Never read the books

By , July 1, 2010 4:55 pm

I just like to be obnoxious.

Update: Steven emailed me and asked why I didn’t post this picture:

Well, there you go. If he’s going to encourage it…

Grown (older) women in my office were going gaga about the Eclipse movie yesterday and today. They actually went to the midnight showing. I would make fun of them, but my memory is not so bad that I have forgotten leaving high school as freshman to wait in line for Star Wars Episode I, having my dad call me and my sister out of school (when I was a senior) for Episode II, or going to the midnight showing of Episode III.

Me and Christina, going to see Episode II:

My sister posted a picture on facebook of her wearing an Eclipse shirt and going to the movie yesterday. It’s fun to be excited about the movies!

What do you geek out about?

20 Responses to “Never read the books”

  1. aron says:

    i geek out about eclipse… i was one of those at the midnight showing 😉

  2. sizzle says:

    I geek out about music. Or I used to until I got too old to stay out late on a school night.


  3. ChezJulie says:

    That picture of you with the doll is too funny.

    I geek out about Buffy.

  4. I saw all the lord of the ring movies in the theater… gah.

  5. My girlfriend is currently trying to finish the third book. I haven’t read the books and don’t really have any plans to. We watched the first two movies when they came out on DVD, I suspect we’ll wait for this one as well. I gotta say, the movies were ok. Mindless entertainment. Nothing more, nothing less.

  6. K says:

    Sadly, I have read 3 of the 4 books and have been trying to read the 4th since about January. I’m not super excited about them, as you can probably tell. This post is timely though because I just watched New Moon on DVD today. I started reading to see what all the fuss was about and still haven’t really figured it out, but I keep trying. haha

  7. Sarah Who? says:

    I totally geeked out over Sex and the City: The Movie. I didn’t get a chance to see the second one, but the first go-around was crazy. My then-boyfriend actually offered to go with me and took me out for dinner and drinks! He sat through most of the series with me for years before that, and actually admitted that he was a little excited to see the movie. 😉 I even changed my phone’s ring-tone and voicemail notification to the SatC theme… 😀

  8. Leah says:

    I havent read any of the Twilight books, so I dont get the crazy. But I was a total nerd about the Shopaholic movie. When I saw the preview for the first time, I was in a theatre with my boyfriend and he was talking about something, it took a second but when I realized what the movie was I shushed him and watched so intensely I think he worried about me. Then when the movie wasnt as good as the books, I was heartbroken.

  9. lifestudent says:

    My husband hasnt read the books and says the movies are cheesy, poorly done, and hard to follow. I’ve read the books and think they are nice because they give you the picture of what you read … but Im not a super fan or anything. Though, I do admit that Taylor was pretty hot in the last one and that’s pretty much illegal for me to even type 🙂

  10. Kim says:

    Haha, I geek out about books! I don’t have to stand in line at midnight for that though. I just pre-order on Amazon. I did read the Twilight books to see what the fuss was about and I still don’t get it. Neither Jacob or Edward appeal to me at all. Hilarious pictures!

  11. Ready for this….I have never seen any Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter or Twilight. I only read one HP book and that is because I HAD to in college for a childrens lit course. I cannot think of anything…no IPHONE, no movie, no concert…that I would sleep outside for days for. The only midnight showing of a movie I ever went to, was the rerelase of ET. And it wasn’t super packed or hyped up like Twilight.

  12. Adam says:

    Now now…I like LOTR!

    My wife is into the “books” (she claims) so we’ll probably go see the movie this weekend. (Crap, should have posted that on my weekend plans on today’s post)

    I totally did the midnight showing of epp I and II. In fact, for II, we all went to goodwill, bought suits, and were ALL dressed up at the showing. Good times. III we were all in college so just went to see it that Friday night.

  13. kapgar says:

    I geek out about music and LEGOs. Not that you didn’t know that. 😉

    And you’re not missing much by not reading the books. I’ve read the first three of them. So so.

  14. lauren says:

    Awww soo geeky and cute!

  15. Holly says:

    Um….why do you have a picture with my boyfriend?!

    Yeah…so I do love “Twilight.” 🙂 But I will say, not enough to see it at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday morning! I loved it, but left feeling a bit disgusted that I spent 2 hours lusting over a 17 year old. I hope his birthday is soon so I’ll feel a LITTLE bit less gross.

  16. Mallory says:

    I read the books, but it didn’t even register how bad they really were (I knew they weren’t great) until the horrid dialogue and terrible story lines were amplified by the awful movies. I’ve still seen all three (not midnight showing), but because I really love me a bad movie. And Taylor is super hot…10 years younger than me…but super hot.

    I don’t believe in waiting in line to spend my own money….so I don’t really go super crazy for anything.

  17. I do find it funny that grown women go crazy about this teenage crap… I saw the first two movies and laughed the whole time. But I have a feeling they were not meant to be comedies…

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