The Garden Project: We have tomatoes!

By , August 14, 2010 5:56 am

Does anyone else find it funny that the Round Lake police station is on Bacon Road?

Why were we at the police station? That’s where our garden is, remember?

I know, I haven’t written about it in awhile and you wondered if I gave up. Hmm. Not going to answer that.

The last time we were there was July 29th. We went back yesterday, and oops, it’s overgrown again:

Ugh. I told Steven we will have to wait until it rains then pull all the weeds out when the ground is nice and wet.

The same things are still growing – cucumbers and zucchini. The zucchini look like they are reaching their end though.

We were pleasantly surprised to see that our grape tomatoes are growing! (Please ignore the weeds in the photos!)

And some of the other tomatoes are growing too. Yeah, we’re a little late with the tomatoes. I hope they turn red soon.

So, what did we end up with? Lots of cucumbers, two zucchini, onions and a few tomatoes. I’ll be sharing some of those cucumbers at work.

Since this is our first summer gardening, I didn’t know what to expect. To me, it seems like we have had really intense sun and temperatures that dry up the crops, sometimes coupled with really intense storms that wash everything out. If we end up doing this next year, I will be interested in following the weather patterns to see how things are the same/different.

Have you had any extreme weather where you live?

There has been a lot of flooding and unusually high temperatures in the mid-west this summer. It’s very different than last year’s cool and mild summer!

13 Responses to “The Garden Project: We have tomatoes!”

  1. Mica says:

    Ugh, this Midwestern summer is killing me, especially the humidity! I love grape tomatoes; they’re so cute and sweet!

  2. Amy says:

    whoa – great crop! and that’s so cool your sister was on TV! We were on TV once when we were at the zoo – the day before the black panther had mauled some lady who stepped over the little barrier so she could be right up against the cage for a picture… And so we were right there when a news team came to do a report on it… And once I was on the local news who was doing a story about how the weather was affecting people’s moods – just so happened I had met up with friends from London and they caught me waving goodbye to them with a big happy smile – I didn’t even know they were filming!

  3. I refuse to grow tomatoes, even though they’re supposed to be one of the easiest things to grow, because then I’d feel compelled to eat them… and I HATE tomatoes!!! 😉

    <3 <3

  4. Anne says:

    We’ve had lots of humidity…but, that’s pretty normal for our summer weather. Loving the crops 🙂

  5. Nicole, RD says:

    Those cucumbers look great! It all looks great! Weed control succksss. It’s so hard to keep up with! For being your first year, I’m totally impressed!

    Tulsa’s heat definitely did my garden in at the end. After we moved, I’ll bet it didn’t even last a day without water. Sad!

  6. Kandi says:

    We have had super extreme weather this year! First the record snowfall and then record high temps. I think the majority of the days this summer have been over 90 degrees. I’m hoping all this heat training will help me for my half (and that my half will have cool temps).

  7. I can’t stop laughing at the Bacon Road street sign. That was the best laugh I had all day.

    I only have two beefsteak tomatoes and no peppers to speak of. Sigh.

  8. I’d love to live somewhere that’s cool enough to grow things during the summer 😉

  9. ChezJulie says:

    O.K., I find it funny that the police station is on Bacon Road.

    Your lil’ tomatoes are adorable.

  10. Adam says:

    YES – that is freaking hilarious that the police station is on bacon rd. What are the odds!???

    It looks like you’re garden is throwing off quite a bit of loot. Do you think you’ll do it next year?

    • kilax says:

      I wouldn’t mind doing it again! I am just not sure if we will live in the same home next year. We’ll see! 🙂

  11. k8 says:

    Extreme weather is the norm here in SD. I was just telling someone the other day that it never rains anymore. It just wildly STORMS. There’s a difference! My tomatoes are just now turning red and I planted them at prime time. You’re not late!

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