Friday Question #108

By , April 9, 2010 5:21 am

Growing up, did your family take a lot of photos? Do you take a lot of photos now? What do you photograph?

I ask about family first, because I think the reason I am so in to taking photos now is because my mom and grandma always were. ALTHOUGH, IT IS NOT OKAY TO TAKE PICTURES OF PEOPLE WHILE THEY ARE EATING (I am talking to you, mom + grandma).

I loved going to my grandma’s house when I was a kid and looking through all of her photo albums. And even though she has a digital camera now, she doesn’t have a computer (I know, I know) so she prints out a ton of photos and I still love to look through them!

I think that taking those random photos at family/friend gatherings is such a great way to remember things, and spark conversation too.

Of course, now, I am like my mother and grandmother. I take photos of everything. People, animals, food, buildings, cars, peoples’ cars that are parked poorly, crazy stuff I think people won’t believe I saw unless I show them a picture… but NOT PEOPLE EATING!!! I like to back up all of my photos on to our external hard drive, and even put copies in our safe, because they mean so much to me.

When I wrote this, I didn’t have any photos in mind to share, but that seems kind of silly, so here are a few of my favorite photos from when I lived in Rome (click “continue reading”).


The Pantheon


The Coloseum

Random Roman Gatto

Random Roman Gatto

Cupid and Psyche

Cupid and Psyche (in the Louvre)



Vatican Stairs

Inside the Vatican Museo

Getting licked by a cow

Letting a cow lick me

Gondola ride

Mom and Dad on a gondola ride in Venice

Christina and the pigeons

Christina playing with the pigeons

42 Responses to “Friday Question #108”

  1. kapgar says:

    Do I take a lot of photographs? Have you met me? πŸ˜‰

  2. cindy says:

    My entire family takes tons of pictures. We have 4 digital cameras and 2 that use film. My husband scans them and has files on the computer. I use a lot of them for my blog.
    Love your pictures of rome. I took the one of the Vatican like you did.

  3. Kristie says:

    So I feel like I had kind of an opposite experience from you – growing up my Mom always took tons and tons of pictures, but that really turned me off from taking pictures. She would line my sisters and I up in matching outfits (and my brothers in their matching outfits) and take us to the park, front yard, wherever and make us take pictures for 2 hours straight sometimes! Yeah I hated it.

    I mean I take some pictures, and compared to Chris (who just isn’t a picture-taker) I take a lot of pictures, but usually only out on vacations or if family is requesting pictures of me to see how I’m doing, what Madison looks like, etc. πŸ™‚

  4. Anne says:

    Cupid and psyche is one of my favorites also…the detail of that sculpture is so freaking impressive!! cool pics πŸ™‚
    I tend to forget to take pictures…but, I totally enjoy looking at them.

  5. Odie says:

    I love pictures too, but almost always forget to have my camera. When I’m on vacation, I tend to take lots of pictures of places and things, but I almost always forget to take pictures of the people. (I took about 500 pictures on my month-long European vacation, but only about 50 of them were of people!) I’ve become more aware of it, so I’ve been trying to change that.

  6. My mom takes TONS of pictures but then has this crazy thing that you can’t look at them until she organizes them. It becomes such an effort that I totally lose interest and just find the whole process of trying to see her pictures stressful!

    My husband’s dad takes pictures constantly and then at the end of the year makes a dvd of all the pictures for the family. It is nice BUT he takes pictures when you don’t realize so there are all kinds of horrible pictures of me in them. He likes to take eating or talking shots so someday my grandkids (or whoever watches the dvd’s) is going to think I am always eating or doing something strange with my expressions. I think there is normally one picture in the whole thing that I would have approved if I had been asked.

    I used to take a lot of pictures of my kids but lately I have been not doing such a great job. My oldest doesn’t want her picture taken very much so now we have hardly any pictures of her. But I do still take tons of pictures of ridiculous things…moldy cupcakes, and other things like you do for “proof”. So silly!

  7. My grandfather was always a big fan of photography. He took tons of photos, subscribed to photography magazines and generally thought of it as his #1 hobby. He loved taking photos of his family as well as of natural landscapes and flowers. We used to squabble over what’s more artistic: black & white (me!) versus color (him!).

    As a kid, my dad also took a ton of photographs of the family, though less so of nature. As a teenager, I began taking a lot of photographs. I got into b&w photography (and film development/printing) in high school. In college, I had a small camera with me wherever I went. And now as a 30-something, I have a pretty nice camera (that I wish I knew how to use better … photography classes are on my wish list!).

  8. ChezJulie says:

    Wait a minute, you can’t fool me… the Louvre isn’t in Rome!

    I have a digital camera and for the first 6 months I had it, I was too intimidated to use it. But now I take lots of pictures of outings with friends, trips, holidays, and our kitties. My husband always teases me about taking pictures of food for my blog. He thinks that is weird.

    • kilax says:

      LOL. I should have said “when I lived in Europe.” πŸ˜‰

      I secretly think taking pictures of EVERYTHING you eat is weird. But many do it! So it must not be!

  9. Felicia says:

    My grandmother always had a camera around and so did my parents. I think, of course, they took less pictures just because of the pricing, printing, ect. Now though with digital cameras (even in phones) it is like a scrapbook on the go and I love it (except when I hate it LOL). I do love looking at old photos though—I never remember any bad times when doing that just all the good ones πŸ™‚

  10. When I was younger, my parents took a lot of photos. They don’t really do that anymore — they don’t have a digital camera! πŸ˜‰ Now I’m the one doing it. I take pictures of everything. It’s kind of crazy. All I can say is, thank goodness for digital cameras — because I took pictures of everything even when I was using film. It got kind of expensive.

    <3 <3

  11. Sarah Who? says:

    My parents took pictures at the important events. I used to take a LOT of pictures. I LOVE taking pictures! My camera (nothing special, a Canon PS S2IS) broke two years ago and I haven’t taken it in to get fixed! πŸ™ I think I may do that this weekend, though, because new new new adventures are happening in my life and I need to make sure I document them! I would be regretful if I went through life not remembering all the special and not-so-special things I did, saw and experienced!

  12. cher says:

    i don’t take a lot and when i do, they stay on my computer, which is just wrong, i know. i got a super duper camera for christmas, and i’m almost paranoid to take it anywhere. i’m gearing up to take it to dallas next week for it’s inaugural run. we’ll see.

  13. sizzle says:

    My mom was always the one snapping photos during our childhood. Oddly enough, my sister inherited my dad’s Cannon and still uses it today. I have no idea why he had that nice camera. Maybe my mom bought it for him so she’d finally get a break taking pictures? I don’t think that ploy worked.

    I love taking pictures. I usually have my camera on me.

  14. Erin says:

    I guess I’m the odd one out because I only remember my mom and step-dad breaking out the camera for special events or on vacation. I hardly ever take pictures now. I *think* that I should, but then I don’t.

  15. Mallory says:

    I love taking pictures, but not of people. Well, I’ll take one decent picture of each person at an event, and then stop. I hate it when you have to flip through a thousand pictures of the same people getting ready for the thing, going to the thing, making faces at the thing…. Especially ‘the girls getting ready to go to the bar’ pictures, especially especially if you’re over 21 years old.
    I’d really rather take pictures of the thing, rather than the people I was there with. And food…and my pets, lol. I could take pictures of my pets forever (maybe people don’t want to see a thousand pictures of my puppy running…oh well).

    And I hate it when people take photos of me eating, talking, blinking, itching my nose, etc. In the age of digital photos, why is it necessary to post terrible pictures of people for the whole world to see?? Delete!

  16. Karin says:

    My family has never been very much into photos so it was awkward (for me) when I started taking lots ;).
    Oh Italy.. how I miss theee!

  17. Joey says:

    When did you live in Rome?! I lived there for 16 weeks in 2005… I want to live there again someday (or perhaps in Positano instead!). I love the pics!

    And yes, my Dad was big into taking pictures when I was younger and now I take a ton of pics! I love documenting everything.

    • kilax says:

      I lived in Rome from January of 2006 to August of 2006. I would love to live there again too! Where did you stay? I lived right behind the Pantheon for the first few months.

  18. I like taking pics.. but I dont’ like pics of me. I am hoping to take couple photography weekends so Raymond and I can get out and enjoy our cameras

  19. Kim says:

    I was just thinking the other day about how I’m so sporadic with taking pictures now. I used to LOVE taking pictures of every family gathering, every outing with friends, every moment of every trip, etc. Now, I’m kind of random with taking pictures. I think it was something about the film-to-digital transition that made me lazy. My family took a fair amount of pictures growing up. My sister is a photographer now and she takes beautiful pictures…all the time. I feel like I’m always at risk of being in a candid shot when she’s around. It’s fun though. I’m glad one of us is capturing memories πŸ™‚

  20. K says:

    My parents didn’t take a ton of pictures while I was growing up my they always had a camera. My Dad was in charge (my Mom still struggles with how cameras work but does take photos from time to time). I LOVE taking photos now but I don’t always do it. I have a Canon ELPH and a Canon Rebel that I love but I have to be in the mood to use it. I find if a lot of other people are taking pictures then I’m less likely to want to also.

  21. Jen says:

    That’s why I could never be a blogger! I don’t like taking pictures and I hate being in pictures! I love looking at other people’s pictures though! πŸ™‚

  22. Ali says:

    My mom took lots of pics growing up. I love digging out the old albums and looking through them. I take a lot of photos now, but only get really special ones developed. It’s funny thinking back, I would take a roll of film, get it developed, wait a week to get the pictures back to find out what you had taken and how they turned out.

  23. claire says:

    Well, I’ve been keeping track in my Life of Art SitRep posts and looks like I’ve shot over a thousand photos in the past 3 weeks. So, that’d be a yeah, right?

    My family didn’t shoot a lot when I was young though my parents did more before they had my bro and me. Now I always get stuck if they want pics of anything. Takes cajoling to get someone else to shoot so I can be in a few pics.

    Landscape, architecture, patterns, & details that grab my attention are my main subjects. I post a fair bit on the blog and am continuing to add shots to my shop.

  24. Leah says:

    There are a LOT of pictures of me when I was little (I was adorable btw) but then not as many of my brother (he wasnt as cute as me).
    My parents took some pictures, but not a ton. Mainly at big functions and trips and such.
    I photograph EVERYTHING. My camera is in my purse at all times because you just never know!

  25. Alice says:

    i love taking pictures – and i’ve even won my family over on the “goofy portraits of family members” idea! all our pictures growing up are kind of boring – lots of landscapes from wherever we were on vacation, then a staged photo of a few of us in front of the same mountain range or whatever. i’ve gotten everyone to add in ridiculous pictures as well, which are fun mix in to those landscapes πŸ™‚

  26. Ahh rome it was a great trip there, though I have to admit I loved the smaller cities of Italy much more than Rome. David always laughs because I take so many pictures.

  27. Run Sarah says:

    My dad used to take tons of photos with his old SLR and my sister, mom and I would get so annoyed since it would take him a long time to focus! I got my first disposable camera when I was 9 or 10 and have loved taking photos since then!

  28. I was great about taking photos till about 21 then I stopped for some reason. Blogging has definitely helped with the pictures though.

  29. my family used to take so many pix and i loved looking through them. but now that everything’s digital i rarely do.

  30. jillian says:

    I was the first baby on my Moms whole side…so I pretty much spent the first 4 years, until the next one came along, with a camera in my face. And my mom has ridiculous amounts of albums of me growing up. Now that I am older, I am grateful for that. I like looking back. And I love taking my own photos…I always have my camera with me!

  31. RunningLaur says:

    Great shots! I try to take at least a photo a day – which was the habit I got into to try to take enough photos while living in England. Worked out bc I took over 7000 photos in 3 months.
    I wish I took more ‘candid people’ photos now though. something to work on!

  32. Jenn says:

    My family did, and does not, take a lot of photos. My dad’s family hates having their photos taken, my aunts will turn away from any camera, and it’s quite annoying. My cousin and I took a lot of pictures when we were young, mostly of each other!, but I’m pretty much the only one that regularly does now.

  33. Nat says:

    I came back from the trip to Florida and my dad said “Wow, photos of anything and everything…” pretty much sums it up for me.

    I love taking photos. My parents used to take a lot of photos but from the age of about 10 to 17 I refused to let anyone take my photo. (Issues much?) So there are fewer photos from that era.
    (I need to change the first photo that comes up.)

  34. Adam says:

    You know, we didn’t take a ton of photos – which I think is why I LIKE to take them now. I love to look back and see where I have been and what I have seen.

    Of course, the crappy thing is that I’m not like your gma and I DON”T print many of them out. I really need to do that more.

  35. Lauren says:

    When I was growing up, my mom NEVER took pictures, so the childhood photos I have came from either my dad or whichever man my mother was dating at the time. Its funny trying to figure out who took which picture.

    I try to take lots of photos to document my life, but I’m not good at it. I love your pictures of Rome, I’ve always wanted to go there!

  36. martymankins says:

    My mom took a decent amount of photos, some of which I still have (all print). It was no where near the amount I took when my daughter was growing up (both print and digital). And now, I take even more with the digital age.

    Most of my photos are from trips and concerts, but I’m trying to take more around the house and trying to experiment more with lighting and other settings. Becoming a better photographer will encourage me to take more pictures.

  37. Sammi says:

    My family took a pretty good amount of photos growing up. Now, my dad takes a lot of pictures, but my mom only really takes pictures at family get togethers. I take pictures all the time πŸ™‚ basically of anything I find interesting (plus food!) Yesterday, my dad and I walked around the yard looking at our plants and I took a lot of pictures of those! I’ll probably end up posting them when I get around to blogging lol.
    I love how I have a few pictures that look just like those! We have a picture of me standing on the stairs in the Vatican Museo πŸ™‚ Plus we have a couple pictures of the Coloseum πŸ™‚

  38. Susan says:

    We no longer have a dining room in my parents’ house…it is now the scrapbooking room! My mom loves to scrapbook all the pictures she takes of everyone, so there are a million pictures of my family. My friends in high school used to joke about how fast my mom would have pictures from dances ready…she showed up the morning after prom with them in flip books for all of us…too funny!

    I love Rome…

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