Trying tea

By , January 19, 2011 1:15 pm

I’ve been trying to get in to the habit of having a cup of tea in the afternoon at work, rather than mindlessly snacking (which is what I used to do). Even though I add some soy milk and a bit of sugar, I think drinking tea is better than eating junk food. And tea makes me feel full and warms me up.

However, I have only found two kinds I like – ALDI brand Winter Spice and Stash Chai.

I’ve tried apple cinnamon and green tea (both without milk) and just didn’t take to them. The apple cinnamon had a weird bitter taste that gave me a headache, and the green tea was too “plant-y.”* I think maybe I only like the Chai and Winter Spice because I always add milk and sugar, and it doesn’t taste too much like tea?

Do you drink tea? Do you have any flavored teas to recommend to me?

I am happy sticking with these two, I just wonder if anyone has suggestions for something else I might like.

*Oh, the irony.

37 Responses to “Trying tea”

  1. I think I might possibly be the only Brit in the world who doesn’t like tea.

  2. ChezJulie says:

    Good for you! I’ve been trying to drink a cup of tea in the evenings for the same reason. I really don’t like green tea, even though I know it’s supposed to make you live 100X longer or something!

    My fave is Constant Comment. It’s a black tea flavored with orange and spices. It’s not as overwhelming as some of the chai teas, but has a great scent and taste. It’s made by Bigelow and you can find it at regular grocery stores. (The decaf is a little harder to find).

  3. I love tea, but never think to drink it. I’m also a fan of the chai kind. I think I’m more like you in that I like to add milk to make it creamier.

  4. Kandi says:

    I like tea – black, green, flavored green, herbal. Some are a bit too bitter for me but mostly I just drink them black. My roomie has been wanting to like tea for years but I haven’t found any secrets to help her. If I did, I would totally share with you! I used to always put milk and sugar in my tea but now I am a purist. 😉

  5. Tea is usually my drink of choice (although coffee gets first pick as my drink when I get to work). I prefer it iced, but am a huge fan of TJ’s green tea, peppermint tea, and they also carry some Yogi tea that I like (Detox is the only one I’ll buy- it’s more expensive).

  6. Megan says:

    I go through spurts where I switch to more teas in the afternoons rather than just agua. I got a Peppermint tea from Trader Joe’s this winter I really liked, plus a Stash green and black fusion tea. Might be some ones to try…

    • kilax says:

      Thanks for the recommendations! I like the Stash Chai so maybe I would like the black fusion one too!

  7. Erin says:

    Mmmm, tea. Other than Chai my favorite is rooibos (aka red tea). Specifically vanilla rooibos. I’ve also enjoyed yerba mate.

    We have several other kinds of tea in our cabinets. I’ll bring some of each next time I see you and you can try them!

  8. I really like Sleepytime tea. Of course, thats probably not the best for work but its good. 🙂

  9. Shannon says:

    I’ve tried so hard to like tea! I’ll have to check those out. Maybe I will finally find a tea I like!

  10. martymankins says:

    I do drink hot tea, not as often as I want to, but at least 3 times a week. Green Tea by Lipton is what I mostly have. I like the Mixed Berry flavor. But I have been having the Stash Pomegranate Raspberry green tea a lot, as it has been easier to find. I prefer it over the Lipton the last year or so.

    As for iced tea, I mostly drink that now instead of soda. Gave up 95% of my soda intake about 3 years ago.

    • kilax says:

      Ooo, Pomegranate Raspberry sounds like something I might like!

      I stopped drinking soda about two years ago. Sometimes I crave something with caffeine in it though!

  11. Kapgar says:

    I’ve been moving away from coffee (save for the occasional latté) in favor of loose leaf teas. I’m a junkie for oolongs and pu’erhs but I cannot imagine adding anything to them. Just seems weird to me. Maybe I should drag you to a tea class with me.

    • kilax says:

      That sounds fun. Especially since I have no idea what you’re talking about, with your fancy tea vocabulary!

  12. J says:

    There is a restaurant near me that had Peach ginger tea which I love! It is so good. Other than that I don’t drink it too much. Just coffee in the morning. I really should drink more tea – I know there are so many good flavors out there just waiting to be found!

  13. Etta says:

    I have a tough time drinking hot tea unless I have some sort of respiratory illness or laryngitis. At that point it must contain lots of honey. Otherwise, give me a big ol’ glass of iced tea!

  14. Holly says:

    I have to admit, I always wish I drank more tea, but I don’t really like many kinds! But I have an ALL TIME FAVORITE OMG. And it is: Good Earth Original Sweet & Spicy. Soooooooo gooooood.

  15. Mmm… tea. I wish I drank more tea. I really have been liking the Trader Joe’s winter english blend. I think it’s similar to your winter spice. Trader Joe’s also has a nice Chai tea as well. I’m not home right now, but let me know if you want the exact names on the boxes.

    I also like agave nectar as my sweetener 🙂

  16. Amy says:

    I love tea but I agree that some of them have weird flavors. My absolute favorite, which I have every morning, is Twinings Earl Grey Green Tea. I hate plain green tea (I know what you mean about too planty) and am not real crazy about other flavored versions, but with Earl Gray I love it! I also love chai tea, and all kinds of herbal teas – have you ever tried any of the Yogi Tea brand?

    • kilax says:

      I have not tried that brand! But a few other people have recommended it so it sounds like I need to check it out!

  17. Jen says:

    I love the Yogi, Egyptian Licorice or the Yogi, Throat Comfort kind. I’ve also gotten into loose-leaf tea that I buy at Whole Foods. That way, you can make your own tea. You just need to get an infuser to hold the loose-leaf. I have one like this:

    • kilax says:

      I think my coworker has one of those fancy tea things! I am not sure if I am quite there yet. But Egyptian Licorice… hmm. Is anise the main flavor?

  18. *lynne* says:

    I don’t mind tea… in Malaysia tea is usually taken with sweetened condensed milk, which is really bad for you 🙂 I’ve broken away from that and have successfully trained myself to have tea (*) plain, i.e no milk or sugar. (*) but the tea needs to have proper flavor… I really like Good Earth’s Lemongrass Green Tea, the citrusy taste of the lemongrass cuts the bitter of the green tea. I’ve tried my hand at other teas like fruit teas (Celestial someting’s Berry something), and they’ll do, but I find the flavor overwhelming by the time I reach the end of the cup. btw for a different type of chai, you could try Good Earth’s Sweet&Spicy Herbal Tea, I recently discovered it, and use it as a base to make large portions of chai when requested by the hubs – he loves it 🙂 It’s really strong in the cinnamon department tho, be warned!

  19. sizzle says:

    I love tea!

    I tend to just stick with black tea (with some milk and sweetener) but I like a lot of different herbal teas. There is a tea house near my apartment called Remedy Teas that I adore. They have SO MANY teas to choose from and brew them with a little timer at your table. LOVE.

  20. Bethany says:

    I drink tea a lot, almost every morning at work especially in the winter. I like Bigelow’s Vanilla Chai. It comes in a creamish colored box. I have a hard time finding one that I like too! 🙂

  21. gina says:

    How bout just plain old Lipton tea with milk and a little bit of sugar? I have TONS of teas at home, I can send you a lil sampler package if you want? I’d be happy to do it.

    • kilax says:

      I have never tried Lipton! If you want to send me a sampler I would love it. Or maybe I can try some when I am there? Or we could even visit a tea place together? OH MY GOSH I GET TO SEE YOU IN A MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Alice says:

    have you tried peppermint tea? i find it very refreshing AND it’s supposed to be good for settling tums as well. i don’t like spearmint nearly as much, though – go for peppermint!

  23. Holly says:

    haha – too plant-y! It definitely is. Have you tried green tea with mint? I’ve found that is a little more tolerable….

    You know what kind of stinks, though? I’m slightly anemic and have been drinking green tea because it’s “so good for you,” only to not be able to give blood last month due to low iron (and I take supplements!). Turns out green tea (the tannins?) inhibit the absorption of iron. 🙁

    I know I mentioned it on my blog, but I love Ruby Red Chai from TJ’s! Tastes like Christmas.

    • kilax says:

      Oh my gosh! That is a good thing to know about green tea.

      Tea that tastes like Christmas? Brilliant! And I would have no shame in drinking it all year long! 🙂

  24. Mica says:

    Someone once told me that tea sans sugar and milk tastes like dirt–which is totally true!

    I’ve come to like green tea by itself, but it is very plant-y. I think a spicy Chai is still my favorite.

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