Training Week 37

By , July 4, 2010 5:49 pm

I am currently getting back in to running so I can run the Chicago Half Marathon and Chicago Marathon.

Day 253 | June 28, 2010: cross

I’ll be honest – I have NOT been excited about exercising lately. My heart just isn’t in it. I have only been doing it because I feel like I should. Not because I want to. I miss wanting to. I miss running.

I used the bike during lunch. I probably should have done a strength workout, but, see above.

Recumbent Bike Time: 30:00 | Distance: 4.99 (Set on “Forest Ride”)

Day 254 | June 29, 2010: 1.5 m run

Whoa, what was with the emo part abut Monday? Yikes.

As you saw, Tuesday was my return to running. I had to make sure to get some miles in in June.

The weather was awesome – around 68°! It has not been that cool in a long time.

Steven and I went to the Nippersink Forest Preserve for the inaugural run. We walked, the stretched, then ran a mile. I felt good, except the inserts pushed my foot into the top of my shoe and made me land on the outside of my foot. After our first mile, we walked a bit, then ran another half mile, then stretched. How exciting, right?

The only bad thing is that I was a bit out of breath. I think you would expect that after not running for a month though!

Distance: 1.5 | Time: 16:08 | 1: 10:43 | 2: 5:25

Day 255 | June 30, 2010: rest

I did a little bit of foam rolling.

Day 256 | July 1, 2010: 2 m run

A two mile run should not feel so hard.

My lung capacity has definitely diminished! I am optimistic it will come back soon. Until then… I’ll keep making pouty faces!

My legs felt pretty good during the run. I removed the Adrenaline inserts and put the new ones in, rather than having both of them in my shoes. That helped, except one kept bunching up. I will kept trying them for awhile, until I decide to stick with them or not.

Distance: 2.0 | Time: 20:51 | 1: 10:28 | 2: 10:21

Day 257 | July 2, 2010: rest

Day 258 | July 3, 2010: 2 m run

Steven and I went for a short 2 mile run in the morning before a day of hanging out at the beach (in Guttenberg, IA). It was hot and it took us both awhile to warm up (well, our muscles, it was in the 80s). I would be worried, but it was taking me a long time to warm up before, and we are kind of jumping right back in to running!

The road mostly looks like this…

but every once in awhile, you catch a glimpse of the water!

Distance: 2.0 | Time: 21:27 | 1: 10:48 | 2: 10:36

Day 259 | July 4, 2010: rest

Week Summary: 5.5 miles

Yeah, this week was all about the cardio… oops. You’ll have weeks like that! I’m just excited to be running* again!

*Okay, jogging.

13 Responses to “Training Week 37”

  1. Erin says:

    I think this heat and humidity is not helping with the running at all. I’m excited that you’re getting into it, but why did we sign up for a fall marathon???

    • kilax says:

      The most recent thing I read in the August issue of RW said you should add about 20-30 seconds on to your mile split for every 5 degrees over 60. So, does that mean that when I was running about 10:15 average last night in 85 degree weather I could have really been running 7:45-8:35 if it was 60? Ha! I don’t think so.

      Yeah. I am not sure why we signed up for a fall marathon. I think maybe both of us are cold weather runners.

  2. I’ve been feeling kind of bleh towards exercise lately too. Actually, not exactly bleh, just not motivated even though I really DO want to do it. I think that all we can do is keep getting the workouts in and before we know it, our desire to exercise will be back tenfold!

    That last picture is so pretty!

  3. Pauline says:

    I’ve started eating better and getting into shape, but I would like to find better arch support since my feet are flat. What kind of shoes would you recommend?

    • kilax says:

      The running shoes I have are Brooks Adrenaline, but I actually put arch supports in them (Spenco, the green ones). I don’t know of any other brands! Sorry 🙁

      Good for you for getting back in to things!

  4. teamarcia says:

    Yay so you’re still on for Sept and Oct? Awesome!

  5. Anne says:

    I agree with Erin, heat and humidity affects the lung capacity and the heart rate…so hang in there…you’re doing great!!

  6. Leah says:

    lol I always call it running even though Im totally a slow jog kind of girl! Running sounds more exciting.

  7. Mica says:

    I’m pretty unenthusiastic about exercising (running included) right now. Maybe it’s the summer. I have such a hard time in the heat.

    That lake view is beautiful. I wish I could run by something like that more often. Boo Champaign!

  8. BostonRunner says:

    I’ve been feeling unenthusiastic about running ..and really exercise in general lately. I don’t know what it is.. I’m thinking the heat/lack of sleep/other things to look forward to and think about in the summertime. I’ve definitely lost a lot of my endurance over the past couple of weeks, two miles was a hurdle : (

  9. Joanne says:

    Good for you. You have set your goals and now you just have to psych yourself up for them. Begin picturing yourself crossing that finish line in the half marathon. How great you will feel! Imagine training for it on all those glorious perfect weather days when the sun is fueling your run and you just don’t want to stop. Your feet will feel better than ever, your legs will be energized, your lungs will fill with all that fresh air…. Gosh! I can really ramble can’t I. Sorry.
    You’ll get that great feeling back. Be patient.

  10. My jogging pace = my running pace. What can I say? I’m slow.

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