How far do you travel…

By , September 20, 2010 5:05 am

To work? To see friends? To see family? To run races?*

52, 50, 62-540, unlimited! Well, the last three are mostly unlimited!

This weekend, I spent Saturday with Erin (so fun!) who lives 50 miles south of me. Then on Sunday, I drove to Milwaukee (62 miles north of me) to pick up my cousin Danielle so we could go to the outlet malls in Kenosha.

Danielle and Me with the Old Navy girls

Basically, I drive all over the place (take the train to work) and think this is normal. I think it is normal for the Chicagoland area, but is it normal anywhere else? Do you think it’s crazy?

What’s a normal travel distance for you to work, see friends/family, do other activities?

I don’t mind driving, especially on the Chicago highways, where you can go almost any speed you want (ha!) but I would love to live closer to my friends (and okay, family (sometimes, ha ha**)).

*This one’s aimed at you, Adam!
**Just teasing guys!

37 Responses to “How far do you travel…”

  1. Wow! You are QUITE the driver! (Check out today’s Monday Motivation related to driving. :))

    We live .8 miles from apt to my work… love that! I walk, bus, or drive. To do fun stuff, would drive most distances. Florida’s pretty spread out, too, so driving is VERY necessary. I’m a lousy passenger, though. “Are we there yet??” makes Hubs crazy.

    Happy Monday from Orlando!

  2. Kandi says:

    I’m about 30 miles from work and I take the train. My parents are about 115 miles from me and my brother and his family are 175. I drive to meet up with friends but not as often as I’d like. I mostly hang out with my local friends.
    So far, about 30 miles is the distance I’ve traveled for races (either from my house or my parents house). I have considered doing destination races but haven’t committed to any yet. My old coworker was talking about doing the San Diego half marathon sometime and getting all of us to go out there. I think that’d be a blast! I also would do a Florida race if it meant a trip to see my high school BFF.

  3. Erin says:

    I only live like 25-30 miles from work but it takes forever to get there with traffic. My parents both live pretty close (10 min and 25 minutes), which is nice, and most of my best friends live in the DC area. To travel, though, I like to get as far away as possible! πŸ˜‰

  4. Oh wow… you were traveling all over! I have a lot of friends who live in the city (that’s probably 20-25 miles). So I’ve made that drive multiple times in a weekend, depending on how busy it is. I’ve also made that drive MANY times for races. Mostly because I like the races that are a little bigger and prefer them in the city because it’s somewhere new to run. πŸ™‚

  5. Felicia says:

    It is pretty typical to do that in Dallas too! I drove 20 miles to work everyday. Heck just to visit someone in the DFW metroplex you can drive up to 90 miles (it is spread out), so it doesn’t seem uncommon at all. It is better than when I lived in LA though. I drove 40 miles just to go to work.

  6. Mica says:

    I’m pretty bad about making the trip to Chicago even to see friends. I think if I didn’t have the dark cloud of homework hanging over my head at all times, I would take more spontaneous trips, but being stressed out just kills it.

    • kilax says:

      I know what you mean. When I was in college I would sometimes drive 6 hours (one way) to see Steven… and think about homework all weekend.

      How is this semester going?

  7. bobbi says:

    I’m just like you – we drive all over the place. Anything under an hour is NOTHING, since most our friends are spread out an hour+ from us…and seeing friends is always worh it!

  8. Christina says:

    For work, I travel 17 miles in the opposite direction to work in the western burbs (actually in the place where you saw your elk!).

    My friends live all over the world so I have gone to visit them but one of my closest friend lives less than a mile away!

    My family lives 788 miles away, per Google!

  9. Jamie says:

    Let’s see… when I work from home it’s the room next to the bedroom. When I travel for work I’ve been to nearly every state (except Alaska and Hawaii). To visit my family the drive is over 300 miles 1 way. I’ll be making that trip twice this month! All my friends live in the suburbs now so I make the trip out every so often to visit. We are pretty good about trading on and off for that. For fun travel I’m game for whatever and have been as far as Fiji. On weekends I kind of stick close to home if I don’t have plans.

  10. Megan says:

    My commute to the office used to be a whole 7 minutes! Since I moved in May, it’s more along the lines of 20, but I travel to clients and work at home too, so it’s not consistent. My parents live about 55 miles away, and I make that trip pretty much once a week. My baby 05 Corolla hit 100,000 miles this year!

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I am spoiled, because I only have to drive 10 minutes to get to work. I do have to drive far to see my family though…8 hours!!!

    You had asked what’s on my arm…It’s the word “Believe” tattooed on my forearm with lots of stars and swirls around it.

    Hope Monday is treating you well!

    • kilax says:

      Ooo, that tattoo sounds SO NEAT! Do you have a better pic of it on your blog somewhere for me to check out?

  12. There are no public transportations here in TX so we drive EVERYWHERE.. the 50+miles are becoming normal. Most of our firneds that moved here after grad school live 45 – 60 mil and its sort of normal.

  13. Kim says:

    This is a very appropriate question for me, as I’ve been driving all over the place lately. Last weekend, drove up to see my family for my sister’s baby shower. That’s about 70 miles. This past weekend, drove about 50 miles to see our couples therapist dude. Then to see his mom, which is more like 80 miles. California is like a small country, I swear.

    I love the picture of you guys with the Old Navy girls. Ha.

    • kilax says:

      Ha! Sounds like you and I are very similar! I do read about a lot of CA bloggers driving all over πŸ™‚

      Hee hee, thanks πŸ™‚

  14. I love to travel for 1/2 and full marathons, it’s fun to see new cities.

    for friends and fam wohoa I feel like I”m always traveling..oh I am since I moved cross country!

  15. k8 says:

    I’m four blocks from work. Hahaha! I think people in the midwest are more attuned to needing to drive long distances. I mean – around here – high school teams will compete with schools 4 hours away. It is nothing for parents to get in a car and drive that far to see a game.

  16. sizzle says:

    I drive about 20 minutes to my Mom or sister’s houses. I have been known to drive 3+ hours to visit friends in Portland (though I prefer the train for that so I can relax).

  17. Erin says:

    If you’d asked me this question three years ago I would have said anyone who drives more than 45 minutes for something is crazy. But now 45 minutes is nothing!

  18. Alice says:

    i drive 20 mi (45 min) each way to work, but that’s my longest daily / regular drive. i’ll drive 3 hours down to williamsburg to see friends or 3 hours up to NJ to see family, but that’s always an Event and i stay overnight πŸ™‚

  19. Holly says:

    I’m going to sound like Frugal Fannie, but I really hate to drive because of gas prices! I only fill up about once a week, but it adds up quickly. I always try to run errands together if I’m in a certain side of town. Geeze, I AM Frugal Fannie! πŸ˜‰ The exception, though, is going to see friends/family out of town. All of my extended family is 2 hours away, and I try to see them every couple of months.

    • kilax says:

      LOL, Frugal Frannie. I love it!

      Honestly, I’ve been ignoring gas since it went down under $4 a gallon from 2-3 summers ago. How bad is that?!

  20. A 60 mile drive here in DC could easily take you 3 hours. Stupid traffic in this area — it’s ridiculous.

    • kilax says:

      The 50 minute drive to my bf’s has taken me 2 hours before… and I’ve been in worse, but it sounds like it is always bad there!

  21. Joanne says:

    I drive all over the place. No public transport needed in upstate New York. To work it’s abotu 10 miles, easy driving no heavy traffic.
    If I visit my sister, she is about 40 minutes away but then…who needs to visit, I see her every day at work πŸ™‚

  22. Nicole, RD says:

    I think that’s far for the Chicagoland area!! That would take forever with traffic! I drive 22-50 miles for work one-way…depending on what clinic I’m at, but it’s all country driving. I drive 20 miles or further to go our for dinner and see friends. Nothing is close!!

  23. Kristina says:

    So, you can drive 15 miles in the greater LA area, and it might take you an hour. We have good friends who live about 50 miles south and north of us, and we see them once every few months. It’s normally not a question of distance but of time and coordinating schedules. To visit family, we have to go at least a thousand miles, however!

  24. Joe says:

    I knew I saw you at the 20 miler! I was a few waves behind you and kept catching you at the turnaround! Good job!

  25. Adam says:

    50 miles one way! πŸ™‚ Orrrr, maybe all over the damn country following the Rock and Roll series around.

  26. Bethany says:

    Work….nothing right now, will probably be about 10-15 miles (about a half hour I’m guessing). As for family & friends, unlimited. And I don’t race πŸ˜‰

  27. Etta says:

    I live just over a mile from work, so I’m there in 2 minutes. When I clock out at 3:00, I pull in my driveway at 3:05. Most of that time is spent walking from the time clock to my car!

  28. martymankins says:

    For work, I live just over 3 miles away. On my scooter, it’s an easy 10 min commute. I like being close, but so does my boss when there’s a network issue, which means I’m much closer than my other co-workers.

    Downtown SLC, which I visit often, is about 15 min car ride or a 30 min train ride on the light rail system we have here (TRAX).

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