The Garden Project: We specialize in miniature food

By , August 23, 2010 5:30 am

We were pleasantly surprised to find ONE pepper growing in our garden (will this be all we get from SIX pepper plants?).

Hmm, too bad it is MINIATURE.

Oh wait. Maybe it isn’t, compared to this carrot:

Ha! So, you’ve been in the ground for over 3 months and that is all the bigger you get? Hmm. Maybe this carrot needs some sort of enhancing drugs.

We’ve been neglecting our garden. I am not sure if it’s because we’re busy, or lazy (Can you be busy and lazy at the same time? I say, yes). Either way, it is still* giving us some edible food (our first “big” tomatoes, and yes, a few more green beans!):

Do you ever start projects and lose interest in them?

That hasn’t really happened to us with the garden (although talking about it made me think to ask that). But like I said, we have been neglecting it and filling our free time with other activities.

I think I am less likely to start something and lose interest in it, than I am to make a huge to-do list and not get a lot of it done. Once I start something, I think I do usually like to follow-through (although, maybe I am not seeing a part of myself… people who know me should chime in). I tend to get pretty obsessed/compulsive about things I am excited about, and do them to the extreme. Hmm, could this be a relation to running injuries?

*And still an overgrown mess!

29 Responses to “The Garden Project: We specialize in miniature food”

  1. My carrots are the same size as yours. All my vegetables kind of failed this year (again). I am blaming my horrible luck with our garden on my surgery…but I’m not sure I would have done much better if I hadn’t had it. I think today I get to pick some tomatoes. Otherwise I haven’t had much luck at all. Maybe next year?

  2. Kristie says:

    Baby pepper! The ones I get from my CSA aren’t that small but they are really deformed… like, I still can’t quite figure out how to cut into them. 😛 Your tomatoes like sooo good though!

    If a project I start has a money investment involved, I generally don’t stop it – I guess that’s not necessarily lose interest, but I’m just too cheap to pay for something and then stop it!

  3. Mini veggies! lol. That’s too funny!

    I lose interest in projects often. Which is why I’m sort of surprised that my blogging has lasted as long as it has (in all honesty). I think my biggest fail in dropped projects is knitting- there’s seriously half of a throw blanket in my closet… just waiting to be finished. I was making it for my boyfriend. 5 years ago. Oops.

  4. Joanne says:

    Losing interest…all the time. I’m gung-ho for about 3 months then all is lost.
    As for your miniatures from the garden… that was about the size we got when we had a garden. Farmers markets for me.

  5. Kandi says:

    I’ll take that big red tomato in the back of the photo! Looks delicious!

  6. Etta says:

    I lose steam with some of my sewing projects. I’ll put them to the side for a few weeks and then come back after I’ve given myself a break.

  7. That carrot– LOL. Too cute.

  8. ha the tiny food is too funny, but so cool that you actually have veggies growing!!! I need to investigate how to do a garden on the balcony

  9. Kim says:

    I’m like you — I tend to get obsessive when it’s something I’m really into. If I’m NOT obsessive, it’s actually a good sign that it’s not that important to me. Sometimes, I worry about my writing and think I SHOULD be writing more, but my husband says, “Kim, if it was that important to you, you would just do it.” That’s very true. Sometimes, I think we just have to accept our priorities, as they stand, unless we really want to force ourselves to do something else. Your garden looks like fun, but I understand filling time with other things. It’s a lot of work! The tiny food is hilarious though!

  10. Leah says:

    I LOVE the mini carrot – thats so cute!!

    I start things all the time and lose interest. Thats why just about everything in my house is only half done.

  11. haha that’s all the carrot has grown in 3 months?! Well, I still admire your gardening efforts even if it’s not that often

  12. Pauline says:

    Awhile ago, I bought a bunch of materials to make jewelry with and even purchased a book, but haven’t touched them since. I forgot about them and lost interest. But hopefully I can take a course at some point and put them to good use!

  13. Ameena says:

    I am pretty impressed with your garden…I just killed another basil plant so I think it is amazing that you can not only grow something but something edible!

    I lose interest in things really quickly so I’ve learned to stop investing a ton of money in my “short-term projects.”

  14. Alice says:

    haha, that pepper is adorable! not so useful for eating or cooking i suppose, though 🙂

    oh man, i lose interest in virtually every project i start. i have project ADD.

  15. Thanks for commenting on my blog! It’ll be nice to follow another blogger training for a race in October.

    That tiny carrot is so cute!

  16. Shannon says:

    So cute!! I love the baby veggies!

    I definitely lose interest in projects I start…but I usually finish because I always feel like i have something to prove in completing it.

  17. Mica says:

    Ooh, tomato bounty! They look great, congratulations!

    That carrot made me laugh. (Sorry!) I thought it was a bug at first…

    Hey, I love small things! Your garden is perfect for me.

  18. Jenn says:

    It has been a terrible year for gardening – spring lasted extra long and it was cool and rainy well into summer. I think we’ve only had a few weeks of truly warm, summer like weather. My tomatoes are just now starting to turn red, but they’re tiny. Our bell peppers stopped growing a couple of months ago and never produced any fruit. I think the only thing that is growing are a couple stalks of corn, so I have my fingers crossed that it matures so we can eat something!

  19. Still no peppers for me yet, but so far the total for tomatoes are three! Plenty of basil!

    I can’t get over how miniature your stuff is coming out! Hope it fills you up, haha!

  20. Erin says:

    You always say you don’t tell stories well, but you have a great knack for choosing the perfect photos to take to illustrate your point! The mini-veggies photos are too funny.

    I prefer to do projects with people so it’s hard for me to even start something on my own. I also like instant gratification so long term projects are difficult for me to start. So I rarely start things that I don’t intend to finish. Let’s just ignore that half-finished t-shirt blanket in a box somewhere. I need my mom’s help to finish that anyway.

    • kilax says:

      Thank you, Erin 🙂

      Were you doing one of those race t-shirt blankets? I have been thinking that would be fun… to have someone else do!

  21. k8 says:

    It was not a good year for peppers. I ended up ripping mine out about a month ago. They were just taking up space and not doing anything. The weather this year has been crazy. If my garden was not out my backdoor, I would have neglected it mightily! I would say my running is a project I would give up on if I wasn’t committed to this 5K!

  22. Jen says:

    My hotmail account won’t let me send this to you through hotmail. It says it looks like junk mail? HUH? I think Hotmail is having trouble today. Anyway…

    WooHOO – just did the Busse loop twice. Last long run before the IM! NOw, it’s just healing time. 🙂 And, yup, it’s the 12th – same day as your 1/2. fun fun!

    As for the offensive commenter – I was reading Pen at Peace and she was talking about her new IM reality of fitness and health and someone replied with this website:

    Maybe I”m just being too sensitive but if I were Pen, I’d be pissed!

  23. Ahaha, I love the size of that carrot! Too cute. 🙂

    I’m always starting things and losing interest in them.. quickly. That whole sentence should actually be my middle name.

  24. Oh look at all those vegetables you got! That is fantastic!! This year I successfully grew a tomato plant AND a strawberry plant on my patio (this is a big feat for me) so next year I might pull out the big guns and have a mini garden!!

    Usually I will be overly ambitious with my to-do lists and create WAY too many things to do and not get them all done! Whoops :S I do tend to follow through with projects and goals though!

  25. Kate says:

    “Do you ever start projects and lose interest in them?”

    Story of my life. 😉

    Our cucumbers and butternut squash are doing well, but the rest of the garden didn’t do so hot this year. Most likely because I’m not much of a gardener and Brian has no time in the summer to tend to it. We might need to rethink this project next year.

  26. DeAnne says:

    kids like mini veggies: brussel sprouts are “baby” cabbages and broccoli is like a mini tree!
    actually next year I’d like to grow intentionally smaller varieties, just cause they’re cute.

  27. Adam says:

    Awwwww, it is little Data sized food!! You could either feed it to him or start one of those UBER trendy resturants that only serves food that covers 20% of the plate.

  28. Ashley says:

    My friend and I started up a couple tomato and cucumber plants this year. Utter fail, haha. Our cherry tomatoes are the only ones thriving. The other one got some sort of fungus and the cucumber plant just didn’t do well at all. Oh well!

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