Presentation skillz

By , November 17, 2010 6:03 am

Thank you for your interesting feedback on yesterday’s post! It seems most people don’t care what other people spend their money on… until they are bragging about it or complaining about how “poor” they are.

At work, I’m in a trainee program which requires periodic presentations of my work/progress for a two year period. Today is the end of that two-year period and my final presentation. If all goes well, I will be on my way to ending the trainee program and receiving a raise.

For each presentation (this is the last of 6), I’ve had to write a report detailing my projects and progress over the previous period of work. Theoretically, your audience reviews your report prior to the presentation, and you spend the presentation talking about the report and answering any questions they have.

You don’t need all of that detail. All I have wanted to say is that I am so happy the presentation is today. It’s been looming on the back of my mind, causing me to feel anxious and restless. I just want to get it over with.

I don’t get really nervous about presentations – but I don’t look forward to them. Does that make sense? My strategy for these has been to create a powerpoint with snippets from my report then expand on the snippets during my presentation. I rehearse a bit in my head, before the presentation, but kind of wing it.

How do you prepare for presentations? Do you like to present?

At least I have a cute outfit to wear!

My mom bought me this sweater ($11!) and scarf ($6!) she said, as a “repayment for the gas money for driving her around all weekend.” Thanks mom!

I realized something about myself this weekend, while shopping with my mom and sister – I am a bit of a clothing tomboy. My outfit is more likely to be like the one below than the one above:

Me and Mom at Red Robin… ymmmmmmmmmm!!!

While shopping this weekend, I only seemed to be interested in workout clothing. My mom and sister were the ones who wanted to look at pants, tops, sweaters, etc. We went in to the store where my mom picked out this sweater, and I just sat on a bench in the shoe section of the store, while my sister tried on a bunch of cute outfits. I didn’t look at the clothing for myself – my mom brought me this sweater to try on. And then she had to convince me it looked nice. It’s like I have to be prompted to look at “nice” (or work-appropriate) clothing. Anyway.

My sister ended up buying quite a few camisoles (“camis”) at that store for $4 each. She said she likes to wear them under most of her shirts.  I was reading Stephany’s blog yesterday, and she said the same thing! Her favorite clothing accessory is undershirts (camis) because she doesn’t like to wear shirts with nothing else next to her skin – it makes her uncomfortable.

I usually don’t wear a cami, unless it’s necessary under a sweater or something sheer but I know Steven wears an undershirt under EVERYTHING except his pajamas and workout clothes. So maybe this is more common than I think?

Do you wear an undershirt/cami under most of your tops? If not, when do you wear them?

Oops. This got a bit long and side-tracked. Wish me luck on my presentation. It’s at 10:00!

27 Responses to “Presentation skillz”

  1. Good luck on your presentation!

  2. Good luck with the presentation!

    I pretty much ALWAYS wear a tank top (well, a men’s A-shirt) under my clothes. I hate feeling clothing against my skin, too. The irony of this is that when I was a kid, my mom made us wear undershirts, and I HATED it.

    <3 <3

  3. J says:

    I only wear a cami when I need to under a sweater or shirt. I really don’t like wearing them. I think they are a little uncomfortable and I always have to tuck them in my pants or I am constantly pulling them down over my pants. i find them more of a nuisance than a necessity.

  4. Good luck! I kind of hate presentations.

    I am the same way with clothes. I am almost always wearing jeans and a t-shirt. When I shop I think about practical way before I think about cute. Right now I don’t need work clothes, so that is fine but eventually I am going to need to figure out how adult women are supposed to dress for work. I really have no idea!

    I only wear an undershirt type thing when I think what I am wearing is too low cut. That happens often though, so it might appear that I always do. None of my kids do but my husband does. Interesting. This is something I never thought about before!

  5. I wear camis under most of my work clothes or anything scratchy. I guess it just depends on the shirt…sheer or thin, thick, almost anything with buttons that could move in a way that would show my chest. I never really thought about it!

    When I’m not at work you’d be lucky to find me NOT in track pants or jeans and a t-shirt. Almost the second I get home I change into workout pants of some sort and a t-shirt and hoodie!

  6. bobbi says:

    GOOD LUCK!! Presentations scare me to death, no matter how knowledgable I am on the subject. I get SO nervous! I guess that’s one of the main reasons I backed away from a teaching career…

    You look great! – love that sweater 🙂

    My normal wardrobe of jeans and tshirts or sweatshirts does not require the cami. I do have them and wear them sometimes with a nicer outfit. My husband is just like yours though – undershirts every day.

  7. Gina/Mannyed says:

    GOOD LUCK!! You look great and you will do great! Let me know how it goes.

    I wear Camis under sweaters or shirts usually when I need too. I don’t double layer every shirt.

  8. Tony says:

    Good luck with your presentation. I know you will do great!

  9. Christina says:

    Good luck on your presentation. I tend to practice the speech i am going to do in the car and in the shower leading up to the day. the day off, I tend to just review my notes and take a deep breath and go in.

    You will be great. Keep us posted.

  10. I am like you with the clothes too… and 99.9% of the time I need to be pressured to buy something “nice” (meaning not a t-shirt)… I don’t ever wear an undershirt unless it’s required. You look cute!!! I like your outfit!!! And bonus on the scarf- you are rocking it!!!!

    I can’t believe it’s been two years already!!!! Good luck!!! I know you will rock your presentation!!!!!


  11. Kandi says:

    Good luck today!
    Thanks for posting the link to where the sweater came from. I was going to ask you! It’s a super cute sweater. I have been eyeing a sweater like that at an online store but haven’t committed to it yet. I would definitely have bought it already if it was only $11!!
    I rarely wear a cami under shirts. Usually only if the shirt is too low cut or one of those holey sweaters. I don’t like how they bunch up. I also don’t like that most of mine have a built in bra but I still feel like I need to wear a real bra with them if I’m going to wear it to work (especially for nip pokeage) and then I feel too bound.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! I saw another sweater with that cut at Sears for really cheap too! 🙂

      I hate those built in bra things. My boobs are too big for them!

  12. Jamie says:

    I nearly always wear a cami under my shirts for work. Usually only under white t-shirts/tanks for regular day. I wear a lot of v-necks and they dip too low for my liking 🙂 now it’s just habit.

  13. Good luck with your presentation!! 🙂

    I usually do wear a cami underneath my work clothes, but thats because everything I own is low cut and I feel like its inappropriate. Granted, I have next to no cleavage anymore so I’d probably be just fine without.

  14. k8 says:

    Good luck! Cute outfits always make me feel more powerful. It’s why I had my “Power Outfit” on when I went to court on Monday. And no. I don’t like camis. I think they make me look bulky. Blech.

  15. Kim says:

    Hope the presentation is great! I’m like you — I don’t really get nervous for presentations, but I don’t enjoy them at all. I get stressed for them, even though I don’t really mind being in front of people. It’s just so formal and stuffy. I’m sure it feels so great to be on your last one!!

    • kilax says:

      It did go well and I am so happy it was my last!

      It’s funny that we get stressed even though we aren’t nervous. I wonder if that will ever go away?

  16. I don’t really wear camis or layers of any kind, it bothers me to have two layers of clothes and inevitably the undershirt will ride up and I’ll lifting my top layer constantly for the world to see and I readjust. I’m constantly picking at my clothes as it is. (take a step, pull up pants, take a step, pull up pants…not that they are loose, but because I don’t want them to sit awkwardly to pinch in for a muffintop)

  17. Stephany says:

    Haha, I am so in the minority with my cami obsession! 😉 They just feel more comfortable to me and make me feel less flabby. Hehe.

    Good luck today!

  18. Kate says:

    Good luck! Fingers crossed for a great raise! How did everything go? I pretty much hate presenting, or having to talk in front of large groups of people, but I always manage to get through. I actually used to sing when I was younger — like, in public — and I still have no idea how I did that.

    No camis for me. I’m good with just a shirt and a bra. 😉

    • kilax says:

      It went well, thanks! I should get my raise at the end of December 🙂

      I wonder if there are people who really, really like presenting to big groups! Those famous public speaker types, maybe?

  19. Mica says:

    I generally don’t wear a camisole unless it’s a sweater or something that I don’t want to wash every time. Have you seen the infomercial for that tiny piece of fabric that masquerades as a camisole on “low-cut/revealing” tops?? I just laughed my ass off about it.

    • kilax says:

      Oh my gosh. Steven sent me a link about that thing. He called it a faux dickie or something. He thought I should get them. (Maybe he was joking?) Hells to the no!

  20. RunningLaur says:

    Hope your presentation went really really well!!

    I tend to wear a ‘long and lean’ tank (target and old navy do them cheap) under just about everything, mainly because my torso is to long, it’s the only thing that makes sure my stomach / butt doesn’t stick out of things. I also like to have layers on most of the time, since I never know what sort of temps I may encounter (planes = freezing, site visits = boiling or freezing, random airports = who knows? etc).

  21. Paula says:

    Clothing tomboy here too. I hate dressing up. Good luck on the presentation! As always, cute Data!

  22. sizzle says:

    Hope the presentation went well! I find dressing the part helps. I have to speak at a fundraiser tonight and am fretting over what to wear. Usually I write out a few talking points and run through it in my head then pop up saying whatever comes to mind. Mind you, this is more for pitches for fundraisers or tours than giving a report to a work group.:-)

  23. Elizabeth says:

    I hate presentations, but they’re a fairly frequent part of my job so I get through them when I must. Glad to hear yours went well!!,

    I wear undershirts in the winter when I want the extra layer for warmth. Usually it’s more like a long-sleeved shirt under a t-shirt though. If I’m not at work, I’m almost always in a t-shirt or sweatshirt. (including now!)

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