Gift of Baked Goods / The Garden Project: Edible Sweet Potatoes

By , December 14, 2010 6:13 am

Steven is such a sweetie. I kind of last minute hinted that it would be nice to give my five teammates one loaf each of homemade bread for the holidays… and Steven fit it in to his busy schedule!

Such a nice wrapping job I did (one loaf is not pictured, we started slicing it up to eat).

He made four yesterday, and has four more to make.

4+4=5? Ha ha.* I will give five away, and we will eat one… and maybe freeze the other two!

Do you like receiving baked goods as gifts for the holidays? Do you like gifting baked goods?

Last year my coworker made me vegan gingersnaps and they were scrumdiddlyumptious! And I like to give baked goods, especially if I know it’s someone’s favorite treat!

*Just teasing. I think it’s easier to make an even number of loaves, based on the recipe.

In other news, we finally cooked some of our sweet potatoes from the garden and… they taste like just like sweet potatoes** (according to Steven). SUCCESS!!!

We just steamed them in water with some margarine on top.

I am still not that gung ho about sweet potatoes (hence the cooking of white potatoes too). I think I need to try them with baked beans – everyone says that is fabulous!

**I was the one worried about how they would taste, not Steven.

23 Responses to “Gift of Baked Goods / The Garden Project: Edible Sweet Potatoes”

  1. I just finished boxing up baked goods for shipping! 🙂 I like to think they put a smile on people’s face…

  2. Kandi says:

    I enjoy baked goods as gifts sometimes- like if it’s something that I really enjoy! I sometimes gift people baked goods but more often just bring stuff in for everyone to share. Today is our annual cookie social! So everyone in my office brings something in and we stand around and enjoy. 🙂
    I love sweet potatoes, though I’ve never just steamed them before. They look really good!

    Oh- you might enjoy this story! Sully (the roomie’s cat) couldn’t wait for Joey and I to open a portion of the gift my roomie got for us. When she got home from work yesterday she found the gift bag torn to shreds! He chewed through the bottom of the bag and shredded the tissue paper! hehe

  3. I think I’m doing granola for people. Bread is also always a good gift!!

  4. bobbi says:

    I like baked goods as gifts! Probably since I love to eat, and am a carb-oholic…

    I usually roast sweet potatoes – I love that charred almost but not quite burnt part…yum!

  5. Melissa says:

    I appreciate baked goods as long as they are good! (haha!) But seriously, some people are awful cooks/bakers/or the recipe is bad and then I end up feeling guilty for not liking it. Thankfully that hasn’t happened in a while.

    Matt and I love baking sweet potatoes and then adding a little brown sugar and butter after they are done…yummmmmmmmmmmmm!!

    • kilax says:

      I have never been gifted “bad” baked goods, but my sister recently told me about a friend who gave them a cake. She took the cake home and tasted it and thought it was awful and felt awful for thinking that! The next time she saw the friend, the friend said “Oh, something was wrong with that cake.” My sister wasn’t sure what to say “Yeah. There sure was”? Ha ha.

  6. diane says:

    Ha, I have a blog entry in the queue about the fact everyone at work is getting homemade fudge from me this year. 🙂

  7. Jen says:

    That bread looks awesome!

    We cook sweet potatoes all the time! We slice them up after peeling them. A little olive oil. Cook for 45 minutes at 320 on one side. Flip. Cook for 45 minutes on the other. They turn into delicious sweet pillows of sweet potatoes! I know…it takes awhile but it’s worth it!

  8. Katie H. says:

    I’m glad the sweet potatoes were edible 😉 How cute and sweet of Steven to bake for your co-workers!

  9. gina says:

    The breads look delicious, good job Steven!

    I like receiving baked goods – it’s always nice to see (and sample) people’s holiday treats.

  10. Erin says:

    Bread is a great gift! Sometimes it’s easy to get overloaded with sweets this time of year, but homemade bread is a nice change.

    As for sweet potatoes, I used to think they were gross but over the past few years I’ve changed my tune. I prefer them baked. While eating Thanksgiving left overs I pulled a baked sweet potato out of the fridge, heated it up, and put salsa on it. My mom thought I was crazy but I thought it was yummy!

  11. RunningLaur says:

    Baked good are always delicious to receive! And I love that 4+4=5.

    I make a lot of sweet potato fried/chips. Cut into pieces about 1/8″, oil, salt, pepper, bake at 400F or so until they are crispy but not burnt. Eat up non-stop.

  12. sizzle says:

    I think baked goods or home/handmade gifs are the best!

  13. J says:

    I love getting baked goods! I also love to bring in cookies or snacks for Christmas.

  14. Wow – that was so awesome of Steven!! 🙂
    I think baked goods make awesome gifts. I feel like they take more thought than just buying something. Unless of course you’re buying diamonds.

  15. are you kidding he is a gem and you better hold on to that! D would have gladly gone to the store, but no baking!

  16. gina says:

    Interestly, here is an article that I just read on MSN about homemade gifts (I hope the link works)

    • kilax says:

      Gina, you know better than to share articles with fancy words with me! Botulism? LOL. That is the first thing I did when the article opened – google that word. It’s some sort of disease? Caused by improperly canned or prepared foods?

      Ha. I hope our bread doesn’t make anyone sick! Did our super late cookies make you ill last year? Data doesn’t go on our counter like the woman in the article (okay, only when he is being naughty).

      I found the canning part interesting. Steven and I wanted to get in to that!

      • gina says:

        NONONO! I thought after i sent the article, “I hope Kim doesn’t think I am implying anything with this article”. No, your baked goods are like receiving tiny treasures of gold! Love your homemade Chex Mix.

  17. Alice says:

    i am 100% pro baked good gifting!! 🙂

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