Snow cat says…

By , March 7, 2011 11:35 am

When will all of this snow be gone?!?!

(Yes, he got up there on his own)

Soon, Snow Cat, soon.

Thankfully, there is not much snow here. A lot of it has melted. All that is left are these big ugly piles of it.

Is there much snow left (if it was ever there!) where you live?

It feels like spring is on its way – it’s getting lighter earlier, there have been birds singing early in the morning, and I can actually see (ugly) grass! Even though I struggle when we move back in to Daylight Savings Time (next Sunday) I will appreciate the extra light in the evening.

19 Responses to “Snow cat says…”

  1. Kandi says:

    Pretty much all our snow is gone now. We didn’t get a ton this year (though I woke up to a dusting that was frozen to my windshield!) but I’m glad it’s all gone. It is definitely starting to feel like spring in these parts. It was warm and rainy all day yesterday (until it got cold overnight and turned to snow briefly).
    Snow cat is too funny. I can’t believe he climbed up on that snow!

  2. Yeow! Our snow has been gone for months, it was bad from November-December, but 2011 has (touch wood) been snow free.

    Snow cat is awesome. That’s a massive mound of snow for a pretty small cat to climb!

  3. I heart Data!!!! He is so cute and so full of personality!!! We got way too much snow this winter!!! But, Spring is here for us, YAY!! I will send some warm weather your way!!! Ugh, did you say Daylight Savings Time?!?!?! I’ve been avoiding looking to see when it is; I struggle too!!!

  4. There was a drenching rain here yesterday that got rid of the last of the snow… I’ve never been so happy for rain in my life. The winter has gone on for way too long…

    <3 <3

  5. gina says:

    I am happy to report to Snow Cat that all our snow is gone. Looking forward to seeing all the flowers starting to bloom. Soon.

    Where is Snow Cat’s boots?

  6. J says:

    Well the snow had melted here on Saturday but then we got about 6 more inches yesterday 🙁 Boo I am ready for spring time!

  7. Shannon says:

    Our snow is melting, but there’s a long way to go! I love that Data let’s you walk him on a leash!

  8. bobbi says:

    I will be happy when ALL the snow is gone…ugh. Waiting for spring is making me cranky. And as much as I hate the time change, maybe DST will help…

  9. Yay for Snowcat! We had a crazy rain/snow blizzard thsi morning but it didn’t stick. I want spring sooooooooo bad!!!

  10. Stephany says:

    Oh, gosh. I couldn’t imagine. It dipped into the upper 50s here last night and I was very unhappy about that. 😉 We don’t have snow here in Florida and we had a VERY mild winter. So I’m happy about that!

  11. martymankins says:

    Just about every flake of snow in the valley is gone. We are supposed to get more this week, but not sure how long it will stay around.

    The mountains are still getting a good 6-12 inches a few times a week.

  12. Mica says:

    Most of our snow is gone; just a few remnants of plowed snowpiles remain. They are so ugly.

    I’m surprised Data wants to get his feet cold on those piles of snow!Brrr, Snowcat, Brrr!

  13. lifestudent says:

    Hahaha. You take your cat out on a leash. Now thats fun!

  14. Erin says:

    And soon we will be running after work in the light! Although I bet Snow Cat isn’t as excited about that as you and I are.

  15. Laurie says:

    It’s all gone here (except for a giant mound in the parking lot where I work )– we had a few days in the high 50s and lots of ran that washed it away.
    Also I so love that your cat lets you put him on a leash.

  16. ChezJulie says:

    I heart Snowcat.

  17. Bethany says:

    We’ve had a lot of rain lately, so it melted the last of the snow but now they are saying we’re going to get snow tonight/tomorrow. Oy, I’m so done with it all!

  18. Etta says:

    I find it mildly disturbing that you put your cat on a leash.

    Our snow is all gone, but I wish the ground would hurry up and dry! We need to fertilize our lawn and can’t until the sun comes out and dries the dirt!

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