Friday Question #149

By , February 18, 2011 5:22 am

Have you ever tried hypnotherapy (being hypnotized)? What were you hoping to achieve through hypnotherapy? Did it work?


If given the opportunity, would you try hypnosis? What would you hope to achieve (rather, what would you work on)?

I read an interesting article in Fitness Magazine recently (read it here) about how many studies show that hypnosis works, and how you can take some of the hypnosis tools – thinking positively, managing expectations for pain, imagining a successful outcome of something stressful – and apply them to your daily life to improve performance, fight pain, get past your fears, and so on. And of course, the article mentions celebrities who have used it to lose weight, reduce anxiety, and quit smoking.

So would I try it? Sure! I am game for many things. I would probably try to use it to reduce anxiety/stress, because that seems to be where most of my issues are stemming from lately!

28 Responses to “Friday Question #149”

  1. Amy says:

    Nope, I never tried hypnosis. I have had reiki therapy which was actually kind of like being hypnotized in that the therapist got me into a very deep relaxed state. I only had about three sessions but it really helped me get through a difficult time I was going through.

  2. J says:

    Im on the fence – not sure if I would do that or not. Kind of scares me!

  3. Tracy says:

    Never done it myself, but my college roommate’s mother is a psychologist whose practice focuses on hypnosis. She swears by it! (For a lot of the reasons you say: visualization, getting over the fear/expectation of a negative outcome, etc.)

  4. I’ve never tried it, but I definitely would love to, for the same reasons you mentioned. I’m not sure it would work for me, though; I think I’m just too skeptical for something like that to be effective.

    <3 <3

  5. ChezJulie says:

    I’m a skeptic, too, but it would sure be great if it worked!

  6. sizzle says:

    I would try it. Have considered it seriously actually.

  7. bobbi says:

    I would try it – I actually read about it for use in birthing, but after I’d had my last baby. I totally would have given that a shot…

    • kilax says:

      The article mentions that! That if you help the pregnant person visualize the pain, it helps with the birth! Very interesting.

  8. Erin says:

    I’ve always wondered if I could be hypnotized. I’m really bad at visualizing things and I’m just generally anxious so I don’t know if I could really relax enough. I’d try it, though, just to see what happened.

  9. Alice says:

    i’m totally a skeptic, but still want to do it!! i’ve gone to those hypnotist/comedian shows before, and i’ve TRIED to get “put under” and it’s never worked. (whereas i’ve been with people who were just casually watching from the audience, and when the hypnotist snapped his fingers for the people on stage to go under, my friend passed out cold in his seat. it was awesome.)

  10. diane says:

    My aunt used a hypnotist to quit smoking! It worked!!
    I would like to stop some of my OCD/fidgety stress habits. But…how do you even find a good hypnotist? Would it be covered by insurance? I don’t know how much it even costs! (these things may be answered in the article–in which case, disregard)

    • kilax says:

      Oh gosh, I know nothing about those things and they weren’t answered in the article. But I am guessing it’s not covered. I wonder if it costs as much as a regular therapy session?

    • Pam says:

      The best way to find a good or reputable hypnotist is to have one recommended to you by someone who has already seen them. Your doctor/pharmacist might be able to give you a starting point.

  11. I would try hypnosis. I think it would be a neat experience. Now I have to go check out the article!

  12. Kristina says:

    My husband did hypnosis to stop smoking, and he swears by it. He doesn’t say that it is the answer for everyone, and he admits that there are times when he misses smoking, but somehow that therapy totally clicked for him.

  13. Pam says:

    I have been hypnotised 3 times – once for relaxation to get me through dental work whilst I was pregnant and couldn’t have valium, once for a relaxation/guided meditation session and once to be regressed to a past life. I can honestly say that the gimmicky stuff stage hypnotists do is nothing like the real thing and the experiences I’ve had have been wonderfully relaxing and enlightening. I want to be regressed again because I have more questions to be answered about what it actually “is” but nevertheless the feeling of wellbeing and emotional stability gained from it is wonderful. I’d recommend it to anyone. Good luck!

  14. lifestudent says:

    Hmmm. I’d say “I dont know?” I know people who have done it for smoking and not had it work, but I firmly believe that if you have an issue/problem then you should seek out all avenues to help you. If hypnosis would/could work, would you kick yourself for not trying it?

    How about yoga? People swear that its the best relief when it comes to anxiety and/or tension. Me? I just drink away my anxiety 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Yoga does not seem to work at all to relieve stress for me. I just sit there and think about all of the things I need to do! I am working on getting better about that, actually.

  15. Charlotte says:

    Oooh – I took a whole hypnotherapy class in preparation for my 3rd son’s birth. “Hypnobabies” – yeah, seriously. Did the entire course, was all prepared to have the drug-free birth of my dreams. And? TOTAL fail. I went drug free all right but the pain was off the charts. PTSD inducing actually. So I don’t know if I just can’t be hypnotized or if it’s a crock but if you try it and it works, let me know!

  16. Laura says:

    I’d do pretty much anything if I were guaranteed less stress and anxiety!

  17. Mica says:

    I don’t know if I’d try hypnosis. The idea of it kind of freaks me out.

    Yesterday, I was flipping through the Free “Exercise TV” options, and one was for “Meditation”–which I confused with “hypnosis. Oh man.

  18. Bethany says:

    I’ve never tried hypnosis but I have watched people be hypnotized. It’s really interesting but I don’t know if I’d be brave enough to try it. Like the above commenter I have to admit it freaks me out some.

  19. Never tried hypnosis too although my college psychology professor kinda demonstrated it to us. If I will undergo one, I want the therapist to say to me to stop procrastinating. Hope it works.

  20. Michel says:

    One of my friends used it to quit smoking. She’s been smoke free for about 5 years now I think. Even hates it now!

  21. Ayla says:

    I’ve never tried hypnosis but I think it would be fun! I’m not sure if it would work on me but it’s worth a try. This is getting added to my bucket list.. haha.

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