Losing the second one

By , January 20, 2011 6:38 am

Warning: this is about toenails, and inherently gross, so you may not want to read it.

When I lost my first toenail, I thought I was kind of badass. And that toenail (second one on left foot) had been black since August so I was kind of expecting it.

But losing the second toenail? Kind of gross. And creepy.

Last night, half of my middle toenail on my left foot came off. I wasn’t even expecting it. I didn’t know anything was going on with that toenail. It’s kind of weirding me out.

I asked Steven “Why are the toenails on my left foot abandoning ship?!” He responded with, “Because that ship is about to sink.” I guess!

I’m kind of having nightmares like I’ll turn in to that guy in District 9 who became an alien and pulled all of his fingernails and teeth out. Ewww!

Have you ever lost a toenail? Did it weird you out?

And I know you don’t have to be a runner to lose toenails. I know someone who lost a few because their ski boots were too tight. Or too lose. Or something (I never get the story right).

30 Responses to “Losing the second one”

  1. Kandi says:

    I have yet to lose a toenail. I know it’s fairly common with runners but I’m hoping that I can hang onto mine for a while longer. 🙂

  2. Megan says:

    Never lost one yet– fingers crossed, because I would definitely be creeped out! I know I’m not badass 🙂

  3. ChezJulie says:

    Not a runner so no input, but that was creepy in District 9!

  4. Haven’t lost one…but I have some pretty gnarly callouses built up on the sides of my feet…they kind of gross me out, but also make me feel badass. 🙂

  5. Erin says:

    I’ve only lost the one that turned black but I’ve got another one on my other foot that I noticed is pretty beat up even if it isn’t black. I wonder if that one will eventually fall off, too.

    • kilax says:

      I bet it will. And don’t be surprised if the toe next to it starts to think that might be a good plan of action for it as well, then decides to jump ship!

  6. Bethany says:

    Ewww…okay so I’ve never lost a toenail or a fingernail but I can imagine it’s anything but pleasant!

  7. Chad says:

    I have never lost one, but my wife did. It was 3 months after her marathon. It just kept getting looser and looser, standing up higher and higher. Finally she went to the doc, and the doc said “I’m not going to lie, this is going to hurt a lot.”
    The takeaway: If a doctor asks if you have a ride home, say yes. They will not give you good drugs if you have to drive home.

  8. Marcia says:

    I think I’ve lost 2 officially…but 2 more are threatening to go. They seem to hang on just long enough so you think they’re not going to fall off, but then they do. At least its winter so I can keep their hideous blackness covered.

  9. I still have all my toenails, and somewhat respectable looking feet. I dont run long distances though. Partly out of fear that I will wind up with ugly feet like my moms.

  10. diane says:

    Ha! I thought about The Fly first, and then District 9.
    I hope you are not turning into an arthropod. :p

  11. Kapgar says:

    Why are they falling out and why do you seem so calm about it? I’d be freaking out. Is this normal for runners?

    • kilax says:

      It is very common for long distance runners to lose toenails, from all of the forward motion on your toes (hitting the front of your running shoes). I am surprised it took me this long for them to come off!

  12. Alice says:

    as you may know, i lost my big toenail on my left foot so many times i finally just had it permanently removed, because it couldn’t grow back in properly anymore! so i just don’t have a big toenail, ever. i don’t mind it! just paint over where the nail was and no one knows 😉

  13. Stephany says:

    Ha! I love this post. I haven’t lost any but I told my mom I can’t wait for the day I do because that’s when I know I’m a serious runner! 😉

    My mom, on the other hand, has lost one on each toe and it looks like her BIG TOENAIL is threatening to come off!! It’s an odd shade and we’re praying that doesn’t fall off because, ew!

    • kilax says:

      Hee hee! Your comment totally cracks me up 🙂 I hope your mom doesn’t lose her big toenail! But another commenter did say you can just paint it to make it look like it is there! 🙂

  14. Holly says:

    I have actually never lost a toenail before! I do agree it makes people seem like a COMPLETE badass, though. Also really gross, though, my feet are really “tough” from running (like my skin, ew). They have actually even asked if I am a runner when I’ve gotten pedicures. 🙁

  15. bobbi says:

    I’ve lost part of it – I had one (second toe, right foot – my second toes are longer than my big toes so they are forever causing me problems) turned black after my first half, but hung on and kind of separated underneath some. Then it kind of grew back strangely – like a double layer toenail. And the top layer separated later, but the bottom had already grown in. It was ugly and very strange…

    • kilax says:

      I have Morton’s Toe too (longer second toe). That one always has the most damage. And I had the double layer toenail too. EWW!!!

  16. Mallory says:

    I lost my baby toenail a few months ago due to blunt force trauma: Slam toe into metal, bleed and cry, get over it; a few weeks later wonder why toenail is wiggley. Have nail pretty much fall into hand.

    It was actually pretty creepy the first time for me, because I thought since my toenail appeared to have healed fine after the initial cut and pain that I was good, then it just dropped off with no pain or blood whatsoever.

    I do find it a bit disconcerting that your fell off out of nowhere….that is strange.

    • kilax says:

      Oh, ouch! I am happy it came off with no pain! I wonder if I did something to mine and don’t recall!

  17. Jamie says:

    I’ve lost the 2nd nail on both toes at different times. I felt like a badass when it first happened but now that they don’t grow back right it’s expected and annoying.

  18. Wow! I kind of wish I’ve lost a toenail, but alas, I am not that fortunate. I’ve had the opportunity to watch my boyfriend lose a few though.

  19. Amy says:

    I’ve lost one on my right foot and am in the process of losing one on my left foot. It amazes me how long it takes…

  20. Kim, seriously, for that yoga pose try the class in the link on my blog post and you will be able to do it. He sneaks you into it – my sister had the same experience I did! It only takes a half hour. Keep me posted if you try it!

  21. my toenail turned blue when I was a XC runner in HS (first time ever running really) and I told my coach expecting sympathy. Sadly, he deadpanned “congratulations; you’re a runner.”

  22. Jen says:

    I have been running for 20 years and have only lost one — I think the shoes I was wearing were too tight. I like having toenails so I make sure my shoes fit well. So far, so good.

  23. Adam says:

    What, no pictures!?!?! (see also my most recent blog post)

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