Cat on my head

By , June 12, 2010 11:17 am

Is this normal?

Data sleeping on Kim's head

Maybe for a cat? I remember when I was growing up, our cats would always sleep curled around the tops of our heads.

If you have pets, where do they sleep?

Where does your pet usually sleep?

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Note, Data does not normally sleep on my head. This is his “it’s time to wake up NOW, Mommy” tactic. I actually don’t mind it, as long as he is not rubbing his teeth in my face.

27 Responses to “Cat on my head”

  1. Kristie says:

    Shasta usually sleeps at my feet… but if I’m sleeping in (which happens once a week at most, sadly for me) she gets on the nightstand which is right by my side of the bed and meows loudly until I pay attention to her. That is a great picture of Data though 😛

  2. kapgar says:

    I don’t have a pet now, but when I had two cats, they slept in one place… wherever the heck they wanted.

  3. Holly says:

    Not on my head, per se, but usually she climbs up on me!

  4. LOL! My husband has allergies, so the kitty can’t sleep in the bedroom so that he has one ‘safe zone’ so to speak. She loves laps, though.

  5. Joanne says:

    I love that about cats. They do those funny things and look so serious about it. It seems when dogs do goofy stuff, you see them laughing along with you.
    Shane starts out sleeping on the floor, my side of the bed. Then middle of the night, when I get up (as I ALWAYS have to), he is on Ted’s side. When I get up to work out, if he is in the bedroom, he moves to the top of the stairs where I have to stop, give him a belly rub before I go downstairs. He stays at the top of the stairs until Ted finally gets up.

    Just love those pets. They are so funny.

  6. Adam says:

    no pets for me! but, I do love that someone took this picture of you 🙂

  7. Kim says:

    My husband always kicks the cats off, so now they sleep on my side…on me. I don’t even notice anymore.

  8. Mica says:

    I think that is normal for cats to do. I’ve heard of other people’s cats doing that, at least. I’m allergic to cats, so it probably wouldn’t work out so well for me.

    Bodger sleeps in a crate in the living room. I feel kind of bad about it sometimes, but he seems content. And this way, he won’t get used to sleeping in the same room as we do and waking us up at all hours of the night. It also helps when we have to leave him in someone else’s care because he can sleep in any room in his crate!

  9. your last post…the injuries…girl. OMg so sorry for this! Please take care of yourself ! xoxo

  10. Jen says:

    Mikey sleeps right next to me and sometimes whines for attention. I recently found out I have allergies but I still let her — the meds seem to keep things under control. I did promise my allergist that these two will be our last cats. 🙁

  11. Pauline says:

    LOL! And that picture is why our pets all sleep in the basement! 😉

  12. ha! julius starts sleeping between us, then moves down to our feet. but he has been known to stand at our heads in the middle of the night. i just have to lift the covers and shove him back down.

  13. Amy says:

    Cool new banner photo!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! It is of my siblings and cousins on my dad’s size, and our significant others. In order of height 😉

  14. sizzle says:

    Dot likes to sleep either on the top of my pillow where the top of my head is or on top of us- chest, hip, leg, you name it. Dash likes to lay on top of my pillow too or he flops himself alongside me and takes up too much room. I swear he thinks he is a dog!

    That picture of you and Data is hilarious.

  15. Joey says:

    Charlie sleeps with us in the bed, and Suz sleeps in her “bed” (a cage with a big blanket in it – door open!) unless it’s storming in which case she prefers to also sleep with us! 🙂

  16. k8 says:

    When Dax was a little kitty, he used to sleep on my chest and invariably end up laying across my neck, trying to suffocate me.

  17. Christina says:

    Cute photo…Let’s see, my lab sleeps on the floor on her bed or right next to me on the floor. My cat, sleeps anywhere he wants, but ends up at the foot of my bed and my other doggy has just earned the right to sleep outside of her crate, so she tends to favor the sofa or burrow under our covers right next to or on top of me. She tends to get very hot though!

  18. martymankins says:

    While my vote was for one the bed and on me, the cat sleeps mostly with my wife. Now, once summer decides to actually show up here in Utah, he sleeps outside most nights. Which means my wife and I get a better night’s sleep.

  19. Manny likes to sleep where ever he damn well pleases. Mostly on the foot of the bed. Sometimes on my pillow and if it’s hot outside, on the hardwood floor. : )

  20. My cat doesn’t exactly sleep ON me, but he used to sleep on top of my face. Now he sleeps next to me, but part of him always touching me. It’s pretty cute, and Karl gets super jealous because he never goes on his side of the bed!

  21. kaylen says:

    My Data-look-alike cat usually sleeps with my son, but on weekends he is in my room in a little ball right where my feet want to be. He usually wakes one or both of us from a nice deep sleep by flopping down an eighth of an inch from our face. He’s lucky he’s cute at other times of the days!

  22. Imogen says:

    As a cat lover -and owner- you’ll appreciate this (if you haven’t come across it already, that is). Make sure you check out Cat Man Do. Now, that’s a real “wake up NOW tactic” right there 😛

    Ps. My cat makes sure I sleep on my side, in a “fetal” position each and every night -so as to allow his Royal Highness to curl up, comfortably, in the resulting space next to my belly…

  23. Paula says:

    Lol! I could never imagine a life without kitties!

  24. K says:

    Delilah lays/stands on my chest when she wants me to wake up… sometimes I get a paw to the face or a good lick to go along with that.

  25. Lindsay says:

    My cat will sleep on my head/neck/shoulder in the morning once I start to stir and/or the music alarm comes on. It’s without fail. I have to be on my back and have my head facing to the right and she’ll walk around on me a few times and curl up. Luckily she only weighs 7 lbs so not that much. She used to lick my nose when she was <1 to wake me up and let me know she's hungry. Otherwise, she's sleeping next to me legs, has to be touching me. My other cat is at the foot of my bed, perfectly happy to be on the bed but not next to me. They definitely have personalities to them.

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