Friday Question #129

By , September 17, 2010 5:44 am

What is the funniest thing you have ever heard a kid say* or what is the funniest thing you have accidentally said to/around a kid?

This question was inspired by an encounter with a young boy in my neighborhood last Friday. I was outside walking Data around noon, when the boy got home with his mother (must have been in morning school).

Boy: I really like puppies!
Kim: (thinking he is confused by the crazy woman walking her cat) Oh, this is a cat!
Boy: When your cat dies, are you going to get a puppy?!
Kim: (trying not to laugh) Maybe!

He then went on to tell me all about his waterproof backpack and Mario Brothers shirt until his mom made him go inside.

Ha ha.

Another time (and I have mentioned this story here, but before I was using wordpress) I overheard a young girl talking to her mom in the bathroom at Borders.

Girl: (referring to her poop) It’s coming! It’s coming and it’s knocking on the door!

Hmm, never heard anyone say that before!

And for my “accidentally said around a kid” story… Last summer, I was in my parent’s speed boat with my mom and young nephew. My dad and Steven went by in the jet boat (photo below) and caused a huge wave of water to come over the boat we were in, soaking us. I was actually taking this photo when the water came over us, and jokingly yelled “You F*ckers!!!” and shook my fist…

Only to see my nephew shake his fist too and yell “You F*ckers!” Oops.

*Tori, I expect you to have a lot of good ones!

29 Responses to “Friday Question #129”

  1. LOL…little kids really DO say the darndest things ๐Ÿ™‚

    Once, my cousin (about 5) turned to his little sister (about 2) and said, “You know…you’re really starting to piss me off.” ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I totally have so many but of course I can’t think of anything right this second. My kids crack me up all the time though. I’ll have to think of something and then come back to write it later because I am just not good at remembering.

  3. Kandi says:

    A little girl, upon meeting Delilah, my basset hound, said “Her eyes are all red. Did she stay up all night?”

  4. Mica says:

    Harrison’s cousins were over for lunch once, and they went to the bathroom. Then his girl cousin came out and announced (across the yard) to everyone, “Mommy, Kevin’s done pooping.” His aunt said, “What? I can’t hear you!” so with great emphasis, the girl cousin yelled,”MOMMMMM! KEVIN’S.DONE.POOP.ING!”

    I still laugh about this. All the time.

  5. dad says:

    So that’s where he learned that! j/k! Still wish I could have seen that, little busy driven though.

  6. bobbi says:

    Ha!! I have way too many. One of my all time favorites (and when I really KNEW we needed to start watching our language around kids) was when my oldest daughter (then 2) told me I “was pissing her off.” Yeah – her dad got in trouble big time for that one. She used to walk around muttering “Dammit Jack!” to herself too, again her father’s fault (Jack cried non-stop for the first year of his life – I wish I were kidding).

  7. I’m not around kids much so I don’t have any stories but these are great! I love kids.. kind of. Sometimes.

  8. sizzle says:

    That kid that asked if you are going to get a dog when Data dies? Ha! Kids are so honest. I’m hanging out with my nephew this afternoon and should probably have many to share.

  9. k8 says:

    Munchkin Number 2 holds my favorite. While arguing with her mother over whether or not she had to put on underwear. “Do you want me to spit on you?” Hahahah. It’s our favorite insult.

  10. I hope Data didn’t hear the kid refer to Data as a puppy!

    One of my favorite stories comes from my nephew. We got him a Christmas gift off his wish list one year, he was either 6 or 7 years old, and he jumps up and yells, “OH MY GOD! I HAVE BEEN WAITING MY WHOLE LIFE FOR THIS!!” Everyone cracked up.

  11. Paula says:

    omg! I seriously love that Data is cool with being on his leash. He is such a rockstar!!I was holding my 3 year old nephew one time and I had really bad coffee breath. So, he tells me that my breath stinks. HaHa! So I popped a piece of gum and told him that I was sorry. He said, “it’s ok, it’s not you fault.” Crazy kids.

  12. Kim says:

    Kids are so funny. That comment, “It’s coming and it’s knocking on the door” is HILARIOUS. I’m not around kids often enough, but when I was at my sister’s shower, this little girl (4 or 5 years old) was imitating the adults a lot. And then she busted out with, “Mom, what would I do without you?” She must have heard it somewhere. It was just so dramatic and funny.
    By the way, Data is just so regal-looking and handsome. I want to walk our cats!

  13. Erin says:

    Oh man. My brother’s kid has said some hilarious things. My favorites have to be when he would say really grown up things as a 4 or 5 year old. For example, the time my mom was trying to read him an article on dinosaurs out of National Geographic (yes, I know) and she was having trouble pronouncing the names of the dinosaurs. My nephew looked over at my stepdad and said, “Grandpa, I think we’re going to need a little help over here.”

    So diplomatic!

  14. Adam says:

    There is something about little kids swearing that is just a RIOT. I don’t have a lot of funny kid stories, but I’m sure I will soon!!

  15. Leah says:

    I have LOADS – but my all time favorites is from a girl in my moms class. It was her answer to a math problem. The question said something to the effect of “Susan started her homework at 7:00 and finished at 7:35. John started his at 3:20 and finished at 3:30, who took longer? How do you know?”

    Her answer?

    “The boy did. Boys are lazy and dumb thats why.”

  16. ChezJulie says:

    Not related at all to funny things kids say or how cute Data looks on his leash, but…

    I saw this article about power vegans in a waiting room today and thought of you. It was about how more athletes are vegans and how they can maintain strength and endurance on a vegan diet.

  17. Holly says:

    Oh my gosh! That is SO something I would do, too! In a bad way, though…it is funny to hear a kid cuss. I know it’s bad, but it does make me giggle. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have a lot of kid stories….but just last night, I asked my four year old nephew if he could have ANY wish granted in the whole world, what would it be? He took a long time to think, and finally said, “I know! a HUGE bowl of M&M’s.” A boy after my own heart!

  18. Amy says:

    Love this post, Kim! The funniest thing that one of my kids ever said was my youngest, about 2, was in his carseat in the back seat of my car, when I get cut off by some other driver. My little baby pipes up and says: “Fucking cars”! Uh – oops!

  19. Christina says:

    How funny!

    the best think a kid said to me was years ago I was babysitting for a family who I used to sit all the time but when I moved to college I rarely sat for them. So this time I was sitting and they rearranged the kitchen. So I asked the two year old where the cookies were.She told me, so I said “thanks ma’am”, she put her hands on her hips an dsaid “I am not a MAN, I’m a lady” and stormed out of the kitchen.

    I still laugh about it!

  20. The difference in color between your back and your shoulders/arms is hilarious!

    Congrats on the 20 miler!

  21. Jen512 says:

    As you know we live in Turkey, so one day my 4 year old cousin said to me on the phone, with a sort of indignant tone, “How do you live in meat?!

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