Friday Question #152

By , March 11, 2011 5:33 am

Do you pay attention to/keep track of your blood pressure? It is a health concern for you? Are you within the healthy range (at or under 120/80)?

From here.

My blood pressure is usually slightly over 120/80. I often have a reading between 135-120/80ish. I don’t worry about it, because I exercise so much, but I do wonder why my blood pressure isn’t lower. I know I am a highly anxious person and wonder if that has any effect. I have an annual appointment in April, and am anxious to see if my blood pressure has gone down since last year.

This week, I read a really interesting study* which concluded that having a blood pressure reading above 120/80** may not actually indicate a risk for hypertension and development of life-threatening problems. Researchers studied two decades of blood pressure data and found that those above 120/80 were not more likely to die prematurely than those under 120/80. The study found that:

Among people over 50, the most meaningful predictor of poor health was the systolic blood pressure — the first, or upper, number given in a blood pressure reading. In this older group, a systolic pressure of 140 or higher was most predictive of mortality. Among people under 50, it was the diastolic pressure, or second number, that was most predictive. In this group, a diastolic pressure of 100 or more was most predictive of poor health. In younger people, having a systolic reading of 200 or higher was also predictive of higher mortality.

The article suggested that maybe people slightly over 120/80 should focus on health conditions other than their blood pressure, and that doctors intervening could cause more risk than harm (maybe they mean if people starting taking blood pressure medication or something?). Blood pressure guidelines are being discussed by the eighth National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure this year.

*From from researchers at the Veterans Affairs Health Care System in Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota.
**The blood pressure guideline set in 2003 by the seventh National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure.

27 Responses to “Friday Question #152”

  1. Marcia says:

    My dad and one of my brothers are/have been on meds for high BP so I’m always interested to hear what my numbers are. That said mine is low: just had my annual physical the other day. It was 95/60. Interesting studies. I think there are so many factors that go into mortality it’s hard to isolate just one.

  2. J says:

    Every time I got to the doctors my BP is slightly elevated because I get nervous lol! So they told me to check mine every once in a while just to make sure. usually mine is 110/70 but I haven’t checked in a while so i don’t know.

  3. Mine is always really low. This is fine, except when you have just had surgery and they completely freak out about it until the doctor tells them it is fine.

    I think a lot of things they thought were bad (blood pressure numbers, weight, etc.) are actually fine. Everyones body is different and as long as it doesn’t change dramatically I bet it isn’t harmful.

  4. I have no idea what mine is – but whenever I go to the docs, they say it is really good…

  5. Erin says:

    Growing up I remember my dad being diagnosed with high blood pressure but mine has always been fine. At least, I get told “Good!” whenever I go to the doctor. But, like I told you earlier this week, when I got it tested right before the marathon it was pretty close to 120/80 so I have to wonder if that should be the cut-off for everyone or if there are other factors involved.

  6. Jen says:

    I’ve never had a problem with my BP. But I’m always more curious about my resting HR. For me, that’s a sign of health. Also, I’m more interested in how fast I can get my HR down after I’ve worked out. That’s an even better indication of a healthy heart.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, those are both really good things to know! I had a HR monitor watch in college and was pretty in to that! Not so much now (even though the Garmin can do it).

  7. Kandi says:

    My Dad has high BP and low cholesterol (despite not always eating well or exercising other than his job)and my mom has highish cholesterol and very low BP. It’s interesting because my mom watches her diet way more than my dad and she exercises but still doesn’t have low cholesterol. I’ve always hoped that I’ll get my dad’s cholesterol levels and my mom’s BP.
    According to my blood donor card, the last 4 times I had my BP checked for blood donation it was 132/64, 120/78, 120/76, 128/80. So for now I’m doing ok. That 132/64 looks kinda funny but who knows… that was from 2006 I think. I haven’t kept up with blood donations like I used to. I think they can impact your running and I try not to donate if I have a race within 2 weeks of donation time. Do you ever donate? I find that you get a little mini physical and help others all at one time.

  8. bobbi says:

    Except for when I was pregnant, my BP has always been right around 110/70. It’s my cholesterol that sucks!

  9. gina says:

    I had my BP tested yesterday at my appointment and I was 120/78. Le Normal.

  10. Dad says:

    Average last 10 years 131/84 which I guess is OK for an old guy.

  11. diane says:

    My new company offers a wellness discount on benefits for a healthy blood pressure range. And another for healthy cholesterol levels, another for healthy blood sugar levels, and another for healthy BMI. 🙂 I think I’ll get all the discounts except for BMI. Woo hoo!
    My blood pressure runs naturally low–around 116/60. But the last time I went in it was really high for me. Maybe the spa appointment before the new job starts will bring it down so I can get my discount! (or I need to pet the kitties more in the morning–ha)

    • kilax says:

      Oh, that is really cool that your new company is doing that! I have never been in a healthy BMI range though. I look really skinny when I am at the top of a healthy BMI!

  12. Alice says:

    mine’s always been very low (top number usually between 90 – 110) so i’ve never given my BP much thought! except for the times they’ve had to retake my BP because it was TOO low. i don’t know what that means for my health??

  13. Stephany says:

    The past two times I’ve had my blood pressure check have been during times I’ve been highly anxious (at the ER when I sliced my thumb and two weeks ago when I was getting checked out to see if I had shingles, while I was convinced it was something much, more serious, lol). So I don’t think they’re all that accurate for my normal state. I do put some stock in it, but don’t really worry about it all too much!

  14. ChezJulie says:

    Mine is always low – 120 over 80 – but my cholesterol is high. It’s always something, right?

  15. Lexie says:

    I never worry about it! Maybe I should?

    And I sometimes think I’m makeup retarded. I just try to stay away from dark colors so it’s not as obvious that I have no idea what I’m doing!

  16. Holly says:

    For some reason mine has always been pretty low…I don’t know if that’s bad? I suppose I should find that out….

  17. Denise says:

    Yesterday at the Doctor’s office it was 110/70. I usually have a low reading. It has been as low as 96/54. Was a little light headed when it was that low.

  18. Anne says:

    I don’t check my blood pressure, but it has mostly always been on track. I do know I need to be careful eventually, as my mom has high blood pressure.

    Thanks for your encouragement today 🙂

  19. Kayla says:

    With me being in school for a health care profession, this was very interesting to me and I went straight to the study article! yes I am a nerd!:) I noticed some tiny details because of the way I’ve been taught to read into things (I won’t point them all out), but as long as your BP is not WAY over 120/80 I don’t think that most people have a ton to worry about. I think Doctors just want that category so that people start thinking about it because Heart Disease is such a big problem in our country(#1 cause of death).

  20. Gretchen says:

    I’m about like you, but older. So I finally did the whole mess to get it checked out – checking bp at home, bloodwork, ekg, and echocardiogram. It’s reasonable at home – 120 something over 70 something, heart rate is fast even though I exercise, but everything else looks OK. Didn’t check cholesterol because I wasn’t fasting, which is kind of annoying. But anyway, it turns out I can say it’s just high when I’m at the doctor. But I am frustrated because I exercise, try to eat right, and I’m not overweight. Just stressed out, I guess.

  21. Bethany says:

    Last I knew, my blood pressure was on the low side, which runs in my family. So no, past that I don’t keep track of it. Should I?!

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