Excited to give

By , December 15, 2010 5:12 am

Thank you for your comments on my “Needy” post yesterday. The comments were exactly what I needed (hee hee). I feel better knowing I am not the only one who sometimes feels that way.

So, if you’re like me*, you’re more excited about giving gifts during the holiday season than receiving them. I would be lying if I said I don’t like receiving gifts, but I really, really, really love picking out gifts for people and anxiously awaiting gifting them!

This year I am super excited about the gifts I am giving. I really want to tell you guys what the gifts are and who they are for, but I can’t! Everyone I am giving gifts to reads my blog, except for my two nephews. And I just got them kid stuff (which they will hopefully like!).

Maybe you can tell me about some of the gifts you are excited to give instead?

The interesting thing about my gift buying this year is that I did a lot more of it online than I normally do. I wanted to stay out of stores as much as possible (too much stress). The problem with buying things online though, is shipping. One thing I ordered and paid extra for it to arrive by last Saturday. Last Friday it was “out for delivery” in Des Plaines. I don’t live in Des Plaines! I live almost 30 miles from there! After a talk yesterday with a very nice man the local post office in my town, the package was located and delivered to our house that day. Phew! A few days late, but it still came.

Did you shop in stores or online this year?

*Not in the crazy, needy way, keep reading…

This is totally unrelated, but one of my bridesmaids asked me to send them some pictures from our wedding last night so I was looking through pictures. What a crazy party. We had so much fun. Here I am playing the air guitar (even got on the floor). And no, I hadn’t been drinking. I only had a sip of champagne!

My sister and sister-in-law:

All the bridesmaids:

Dad getting groovy:

I should mention that Steven was chatting up the guests while I was dancing. Thanks Steven!*

*Before the wedding we discussed that we would stick together during the entire reception… I think that just lasted through dinner.

16 Responses to “Excited to give”

  1. Amy says:

    Looks like you had a great time at your wedding!
    I ordered almost all of my gifts online and had them shipped to my mom’s house. So when I get there next week I hope everything arrived as ordered and I can just have a wrap-a-thon and put them all under the tree. So nice not to have to be out in the stores desperately trying to get everything – and then hauling it over in my suitcase!

  2. How is it that the toy guitars always show up at a good wedding? It’s almost as if that’s the thing that takes the wedding from “good” to “great”. ha ha ha

  3. gina says:

    Your wedding looked like a blast!

    You are a pro gift giver! You pick out really fun and cute things…I love being on the receiving end of your gift giving skills.

    I loveeeeeee picking out gifts for people. I love thinking about what they would love or finding something special for said person.

    As part of my brother’s gift, I got him peanut butter from Peanut Butter and Company. He LOVES PB, so I can’t wait to see him drool over the deliciousness.

  4. J says:

    I love to wrap and give gifts! I can’t wait to wrap some this weekend!! The best part is putting things in different boxes so the person doesn’t know what the gift is!

  5. Erin says:

    I love giving gifts, too! I always like to tell the person the “story” behind why I chose that gift, where I found it, or how I acquired it.

    My friend in CU ordered my gift via Amazon and emailed to tell me to keep an eye out for it. When I still didn’t have it she checked with Amazon and it turned out the post office delivered it to the wrong address! What is up with the postal service this year??

    Also, I wish we had been friends when you got married. Your wedding reception looks like a blast!

    • kilax says:

      I am so happy your friend found your package! What was the gift?

      Thanks! I wish we would have been friends then too 🙂

  6. Jen says:

    Your wedding reception looks like is was amazing! Plus, you look gorgeous in your pics! It looks like you were plenty social during your wedding. 😉

  7. Kandi says:

    I got my star wars loving fan a cool book thingy. Check it out! http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Scanimation-Iconic-Away/dp/0761158464/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1292437040&sr=1-4

    Your wedding reception looks like such a great time!! Love the on-the-floor guitar playing. 🙂

  8. Stephany says:

    I have done all my Christmas shopping online, aside from a shirt for my brother and my nephew’s gifts. But I am making a trip to Target on Friday to finish my mom’s shopping and get gifts for coworkers. Online shopping just just so much easier, although waiting for it to be delivered can be nerve-wracking! 🙂

    Your wedding looks like a blast!

  9. ChezJulie says:

    I am doing a ton of online shopping this year, especially for relatives who live out of town. It is just so much easier. I have had some major problems a few times though with gifts I’ve ordered online not arriving at my door.

    Looks like you had a beautiful and fun wedding!

  10. Pauline says:

    “Did you shop in stores or online this year?”

    This year I did most of my shopping in stores, though I got the bulk of it done in November! (No way would I start in the malls in December!)

    I love those wedding photos! You and your guests certainly look like you’re having a blast!

  11. Ayla says:

    I did half of my shopping online and I’m going to Vancouver tomorrow to do the rest. I probably should have just down it all in Vancouver because with shipping, the online stuff ended up being more than I wanted it to be. Oh well, lesson learned for next year.

    PS. I get that “needy” feeling too. It drives me crazy because I feel annoying and clingy but I can’t help it! I JUST WANT TO BE LOVED. 😉

  12. Mica says:

    I’ve done almost all of my shopping online because we’re getting back to Richmond so late this year. Plus, I get really stressed and grouchy when I have to deal with big holiday lines. Also, buying online has been good for getting gifts that “give back”, which was one of my goals this year.

    Let’s see, I got my mom a silk scarf from the “Mékong Blue” project. (The women weave the scarves as a way to support their families.) Geez, it still sounds exploitative, but I swear, it’s not.

  13. Adam says:

    LOVE the pictures 🙂

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