Data’s Toonces Audition didn’t go so well

By , October 4, 2010 5:48 am

Toonces the Driving Cat

Most mornings, Data sits by the garage door crying to go outside. So today, I let him go play in the Datsun for about 10 minutes while I made my lunch, thinking that would make him happy.

Nope. He still sat crying at the door after I brought him in the house. So obviously, he was saying he wanted to go with us to the train station!

Oops… maybe not? I recognize that look of terror when I see it!

Steven said Data sat on the dash, in front of the steering wheel, the entire way home. Good thing there are not many drivers out at 5:30 am!

If you have pets, do they mind going on car rides?

Data does the deep “I’m dying” cat moan when we put him in the cat carrier in the car. This morning, he was loose (well, in my lap) and it was more of a “WTF are you doing?!” meow.

When I was in high school, my friend got a newborn kitten (the mother cat was killed in a car accident or something) and I told my friend we should train it to ride in the car from a young age, and we did! The cat liked the car. My friend would come meet me for lunch at school (she had graduated) and bring the cat. Fun times.

26 Responses to “Data’s Toonces Audition didn’t go so well”

  1. Erin says:

    My cat used to make those same death moans whenever she had to go in the car. It was the saddest, most mournful yowl that never ceased to make us laugh (we were kids).

  2. J says:

    My old cat used to love to ride in the car. She would just curl up and sleep. The other cat we have is weird about the car. Sometimes she likes it, sometimes she cries the whole ride. I think the reason my old cat liked to ride in a car was because when we got her we had to drive 5 hours home from vacation so she got used to riding in the car.

  3. Kim says:

    HA! Dave always says we should bring Mosie places… which is ridiculous because she would be terrified, clawing up my arm to hide, or huddling under the seat. All with that same “look of terror.” 🙂

  4. Kandi says:

    My roomie’s cat makes horrible cat sounds when he’s in his carrier in the car too. She only takes him in the carrier though. And he gets car sick if it’s too far of a ride.
    Delilah likes the car. Since she was about 4 months old I banished her to the backseat (she got too long to fit in the passenger seat and wouldn’t leave me alone while driving). She is really good on long trips and sleeps in the backseat. Short drives or drives with stop lights, she gets a little antsy back there and will sometimes whine (and she gets drool everywhere!)

  5. Maya hates the car. At least when she is with me she does. My husband swears when he takes her somewhere that she just curls up on the seat and falls asleep. It may be because in his car she can see out the windows from the seat while in mine she can’t. Maybe she gets motion sick like I do? I know when we used to put her in the travel thing in the car she would puke every time. I was thinking it was from stress but maybe it was really motion sickness.

    What a cute picture of you and Data!

  6. Adam says:

    I’m not sure why, but that picture of data cracks me up! He is silently saying “if I could, I would totally jump out right now”.

  7. You, Steven, and Data crack me up!!!! I think it is fantastic Data “wanted” to go to the train station!!! Maybe it is something he will get used too?!?! And it is fantastic that you can walk him on a leash!!!! That is just so cool!!! Data is just one awesome kitteh!!!

  8. Christina says:

    Yukon, my lab, loves the car and will fall asleep in it if it is a long ride. Rosie my other dog is a bit hyper in the car and she hates it when you go reverse. The cat hates his carrier so, by default he is not a fan of the car.

  9. martymankins says:

    OMG, I loved Toonces from the old SNL. Too bad Data won’t be part of any resurgence of that awesome series.

    As for pets in cars, none of our cats that we’ve had ever liked riding in the cars. I think you have to get them used to it when they are kittens. I know of a few people that have their cats riding in cars, but they started when they were kittens, and they always love the car rides.

  10. Erin says:

    Hahahahahah! The look on Data’s face is priceless!

    All my dogs have gotten excited about the car (“Do you want to go in the CAR?!” gets them all worked up) but I think most of them enjoyed the destination rather than the car ride itself. Hope springs eternal in dogs and they always thought we were going to the dog park even when we ended up at the vet 🙂

    Like Data, though, Trinka Deu would hang out in the car by herself if we opened up the garage and the car door.

    • kilax says:

      Ha! I can totally see you saying that to the dogs. Well, dog 🙂

      I wish there was a cat park to take Data to. Ha!

  11. The Linz says:

    LOL! That is hilarious. I heart your cat! I don’t have any pets, but I someday I hope to get a kitty. And I love the idea of training it at an early age to like car rides. Atleast that would make it easier on those times you have travel with them.

  12. Manny cries and cries and cries the moment he gets into the carrier. It’s so sad. It’s almost like he’s saying…owww…owww over and over.

    Data’s face is totally saying, “WTF is going on here, people!”

  13. Stephany says:

    My dog is totally annoying on car rides, which is why we barely ever take him. He’s pitiful in his carrier so we keep him on our lap but he always wants to get over to the driver’s side! And he cries like a seal. It’s really quite hilarious. 🙂

  14. Paula says:

    Kim, I am dying laughing!! My Mom and I were just talking about Toonces the other day. I love that skit! My kitties hate the car! I swear I will have to train a kitty to enjoy it one day. I guess it’s not their fault since we only usually take them to the vet in the car. Cool Datsun too, btw!

  15. Joanne says:

    Wild eyed and beautiful. What a sweetie.
    Shane loves the car! We can’t get him out of it once he’s in it. Crazy dog.

  16. Leah says:

    Data is SO cute!!

    Lexie loves the car – just opening the car door gets her all excited. My moms dog on the other hand, hates it. She cries and shakes the entire time.

  17. Kristie says:

    Heh, Shasta makes the I’m dying meow too whenever we put her in the car. She also tries to bite her way out of the cat carrier… smart kitty. Also you have to protect your chest if you hold the carrier facing you because she likes to lash out with her front claws as if she knows how delicate that area can be :-P.

  18. diane says:

    Tee hee. Aw, Data.
    Yeah, I made the mistake of only putting the kitties in their carriers/a car when we were moving or going to the vet, so of course they associate both with something horrible. Bastet just gets completely silent, which is when I know something is REALLY wrong! Beatrice wails. Next time I raise a kitty I will probably start taking it for little rides in the car/carrier so that it’s not such a horrible thing!

  19. ChezJulie says:

    Poor Data… his eyes are like saucers.

    My kitties went to the vet for shots and a check-up over the weekend, and they cried the entire way there. They HATE the car.

  20. kaylen says:

    I have a Data-look-alike cat and he (Whiskers) is EXACTLY the same in the car. Super pathetic sounding, but very entertaining for us. That’s not mean, right?
    My other cat, Ginger, likes to make really loud noises that don’t sound cat-like at all, and she kinda just sits in one spot and works really had at shedding all her fur before we reach our destination.

    I have always wanted a car-cat too, and we thought Whiskers might be at one point, but he’s so sketchy when he is scared that we were afraid of him escaping somehow and never ever finding him again. And Ginger isn’t a candidate for the car-cat cause she would be bald.

  21. I’m SO not a cat person, but Data looks like a pretty freaking awesome cat 🙂

    My dog goes bat $hit crazy when he hears the word car, even trips to the vets office dont deter him from jumping in (lately had to lift him though :()

  22. Katie H. says:

    Aw, data. So cute. My pup only likes the car if he is in his little carrier bag. If he is in that he doesn’t make a peep the whole car trip (he has driven to virginia beach with me- 9 hours!). Otherwise he wigs the eff out.

  23. Mica says:

    Hahaha, Data’s eyes look like little saucers! I think it’s so funny (=great!) That you take him everywhere, even on walks.

    Bodger doesn’t mind the car that much. In fact, he’s a great traveler, he just sleeps. (Though he did pee in his crate once…go figure.) That being said, he likes to fart in his crate a lot while we drive, so the car gets stinky.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks for supporting my crazy cat lady-ness 🙂

      Bodger’s farts totally crack me up. Well, when I am reading about them 😉

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