
By , March 22, 2011 4:27 pm

As a continuation of my similarities/differences to parents post – another difference? My mom is completely selfless and I am completely selfish.

Example? Awhile ago Erin mentioned that Charlotte from The Great Fitness Experiment was going to Cedar Falls, IA to do a book signing. My parents live very close to Cedar Falls, so I immediately thought “Ooo, I can ask my mom to go to the book signing and get a signed copy of the book for Erin as a surprise!”

So I sent my mom an email casually mentioning the book signing and she immediately called me to ask if I wanted her to go. No hesitation. You ask her for a favor and she is ready and willing to help.

Me, not so much. I say no. My mom called me last two Sundays ago to ask if I could make cookies for a bridal shower the following Saturday and I told her no – that I didn’t have time. And I felt like a total bitch. She does so much for me. Why can’t I make the time?

Anyway, she went to the book signing. And I gave her bad instructions – you had to pre-register to participate in some cooking thing that I didn’t know about. She got there too late to participate but too early for the reading so she just sat there and waited. By herself, until Charlotte spoke.

She absolutely loved Charlotte and called me to rave about her after the reading/signing.

Charlotte and my mom

She kept saying how nice and upbeat and fun Charlotte is. She sure does sound that way. I wish I could have been there! Instead, I sent my mom on her own. What a sweetie! My mom gets major props for always being supportive and giving… and selfless.

Who is the most selfless person you know?

My mom also does sweet things like send me packages at work. She sent this bear for St. Patrick’s Day!

13 Responses to “Selfless”

  1. Gina/Mannyed says:

    Your mom is the sweetest!

    Well, I know someone that sent me a very cool necklace that I love in the mail last week. I’d say that person who sent it to me was pretty selfless!

  2. ChezJulie says:

    Your mom is very sweet. What about the time she hid the presents (for Data?) while she was visiting for you to find later?

    But you’re not at all selfish and I’m sure your mom would not want you to think of yourself that way. I always get a lot from your supportive comments on my blog.

    • kilax says:

      I know! She is so cute! She does a zillion things for me, like hiding the gifts, that I don’t even blog about. Because how many times can I blog about my awesome mom before it gets old? Ha ha.

      Thank you for your nice comment. 🙂

  3. Kandi says:

    What a great Mom! I wonder if becoming a Mom makes you a lot more selfless? My Mom probably would have done the same thing for me if I asked her casually for her to do something. She has many times before. She doesn’t ask me for too much in return though.

    • kilax says:

      It is TOTALLY a mom thing. Which is why I am pretty sure I would never be a good mom. 😉

  4. Erin says:

    I’m so excited to read the book (yay for new book to read on the plane tomorrow!). Huge thanks to you for thinking of this and HUGE thanks to your mom for doing it. She definitely thinks of other people first. I agree that most times that’s a good thing and as long as the person doing it is happy then good for them. I think it becomes a bad thing when you neglect yourself and feel stressed out. They write those magazine articles on how to say no for a reason!

    Have you ever taken the 5 Love Languages test? Your mom would definitely fall into the category of doing things for others (Acts of Service) as her main love language.

    Jason is probably the most selfless person I know, actually. 9 times out of 10 he’ll do whatever I ask. I just feel bad asking!

    • kilax says:

      Aww, you’re welcome! I am excited to hear what you think of the book. Just thumbing through it, I thought it looked really good!

      I have actually been trying to be better about saying “no” because I tend to over-book myself and not leave any time to relax! But saying no to family feels wrong, even if it isn’t.

      I haven’t taken that test. Is it online somewhere?

      That is great about Jason! A great trait to have in a husband. I feel like Steven does a lot for me (especially when I effed up my car and when it comes to cooking and taking care of the house (maintenance, not cleaning))!

  5. Amy says:

    Your mom sounds awesome!

  6. J says:

    My mom is the same way – I try to be less selfish but sometimes its hard. I think I may become more selfless when I have kids.

  7. Holly says:

    Your mom is SO sweet (and so are you!). You know, sometimes I wish I could say “no” more….I guess I’ve gotten better at it, but still feel like I get duped into doing things because of guilt!

    • kilax says:

      ME TOO! I want to help and be involved but sometimes I say yes when I shouldn’t. I have been trying really hard not to lately – I need some downtime too!

  8. Stephany says:

    Oh, my mom is exactly the same way. She has been so awesome these past few weeks as I’ve been buried in homework and paper-writing. She does SO MUCH for me, it’s a little ridiculous! 🙂

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