x 15 @ 65 lb

And Steven and I ran 5 miles when I got home from work. We wanted to do hill repeats but since we don’t have any real hills around here, we just ran on a “hilly” route near our house. It was raining a bit, but it felt nice!

Distance: 5.0 | Time: 51:05 | 1: 10:13 | 2: 10:03 | 3: 9:43 | 4: 10:34 | 5: 10:29

Day 158 | March 25, 2010: yoga

Steven and I did the Core Yoga Flow segment of the YogaWorks Fit Abs DVD after work. Yikes… I have been a falling behind with doing yoga, and my body felt it. I actually got out of breath. I need to recommit to yoga!

Day 159 | March 26, 2010: 7 m tempo run

What a beautiful day for a run! Despite the cold and wind (40° is cold now? What happened?!), I was looking forward to running in our favorite forest preserve. I was confident this would be an easy tempo run.

March 26 run

March 26 run

Maybe not. I felt a bit blah. Oh well. You have days like that.

We ran 2-mile warm-up and cool-downs and three miles at “tempo.” Check out the splits. It was kind of close!

Steven and Kim March 26 run

After we got back in the car, I made sure to make up for my “calorie deficit” (ha!) by eating almost half a bag of Newman’s Own Organic Mighty Mini Pretzels. I wasn’t even hungry, I just couldn’t stop eating them! Damn, these pretzels are addictive. Nice and crunchy!

Newman's pretzels

Newman's pretzels


Hmm, how did that picture get in here?!

Distance: 7.0 | Time: 1:12:15 | 1: 10:30 | 2: 10:33 | 3: 10:14 | 4: 9:55 | 5: 9:43 | 6: 11:02 | 7: 10:14

Day 160 | March 27, 2010: cross

Steven and I checked out a “new to us” forest preserve – Grant Woods. I didn’t know about it, and it is only a few miles from our house! Steven noticed it when he drove Data to the vet this week. I was so excited we went there! I love exploring new parks (especially ones with trails – this one has 6 miles)!

Grant Woods Forest Preserve Trail Map

We went on a 4.75 mile walk. It was nice and relaxing… and it was a little bit easier to have conversation that it has been during our runs! It was a bit overcast, but it felt warm to me (45°).

Grant Woods Forest Preserve

Apparently, they have been burning down the prairie here! We noticed it the forest preserve we were in on Friday too.

Grant Woods Forest Preserve

Grant Woods Forest Preserve

Grant Woods Forest Preserve

Grant Woods Forest Preserve

Steven was thirsty, and we found this cool pump that you use to make the drinking fountain work!

Grant Woods Forest Preserve

We made a video too:

Grant Woods Forest Preserve

My middle toe on my left foot felt sore after our walk (weird, right?) so I put these bad boys on:

Kitty Slippers

Data doesn’t seem to like them!

Kitty Slippers

Distance: 4.75 | Time: 1:24:52 | 1: 16:56 | 2: 17:45 | 3: 19:12 | 4: 18:38 | 5: 12:19

Day 161 | March 28, 2010: 8 m run

We went back to Grant Woods for an eight mile run. It was a beautiful day (temps in the high 50s and clear blue skies!), but pretty windy – winds at 20 mph with 30+ mph gusts! We saw a few people flying kites!

I felt pretty good during this run, despite my legs being a bit sore from our walk. Does anyone else feel like walking works different muscles than running?

Jack (the Garmin) was acting a bit funny and did funny splits then ate our data (ha, our run data, not our cat Data!). Oh, Jack.

Steven pre-fueling

Steven pre-fueling

Before the run

Before the run.

Homemade Granola Bar

Stopped at the car for a homemade granola bar mid run. Notice it looks a bit different? Erin gave me her old food processor so I processed it!

After the run

After the run.

Newman Alphabet Cookies

Guess what I ate on the way back to the house?!

Edited to add: Our data miraculously showed up on Garmin connect so I added the link.

Distance: 8.00 | Time: 1:27:36 | Average pace: 10:57

Week Summary: 20.00 miles

So. This week was a bit… lacking. In variety. I DO NOT want to turn into “girl who only runs and gets injuries because she does not cross train” again! It is time to RE-COMMIT to yoga and strength training, even if all I want to do is run. Ugh.

I had a really vivid dream Friday night that I was training for a triathlon. I was even doing a brick workout (ride then run). Is this a sign?

I cannot believe the Chicago Marathon reached full capacity this week. Last year, it was in the end of April. A whole month earlier? Insane! I found an interesting article about preparing for the Chicago Marathon. Here it is for all of you running it! Who is running Chicago this year? I’d love to know!

Also, if you ran the Chicago Shamrock Shuffle last weekend, you may enjoy this video that they sent to the volunteers. Make sure you check out the part at 00:14 when two tourists are seen pulling luggage through the middle of the race (wtf?)!

16 Responses to “Training Week 23”

  1. Jen512 says:

    Lol!! Data sez, “Hey there’s only room for ONE gray kittycat in this house!”

    Love your pictures as always, and I truly admire your dedication to your training. I could never be so disciplined!

  2. Carla says:

    I totally need to get better about cross training as well… Right now I’m just running (and playing volleyball — but that doesn’t really count). The last two years I biked to work during the warmer months, and I’m hoping to start up again soon!

  3. Erin says:

    Your training is fabulous. I should do some cross-training too–probably has a lot to do with my injuries! Looks like you had a great week of training!

  4. Nicole, RD says:

    I wish I were running Chicago! Someday I will take it on again!

    You’ve had a busy workout week! I love those slippers! Too cute!

  5. I am laughing about the data being eaten (because of how you wrote it, not that it was funny that it happened!)

    I just looked into signing up for the chicago marathon and it was full. I was so disappointed! I’m thinking about a half marathon in June but I am not sure I will be ready. I’m thinking about signing up just in case but then I feel like it is too much money to sign up if I might not be ready for it yet. I actually ran over the weekend (just 2 miles) and it felt great. BUT it definitely works different muscles than walking. I was really sore after the run (the next day) because I have been only walking for so long now. I can not wait to start running more again!

  6. Tony says:

    It is always nice when you discover a new place to run. Especially if it so close to your home.

    I have been incorporating a lot more cross training in my routine since I started marathon training. I would like to build my core muscles to make me a better and stronger runner.

  7. Onelittletrigirl says:

    That drinking pump is super cool! I love old stuff like that.

  8. Adam says:

    love all of the pictures! Crazy how they have been burning the prairie, but as I remember it, my dad burns the ditches around his farm land – so I suppose that is similar.

    What IS it about those pretzles that just disappear after 30 min? Maybe you should check that your cat isn’t eating them. I’m sure that someone else is eating mine

  9. Paula says:

    Looks like you guys had some days days and got outside. I should get out more. So many fun trails, just need to go. Data <3

  10. Hilly says:

    This is the lamest comment ever but…I love those slippers!

  11. Erin says:

    Hahahah at 40o being cold! I felt that way on Saturday, too, when it was 45 outside.

    Walking definitely works different muscles. My legs are always so tired and my feet are so sore after walking but I’m fine after running.

  12. Lindsay says:

    My dad bought me 2 pairs of slippers that had HUGE heads on them; lions & dogs. He thought it would be funny for Patches . She wouldn’t go near them (or me). In fact, she actually took a swipe at them a few times. I had to take them back.

    I love water fountains like those. Sometimes I feel like more water comes out the spout at the bottom than the top though. Looks like the one you found needs to be reset to make it easier to pump. None of the water fountains where I run have been turned on yet. I ran past one last night and it was still all duct taped up.

    • kilax says:

      I wonder if Data is scared of the slippers too!

      There was a lot of water coming out of the bottom of this pump!

  13. martymankins says:

    Data, Cat slippers, pretzels and a video of Steven pumping water. Awesome post.

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